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Department of Anatomy

Academics Extension and Research
List of Publications
  1. Shinde A , Manvikar P R, Patel D. Virtual online teaching in lieu of cadaveric dissection and traditional learning methods during Anatomy classes in the lockdown times of COVID-19: Students perspective.Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology.July 2022;9(2):97-102.
  2. Shinde A, Patel D. Morphometric veriations in Lobes and Fissures of the Lung: A cadavric Study in Pune Region of Maharashatra .National Journal of Clinical Anatomy .July – Sept 2022:11(3):154-158
  3. Preeti A, Vatsalaswamy P. Variations in Innervation Pattern to Dorsum of Foot by Medial Dorsal Cutaneous Nerve, Intermediate Dorsal Cutaneous Nerve,Lateral Dorsal Cutaneous Nerve with Surgical and Clinical Correlations: A Cadaveric Dissection Based Study. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. Jul-Aug-Sep 2022;10(03):8408-8414
  1. PalveS, Palve S, Bharambe V, Patel R, RoychowdhuryK, Hegade A, Susceptible Factors Awareness and Health Care Management of Covid-19 Patients Discharged from a tertiary Hospital in the Pune District. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results.2023;14(2):1051-1058
  2. Patel D, Shinde A. Variations of Branching Pattern of the Dorsalis Pedis Artery : A cadaveric Study.National Journal of Clinical Anatomy.2023;12(1):42-45 (Scopus)
  3. Shinde A. What has Virtual Education Taught the Anatomists ? A Throwback to the Lockdown Times.Acta Neurophysiologica.February 2023;4(1):1-2 (Scopus, Web of Science, UGC care)
  4. Awari P. Pandey Harsh S. Rare Variations in Brachial Plexux.International Journal of Development and Research. February 2023;13(02):61649-61651.
  5. Bharambe VK, Prasad A, Bokan R, Kalthur S, Manvikar P, Puranam V. The anatomist’s perspective today towards human body donation for procurement of cadavers for study of human anatomy. Electronic Journal of General Medicine. March 2023;20(3):em480. (Scopus, Web of Science)
  6. Bharambe VK, Vijayakumar K, Arunprasad VK, Methepatil S, Jadhav S, Ambike M. A descriptive cross‑sectional study to assess knowledge regarding brain death among health professionals in India. Indian Journal of Transplantation. March 2023;17(01):55-60 (Scopus)
  7. Kanasker N, Sonje P, Vatsalaswamy P. Pan Sacral Agenesis of the Dorsal Wall of Sacral Canal – A case Report. International Journal of Medical Sciences and Innovative Research. May 23;8(3):171-174
  8. Shinde A, Patel D. Morphometry of Rolandic Fissure and Bridge of Wagner. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy. Sept 23;12(03):148-151(Scopus)
  9. Shinde A, Patel D, Manvikar PR. During Virtual Anatomy Sessions, do Educators and Learners Feel More at Ease or Anxious ? Revisiting the Covid -19 Lock Down Times. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy. Oct-December 23;12(04):191-194(Scopus)
  1. Bajpayee P, Kanasker N, Vatsalaswamy P. An unusual Chiari Network: Potential Risk in Cardiac Interventional Procedures. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. March 24;12(1): 8827-8829
  2. Sonje P, Shinde A, Bose Aditya, Kanasker N, Vatsalaswamy P. Morphology of Coracoacromial Ligament and its Role in Biomechanics of Shoulder Joint along with its Surgical Significance. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy. January – March 2024;13(1):31-35 (Scopus)
  3. Chaitanya Singh, Kanasker N. Empowering Medical Education: Unveiling the Significance of Dissection Competitions and Self-directed Learning. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. May 2024;18(05):1-2 (Web of Science)
  4. Girish, P. Sonje, A. Jagtap, P. Borle. DNA methylation of vitamin D genes : A connecting link between vitamin D levels and grade of SARS – CoV-2 infection. Journal of Krishna institute of Medical Sciences University. January – March 2024;13(01):133-139 (Scopus)
  5. Gupta K. Comparative study of nasal index in Haryana and sub- population in India. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy. July 24;13(05):Supplement 1 (S3) (Scopus)
  6. Dinesh K, Shinde A. Synostosis of C7 and T1 with Bilateral Incomplete Foramen Transversarium in T1. International Journal of Anatomy & Research. Sept 24;12(03): 8961-8963 (Scopus)
  7. P. Sonje, Shevade S. Overview of Anatomical Variations in the Vasculature of Suprarenal Gland and its Applied Surgical Importance.International Journal of Anatomy and Research. Dec24;12(04);9079 – 9084(Scopus)
  8. Gupta K, Choudhary S, A Pal Singh Batra. Cross- Sectional Study of Nasal Index in Haryana & Its Comparison with Indian Subpopulations. Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. Dec 24;24(1):65-69 (Scopus)
  9. Jadhav Y, Kanasker N. Surgical Significance of Tibiperoneal Trunk in Lower Limb Revascularization Procedures. Indian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.Dec 24;11(4):229-232 (Web of Science)