Completed Thesis 2014-2017
S.No Name Of Student Topic Name Of Guide
1. Dr. Ishita Gulati Diagnostic implication of Platelet Volume in thrombocytopenia Dr. Harsh Kumar
2. Dr. Pradnya Shende Study of Dermal Vasculoendothelial changes in inflammatory skin diseases. Dr. N.K.Panicker
3. Dr. Rahul Nair Cyto-Morphological Spectrum of Thyroiditis and its clinical co-relation-> A study of 100 cases Dr.S.S. Chandanwale
3. Dr. Rahul Jadhav Histopathological spectrum of malignant ovarian tumours Dr.S.S. Chandanwale
4 Indranil Dey Histopathological Spectrum of Malignancies in Females Dr. C.R.Gore
5 Dr.Supreet Kaur Study of platelet indices in type 2 diabetic patients as predictive parameters for Diabetic Angiopathy Dr. A.C. Buch
7 Dr. Megha Jha Role Of FNAC in Breast Lump And Its Histopathological Corelation Dr. S. Bamanikar
8 Dr. Bedarshi banerji Spectrum of lymph node lesions diagnosed by FNAC and Histopathology Dr. P.M.Pagaro
S.No PG Student Title of study PG Guide
1. Dr. Ruby Rao To Study Serum Ascitic Albumin Gradient In Non Alcoholic Patients With Ascites Dr. Harsh Kumar
2. Dr. Sheth Jay Yashvantrai Histomorphological Study Of Precancerous Lesions Of Breast Dr. S. S. Chandanwale
3. Dr. Aditi Pandey Study Of Histopathological Changes In Placenta In Pre-Eclampsia/Eclampsia. Dr. C.R.Gore
3. Dr. Amardeep Patil Evaluation Of Platelet Count And Platelet Indices And Their Significance In Preeclampsia. Dr. A.C.Buch
Completed Thesis 2015-18
S.No PG Student Title of study PG Guide
4 Dr. Rohan Joshi Study Of Spectrum Of Prostate Lesions. Dr. P. M. Pagaro
5 Dr. Shah Kushal Dhiren Immunohistochemical Testing Of Her2/Neu Over Expression In Gastric Cancer Specimens And Its Clinicooathological Correlation Dr. S. Bamanikar
7 Dr. Sourabh Paranjape Diagnostic Importance Of Platelet Parameters In Patients With Coronary Artery Disease And Acute Myocardial Infarction. Dr. C.R.Gore
8 Dr. Sanjyot Nikam To Study The Prevalance Of Hepatitis B And Hepatitis C In Voluntary Donors Coming To The Blood Donation Camps. Dr. P. M. Pagaro
9 Dr. Jehan Ansari Spectrum of Histopathological changes in fibroadenoma of breast Dr. Archana Buch
10 Dr. Anushree Khandelwal Evaluation of immunohistochemistry for the detection of helicobacter pylori in gastric mucosal biopsies and its comparison with other histochemical methods Dr. S. Bamanikar
Ongoing Thesis 2016-2019
S.No Name of student Topic Name of Guide
1 Dr.Patel Shreya Rajesh Study of spectrum of various haematological disorders in bone marrow aspiration. Dr. Harsh Kumar
2 Dr.Naragude Piyusha Ulhas Histopathological spectrum of lesions in nephrectomy specimen. Dr. S. S. Chandanwale
3 Dr.Padmakar Rajabhau Bardapurkar Evaluation of pancytopenia in adults. Dr. C.R.Gore
4 Dr.Niladri Haldar A study of Ki-67 expression in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Dr. A.C.Buch
5 Dr.Gambhir Anushree Sanjeev Study of the histopathological spectrum of soft tissue tumours - A 100 case study. Dr. P. M. Pagaro
6 Dr Pathak Pooja Madhukar Histopathological analysis of ovarian tumours and Overexpression of HER-2/neu in ovarian carcinoma. Dr. S. Bamanikar
7 Dr.Shetty Abhinav Bhaskar Histopathological study of lesions of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses Dr. A.Dharwadkar
8 Dr.Agrawal Neekita Shriram Histopathological spectrum of central nervous system tumours in a tertiary care centre Dr. S.Vimal
9 Dr.Ashily Koshy Role of p 63 marker to determine benign and malignant lesions of prostate. Dr. Bavikar
10 Dr. Manpreet Kaur A study of placental changes in mothers with pregnancy associated anemia Dr. Harsh Kumar
