Research Outcomes

Ongoing Research

Sr. No. Student name Specialization Topic of Research Name of Investigator
1 Dr Jekha Mary Babu Anaesthesiology A Comparative Study Of Magnesium Sulphate Versus Dexamethasone As An Adjuvant To Bupivacaine In Ultrasound- Guided Transverse Abdominis Plane Block In Patients Undergoing Lower Abdominal Surgeries  Coinvestigator:   Dr Jekha Mary Babu  Principal Investigator – Dr Chhaya M. Suryawanshi 
2 Chandi Priya Singh Anaesthesiology Does Tunneling The Central Venous Catheter Improve Stability? A Prospective Randomized Study Coinvestigator:  Dr. Chandi Priya Singh  Resident  Principal Investigator :  Dr. (Brig.) Vipul Krishen Sharma 
3 Dr. Jayant Bhatia Anaesthesiology Acromio-Axillo-Suprasternal Notch Index Performance in Predicting Difficult Visualisation of The Larynx: an Observational Prospective Study. Co-Investigator Dr. Jayant Bhatia Principal Investigator :  Dr. Chhaya M. Suryawanshi 
4 Dr Pallavi J Anaesthesiology Comparative Study of Tramadol Suppository Versus Iv Injection Tramadol in Patients Undergoing Lower Segment Cesarean Section: Post Operative Analgesia Co-Investigator: Dr Pallavi J Principal Investigator :  Dr Bhavini Shah 
5 Dr. Yukti Roshni Anaesthesiology Relationship between Abdominal Circumference And Incidence of Hypotension During Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anaesthesia Co-Investigator Dr. Yukti Roshni Principal Investigator :  Dr Chhaya M. Suryawanshi
6 Dr.Veda Sumi Durgumpudi Anaesthesiology Ascaris Lumbricoides induced intestinal perforation in Paediatric patient: Anaesthetic challenges and management Co-Investigator Dr.Veda Sumi Durgumpudi Principal Investigator :  Dr. Shweta Singh, Dr Sonal Khatavkar
7 Dr. Anushka Sharma Anaesthesiology Ultrasonography Guided Caudal Block Versus Conventional Landmark Guided Caudal Block in Elective Paediatric Infra Umbilical Sugeries – An Observational Study Co-Investigator Dr. Anushka Sharma Principal Investigator :  Dr Sonal Khatavkar

Research Summary

Sr. No. Name of the project and duration Name of Teachers Amount of seed money provided (INR in Lakhs) Sanctioned Year
1. “Use of fastrach Intubating Laryngeal mask Airway” Duration - One year Dr Smita Joshi, Professor
Dr V.R.R. Chari, Professor & HOD
5,00,000 2017-2018

List of PhD Students

Sr. No. Name of the Guide  Title of the Research Name of the Research Student Date of enrolment of the Research Student
1 Dr. Shahbaz Hasnain Comparison between the effect of bispectral index and minimum alveolar anaesthetic concentration monitoring on recovery profile in patients undergoing general anaesthesia Dr. Aparna Bagle (Girwalkar) Feb. 2019

List of ICMR-STS Research Project Sanctioned

Sr. No. Name of the Project Investigators Name of the Guide Year of Award Durati on of the project Funding Agency Total amount of funds received
1 A comparative study of the tolerance to stress response under spinal anesthesia in diabetic versus non- diabetic patients Prince Saha, 6th semester Dr.Bhavini Shah - One year Self -

Ongoing Research Non Funded Projects

January 2020

Ongoing Research Non Funded Projects



Principal investigator - DR. MARY SAMUEL, PROFESSOR



Principal investigator – DR. BHAVINI SHAH



Ongoing Research Non Funded Projects

1.Topic : “Research on awareness and knowledge of middle and lower middle class population about covid 19”

Principal Investigator : Dr. Sandip Baheti

Co-Investigator : Dr. Ankit Sawhney

Student Investigator:Dr. Gandru Vishnu Teja

2.Topic:-Comparison of dexmedetomedine infusion and fentanyl infusion on haemodynamic stability and postoperative analgesia in spine surgery.

Principal Investigator- Dr.Sheetal Jayakar(associate professor)

Co Investigator- Dr. Shweta Chitranshi(seniorresident)

Student Investigator- Dr.Sumedha Biswas (Junior resident-II)

3.Topic: - Our experience on clinical outcomes of covid-19 dibetic patients after sequential oxygen therapy in tertiary medical college

Principal investigator: Dr.C.M.Suryavanshi (Professor)

Co-Investigator: Dr.Harsha Narkhede (Associate Professor)

Student Investigator:Dr.Dipanjali Mahanta

4.Topic:-To compare the efficacy of Dexmedetomidine V/S Fentanyl based general anesthesia technique in attenuating neuroendocrine and haemodynamic stress response in laparoscopic surgeries

Principal Investigator - Dr. Shilpa Kore, Assistant Professor

Co-Investigator - Dr. Subha Teresa Vazhakalayil, Assistant Professor

Student Investigator -Dr Fathima,Resident

5.Topic:-To compare the efficacy of dexamethasone and fentanyl as an adjuvant to 0.5% bupivacaine and 2% lignocaine in supraclavicular block under sonographic guidance in upper extremity surgeries

Principal investigator: Dr.Shilpa Kore,Assistant professor

Co-Investigator: Dr.Smita Ubhe,Assistant professor

Student Investigator: Dr. Fathima,Resident

6.Topic: Comparison of skin to epiglottis distance in obese and non - obese patients using ultrasonography as a predictor for difficult intubation”

