Best Practices

  1. PG seminar and case presentation - Done 4 times a week - All PG teachers attend the PG clinics - Teachers give marks out of 10 based on the PG student’s performance
  2. JHU and ILBS- International MOU with JHU, USA is in place and PG students from DPU present clinically interesting cases in a video conference with JHU, twice a year. The video conference session occurs every month and 4-6 Indian medical colleges participate in it.
  3. ILBS-DPU-Medicine department has signed a MOU with the institute of Liver & Billary Sciences, New Delhi, under which the ILBS professors conduct lectures every 15 days (By Web Conference) on topics of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. It is a one year distance learning certificate course. Exams are conducted by ILBs at the end of one year and the successful PG students are awarded a course completion certificate by the ILBS.

Medicine department organized monthly interdepartmental Clinical Meeting.