Research Outcomes


Sr. No. Name of the Project and Duration Name of Teachers Amount of Seed Money Provided (INR in Lakhs) Sanctioned Year
1 “The study of cardiac biomarkers in Prediabetes and in Established type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Dr. Sarita Shinde 2.5 2022-23
2 Clinico-biochemical correlation of CMV viral load and Tacrolimus levels in follow up study of renal transplant patients Dr.Abhijit Pratap 2.5 2022-23

List of Ph.D. Students

Sr. No. Name of the faculty Title of the Research Topic Name of the Research Student Date of enrolment of the Research Student
1 Dr. Umesh More Association between Serum Anti-Mullerian Hormone and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone in obese and Non-obese women. Mrs. Nidhi Purandare -

List of ICMR – STS Research projects sanctioned

Sr. No. Name of the Project Investigators Name of the Guide Year of Award Duration of the project Funding Agency Total amount of funds received Status
1 Screening for vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women Mr. Ashir Mehra Dr. Lalana Takale 2015 2 months ICMR STS 10,000/- Completed
2 Antenatal detection of hemoglobinopathies using RBC indices for screening Sukanya Singh Dr. Lalana Takale 2016 2 months ICMR STS 10,000/- Completed
3 Study of minerals in hypothyroidism Isha Agrawal Dr. Sandesh Thorat 2018 2 months ICMR STS 10,000/- Completed
4 Study of Vitamin D and inflammatory markers (hs-CRP) in patients with dyslipidemia. Mansi Dr. Sandesh Thorat 2019 2 months ICMR STS 10,000/- Ongoing
5 Study of lipid profile in context with polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescent group Sadhvi pathare Dr. Umesh More - 3 months DPU 5,000/- Completed
6 Study of Vitamin D and inflammatory markers (hs-CRP) in patients with dyslipidemia. Mansi Dr. Sandesh Thorat 2019 2 months - 10,000/- Completed

Research Summary

Sr. No. Name of the CME/Conference/ Workshop Date Place Name of the Participant
1 Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International certificate ofExcellence in Reviewing 8th Feb 2022 Online Dr.D.Y.Patil Medical College,Hospital and Research Centre,Pimpari,Pune Dr. Sarita Shinde
2 All India Institute of medical Science ,Rajkot Symposium – Cellular & Molecular Biomarkers 14th May 2022 Online Dr.D.Y.Patil Medical College,Hospital and Research Centre,Pimpari,Pune Dr. Sarita Shinde
3 Workshop IMPACT 2022 ‘Scientific writing & Reviewing’ 15-17 sep.2022 Online Dr.D.Y.Patil Medical College,Hospital and Research Centre,Pimpari,Pune Dr. Pradnya Phalak