Principal investigator -: Dr. Smita Ubhe (Assistant Professor)

Co-investigator- Dr.Subha Jose (Assistant Professor)

Student investigator- Dr.Preeti Raj (Resident JR II)

7.Topic:-A Prospective Observational Comparitive study to assess ease of intubation with c- mac vs direct laryngoscope , when used for intubation with clear plastic drapes over mayo stand for in Covid negative patients during a pandemic in resource limited setting

Principal investigator: Dr Poonam Bharambe(Assistant professor)

Co-investigators: Dr Ashwini Ghodake (senior resident)

Dr Jasmeet Gill (Senior resident)

DrHarsha Narkhede(Associate professor)

Student Investigator:Dr Khalki Saravankumar

8.Topic:-Prospective observational study of comparison of aerosol box and clear plastic drapes over mayo stand for ease of intubation in covid negative patients during a pandemic in tertiary care hospital in India as a learning curve: A randomised trial

Principal Investigator: Dr Poonam Bharambe

Co-Investigator: Dr Harsha Narkhede(Associate professor)

Student investigators: Dr Tavleen Kaur Brar

9.Topic-Comparision of analgesic efficacy of dexamethasone versus tramadol as an adjuvant to ropivacaine for USG guided transversus abdominis plane block in elective lower segment Cesarean section

Principal investigator- Dr Ashwini Prakash Ghodake

Co investigators- Dr Poonam Bharambe

Dr Jasmeet Gill

Student Investigator:- Dr Anshu Kumari

Sr.No Title of Project Pi Name
1 A Comparative Study Between Transversus Abdominis Block With 0.25% Bupivacaine Versus Local Infiltration With 0.25 % Bupivacine For Postoperative Analgesia In Lower Abdominal Surgeries. Dr.Rakesh D.
2 A Comparative Study Between Transversus Abdominis Block With Ropivacaine (0.2%) And Fentanyl Versus Plain Ropivacaine (0.2%) For Post Operative Analgesia In Lower Abdominal Surgeries Under General Anesthesia. Dr Pratik Kabra
3 A Prospective Study Comparing Low Dose Bupivacaine And Fentanyl Mixture To Conventional Dose Of Hyperbaric Bupivacaine For Elective Lower Segment Caesarean Section. Dr..SandipBaheti
4 “Comparative Study Between Ropivacine And Ropivacaine With Dexamethasone In Combined Femoral – Sciatic Block For Unilaterallower Limb Surgeries Dr.Smita Joshi
5 Comparative Study Of Bupivacaine And Bupivacaine With Dexamethasone In Lumbar Plexus Block For Post-Operative Analgesia Following Hip Surgery Dr.Bhavini Shah
6 Comparative Study Of Transdermal Buprenorphine And Fentanyl For Post-Operative Analgesia In Fractures Around The Knee Joint. Dr.Mary Samuel
7 :Comparision Of Efficacy Of Intrathecal 1% 2-Chloroprocaine 3 Cc (30 Mg) And 0.5% Bupivacaine 3 Cc (15 Mg) For Infraumblical Surgeries.” Dr.HimanshuKhanvelkar
8 Comparison Between Mallampati Classification And A New Classification For Predicting Difficult Intubation- A Pilot Study.” Dr Himanshu Khanvelkar
9 Comparison Of Endotracheal Cuff Pressure Changes During General Anaesthesia While Using Air Versus Nitrous Oxide As Anaesthetic Agents Dr.AparnaBagle
10 Comparison Of Intravenous Tramadol Vs Nalbuphine For Post Operative Analgesia After General Anaesthesia Dr.SandipBaheti
11 Deep Venous Thrombosis Prophylaxis Practices In Surgical Intensive Care Unit Patients: A Cross Sectional Study. Dr .Alisha
12 Does Music Alleviate Pain? A Study To Evaluate The Effect Of Music Therapy On Hemodynamic Parameters And Pain Score In Patients Undergoing Spinal Anaesthesia Dr.AparnaBagle
13 Effect Of Education Level And Previous Anaesthesia Exposure On Knowledge And Perception About Anaesthesia And Anaesthesiologist Dr.ChaitanyaGaidhani
14 Efficacy Of Erector Spinae Block During Laparoscopic Surgeries Dr. Sandip Baheti
15 Observational Study Comparing The Safety And Efficacy Of Igel Supraglottic Airway Device Insertion In Anaesthetized Patients By Anesthesia Faculty Versus Residents Dr..Dipanjali Mahanta
16 “Preemptive Use Of Transdermal Buprenorphine Patches For Post Operative Analgesia In Lower Limb Orthopaedic Surgeries- A Comparison Of 10mg And 20 Mg Patches” Dr. Yashwant Nankar
17 Therapeutic Efficacy OfDexmedetimidine On The Pressor Response Due To Endotracheal Intubation And On The Induction Dose Of Propofol For Surgeries Under General Anesthesia Dr.Shilpa Kore
18 To Study The Effect Of 0.1 Mg/Kg Ondanseteron Versus 1mg/Kg Lidocaine(2%) For Amelioration Of Pain On Injection Propofol Dr. AparnaBagle

RESEARCH PROJECT August 2020 Ongoing Research Projects (DPU funded)

Sr. No Name of the project Principal Investigator
1 To study the effect of neuromuscular transmission monitoring (TOF) on the requirement of muscle relaxant and recovery in patients undergoing general anaesthesia Dr. Aparna Bagle