Ongoing Thesis 2017-20
S.No Name of Student Topic Comments
1 Dr Manoj Sawadkar Significance of Haematological scoring system (H.S.S.) in the early diagnosis of Neonatal sepsis. Dr. A.Dharwadkar.
2 Dr Dayanand Sonkawade Clinico-histopathological spectrum of Gastrointestinal tract lesions. Retrospective & prospective studies. Dr. S. Bamanikar.
3 Dr Namrata Patro Comparison of Histograms with peripheral blood smear findings of indoor patients in a tertiary care hospital. Dr. A Buch.
4 Dr. Sahiba Kaur Study of incidence of spectrum of anemias in various departments of Dr D.Y. PATIL Medical college in different clinical conditions. Dr. P. M. Pagaro
Ongoing thesis 2018-2021
S.No Name of Student Name of Topic Name of Guide
1. Akshi Raj Effect Of Lifestyle Factors On Male Fertility: A Hospital Based Study Dr. Banyameen Iqbal
2. Madhuri Singh Study Of Thyroid Tumors Based On World Health Organization Classification Of 2017 Dr. Rupali Bavikar
3. Kanika Jain A Histopathological Analysis Of Granulomatous Lesions Of Skin And Its Clinical Correlation Dr. Tushar Kambale
4. Prachi Khandekar Role Of Ki – 67 In Psoriasis Dr. Shruti Vimal
5. Akshay Bondge Correlation Of Histomorphological Finding Of Prostate Biopsies With Psa Level Dr. Archana Buch
6. Bhavana V Clinicopathological And Histomorphological Study Of Neoplastic Lesions Of Urinary System Dr. C.R. Gore
7 Aditi Malhotra A Study Of Her-2/Neu Expression In Premalignant And Malignant Lesions Of Uterine Cervix Dr. Vidya Vishwanathan
8 Aniket Bhide Comparison Of 3 Reporting Systems In Thyroid Cytology Smears- A Study Of 50 Cases Dr. Shirish Chandanwale
9 Sadbhawana Histological Patterns Of Endometrial Lesions In Patients With Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Dr. Harsh Kumar
10 Aishwarya Desai Retrospective And Prospective Analysis Of Histopathological Spectrum Of Pancreatic And Periampullary Neoplasms Dr. Pradhan Pagaro
Ongoing thesis 2019-2022
Sr. No Name Of Students Synopsis topic Name Of Guide
1 Dr. Neha Agarwal Haematological patterns of Anaemia in Geriatric patients in a Tertiary Medical Care Centre Dr. Harsh Kumar
2 Dr. Rakesh Study of fine needle aspiration cytology in supraclavicular lymphadenopathy Dr.S.S.Chandanwale
3 Dr. Pratyush Mishra Study of Squash Smear & its correlation with Frozen Section, Histopathology and Radiological Diagnosis in diagnosis of space occupying lesions of Brain and Spinal cord. Dr C.R.Gore
4 Dr.Mukta Naik Correlation of Ki-67 with various molecular subtypes of breast cancer Dr.A.C.Buch
5 Dr. Merin Jose Incidence of HIV in healthy blood donors at tertiary care centre Dr.P.M.Pagaro
6 Dr. Bhandhari Parul Histopathological spectrum of malignancies in medical college and tertiary care centre. Dr.Sunita Bamanikar
7 Dr. Barnali Paul Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in diagnosis of Salivary Gland Lesions and its histopathological correlation. Dr.A.Dharwadkar
8 Dr. Khushali Parikh Co relation of FNAC and Thyroid Function Test with Urinary Iodine levels in cases of Multinodular Goitre. Dr.Shruti
9 Dr. Meesha Zaheer Direct immunofluorescence in vesicobullous disorders of skin with histopathological correlation. Dr.Rupali Bavikar
10 Dr. Rajeshwari Rs Study to evaluate various Megakaryocytic Alterations in Thrombocytopenia patients: A Bone Marrow Aspiration Study Dr. M.B.Iqbal
11 Dr. Rumaanah Khan Histopathological spectrum of upper gastrointrstinal tract endoscopic biopsies Dr.Tushar Kamble
12 Dr. Sumayya A study for histopathological and clinical correlation of hyperpigmented lesions of the skin. Dr.Vidya Vishwanathan


