Sr. No
Name of the principal investigator
Title of the project
Amount/ Fund received
(in rupees)
Dr. P. D. Khuje
Dr. M. S. Karandikar
Yoga and pranayama: Immunological modulators in patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension
Dr. V. G. Jaltade
Dr. M.S. Karandikar
Effect of Ayurvedic drugs on cardiovascular function in an experimental model of undernutrition
Comparative Analysis of Secretomes organ culture of Human Placenta Amnion
Dr. H. G. Deshpande
Effect of Ayurvedic drugs on reproductive function in a multigenerationally undernourished female wistar rat colony
Dr. Shrikant Tripathy
A pilot study to determine T cell immune response in seriously ill COVID19 patients: A pilot observational study in Pune India.
Dr. Shahaji Chauvan
Efficacy of liquid biopsy in cancer breast, a study in department of Surgery
Dr. N. N. Sirdesai
Effect of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Offspring of undernourished mothers
Extramural projects Extramural (International) Ongoing Research Projects:
Sr. No.
Title of Research Project
Sponsoring Agency
Year in which the project approved
Research Grant sanctioned
Efficacy in treating iron deficiency anemia of pregnancy with lactoferrin
University of Sydney Australia
Dr. M. S.Karandikar Dr.A.A.Hardikar Dr.William Tarnow-Mordi
A pilot study to assess the effect of intranasal oil instillation (Pratimarasha Nasya) on nasal barrier function among healthy individuals
PI: Dr Sarika Chaturvedi Co-PI: Dr. Mahesh Karandikar & Dr Srikanth Tripathy
Research Grant sanctioned (Amt. in Rs.)
PI: Dr Sarika Chaturvedi
Co-PI: Dr. Mahesh Karandikar & Dr Srikanth Tripathy
Faculty ongoing research projects:
Project Title
Faculty Name
Evaluation of the role of traditional oral hypoglycemic drugs in pancreatic β cell regeneration
PI- Dr. M. S. Karandikar
Effect of 16 generations of a recuperation diet in a multi-generationally undernourished wistar rat colony
Bone status in a Wistar rat model of caloric restriction and effect of a recuperation diet
Pancreatic regeneration in a multi-generationally undernourished wistar rat colony.
Understanding molecular signatures that allow for production of insulin by human cells
miRNA biomarker prediction studies
A study of birth defects in the newborn babies at a semi urban tertiary care center.
PI- Dr. R. S. Sood
Introduction of interactivity in didactic lecture, in the form of ‘confusion technique to enhance learning.
Co-PI- Dr. SS Jadhav,
Dr. (Mrs.) N. G. Borade
A comparative study on knowledge of HPV and attitude towards its vaccination in medical, paramedical and non medical students.
PI- Udita Ganguly
Co. PI - Dr. N. N. Sirdesai
Cardiac autonomic function status in GERD with &without erosive oesophagitis
PI- Dr. A. N. Patil
Co-PI- Dr. B. N. Pande&
Flaxseeds (Linumusitatissium) effects on functional cerebral asymmetries in fine ,motor co-ordination of postmenopausal women
PI- Dr. A. N. Patil Co-PI- Dr. (Mrs.) N. G. Borade
List of ICMR – STS Research projects Completed:
Name of the Project
Investigators (MBBS Student)
Name of the Guide (Faculty)
Year of Award
Total Amount of Funds Received
Coexistences of obesity and anaemia in young adults.
Mr.Anurag Rathod
Dr. Neelam Prasad
Exposure to Air pollution and fuel vapours: A pulmonary function study.
Mr.Nikhil Bhandari
Dr. S. R. Salvi
To study pulmonary functions and lipid profile in smokers.
Miss.Ananya Garg
Dr. N.G.Borade
Inter-relationship of Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist-to – hip Ratio (WHR) & Body Fat Percentage (BF %) with Blood Pressure among first year MBBS students
Miss. Meera Dattani
Dr. S. T. Methre
Additional wakefulness: A study on self violation, chronic sleep restriction and its effect on medical students.
Mr. Manoj
Impact of video games on physiological responses & well being in medical students.
Mr. Gitartha Goswami
Effect of laughter on pulmonary functions in elderly people.
Miss. Mahek Bariana
Dr. A. A. Jadhav
Association of interarm blood pressure difference with family history of hypertension, anthropometric parameters & mean Arterial blood pressure in normotensive people.
Miss. Priyanka Sanjay Joshi
Eyeing computer vision syndrome: Awareness, Knowledge & its Impact on sleep quality among medical students.
Miss. Bhavya
Dr. A. N. Patil
Association of age of menarche with BMI & waist –hip ratio in school going girls
Miss. Prerna Pandey
Preventing the silent epidemic: Study of hearing threshold, sleep pattern and awareness among earphone users (2020-08713)
Miss.Vasvi Jain
Dr. S.S. Jadhav
ICMR – STS Ongoing Research projects:
(MBBS student)
Name of the Guide
Generation Z: Preference, attitude towards print & electronic books for academic use and its effect on cognition in undergraduate students
Miss. Samiksha Patil
Dr. Ramya Jayakumar
List of Ph.D Scholars:
Research Scholar
Title of the Research Topic
Research Guide (Research Supervisor )
Date of enrolment of the Research Student
Study of autonomic nerve functions and electrophysiological parameters of peripheral nerves in Type 2 diabetic males
Dr. S. A. Diwanji
Dr. Deepali Khatri
Electrophysiological assessment of polyneuropathic involvement in rheumatoid arthritis :relationship among demographic ,clinical and laboratory findings.
Dr. N. G. Borade
2011 – 2017
Dr.S.M. Gawali
Assessment of cardiovascular risk in metabolic syndrome : ECG derived index QT dispersion, carotid intima media thickness , cardiometabolic parameters and its correlation with insulin resistance
Assessment of cardiovascular autonomic function in nondialysis nondiabetic chronic kidney disease patients
Dr. Bageshree Pande
Effect of yoga on various inflammatory markers physiological parameters and lipid profile in apparently healthy individuals
Dr. Chhaya Saraf