Name Of Students

Name Of Guide

Topic Name


Dr. Kulkarni Mayuri

Dr C.R.Gore

Study of haematological profile in covid 19 patients.


Dr.Diva Popatbhai

Dr. Harsh Kumar

To study the gross and Histopathological changes in the term placenta of mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus.


Dr. Patel Payal Arun


Histomophplogicalspectru of papillosquamous disorders of skin.


Dr. Khushi Jain


Study of Clinicopathological significance of tumour budding in breast carcinoma.


Dr.Lad Yesha

Dr. Harsh Kumar

Histopathological spectrum of neoplastic lesions of small and large intestine.


Dr. Sakshi Garg

Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar

A Histopathological profile of childhood solid tumours.


Dr.Anubhaw Verma

Dr.Arpana D

Pattern of distribution of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of oral cavity and to evaluate the significance of p63 staining in oral premalignant and malignant lesion.


Dr. Anshita Garg

Dr.Rupali Bavikar

Corelation of platelet indices with HbA1c in diabetic patient.


Dr.Vijay Ghule


Cytohistopathological correlation of head neck and face lesions.


Dr. Patel Nirali

Dr. M.B.Iqbal

Histopathological spectrum of ophthalmic lesions at a tertiary care center.


Dr. Randive Ruchi

Dr.Vidya Vishwanathan

Touch imprint cytology of lymph nodes and its histopathlogical correlation.


Dr.Pubali Ghoshal


Comparative evaluation of two cytological grading systems with Histopathological grading in breast carcinoma.


Dr. Vinayak Sharma

Dr C.R.Gore

Study of biochemical prameters and inflammatory markers in covid 19 patients in a tertiary care hospital.


Dr. Yadav Sharddha


Spectrum of histomorphological lesions in Hansens disease-A prospective study in urban teaching medical hospital.


Sr. No

Name of Student

Name of Guide



Dr. Nibe Pranjali Lahanu

Dr. Bnyameen Iqbal

Study to ascertain the utility of triple antibody, alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase, high molecular weight cytokeratin and p63 in Prostate Neoplasms.


Dr. Sargram Dhaliwal

Dr. Archana Buch

Histopathological Spectrum of Small Intestinal Biopses in suspected cases of mal-absorption syndrome


Dr. Saloni

Dr. S. S. Chandanwale

Clinic pathological study of Benign Breast Lesions in all age and sex.


Dr. Aakriti Kundalia

Dr. Sushma Kulkarni

Histopathological Spetrum of Lesions of Urinary Bladder.


Dr. Bhuibhar Gayatri Anant

Dr. Charusheela Gore

Histopathological Spectrum of Colonoscopic Biopsies in patients with chronic diarrhea..


Dr. Arvinthraj K K

Dr. Vidya Vishwanathan

Association between Cyto-Morphological and Biochemical Parameters in case of Thyroiditis.


Dr. Reshma Alexander P

Dr. Archana Buch

Hematological and Biochemical Markers in prediction of severity of Sepsis.


Dr. Nayonika Deokar

Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar

Spectrum of Lesions in Cervical Lymphadenopathy with Emphasis on role of CB NAAT in diagnosis of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis.


Dr. Prachi Chouhan

Dr. Sushma G. Gurwale

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck


Dr. Nilanjana Dhar Choudhury

 Dr. Rupali Bavikar

Histopathological Spectrum of Meningiomas and utility of KI-67 in Histological Grading of Meinigiomas (According to 2021 WHO Classification)


Dr. Chhablani Nikita Ghanashamdas

Dr. Yamini Ingale

Analysis of utilization of Blood and Blood Components in Tertiary Care Hospital Blood Center.


Dr. Dipti Singh

Dr. Komal Swaimul

Comparative evaluation of Iron Deficiency Anaemia on Glycosylated Haemoglobin in pregnant and non-pregnant women


Dr. Patil Saurabh Shyamsunder

Dr. Tushar Kamble

Morphometric Analysis of Psoriasis and Psoriasiform Dermatitis


Dr. Shrishti Malla

Dr. Rupali Bavikar

Histopathological Spectrum of Gliomas and its Immunohistochemical Correlation in a Tertiary Care Setup.