Name Of Students
Name Of Guide
Topic Name
Dr. Kulkarni Mayuri
Dr C.R.Gore
Study of haematological profile in covid 19 patients.
Dr.Diva Popatbhai
Dr. Harsh Kumar
To study the gross and Histopathological changes in the term placenta of mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus.
Dr. Patel Payal Arun
Histomophplogicalspectru of papillosquamous disorders of skin.
Dr. Khushi Jain
Study of Clinicopathological significance of tumour budding in breast carcinoma.
Dr.Lad Yesha
Histopathological spectrum of neoplastic lesions of small and large intestine.
Dr. Sakshi Garg
Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar
A Histopathological profile of childhood solid tumours.
Dr.Anubhaw Verma
Dr.Arpana D
Pattern of distribution of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of oral cavity and to evaluate the significance of p63 staining in oral premalignant and malignant lesion.
Dr. Anshita Garg
Dr.Rupali Bavikar
Corelation of platelet indices with HbA1c in diabetic patient.
Dr.Vijay Ghule
Cytohistopathological correlation of head neck and face lesions.
Dr. Patel Nirali
Dr. M.B.Iqbal
Histopathological spectrum of ophthalmic lesions at a tertiary care center.
Dr. Randive Ruchi
Dr.Vidya Vishwanathan
Touch imprint cytology of lymph nodes and its histopathlogical correlation.
Dr.Pubali Ghoshal
Comparative evaluation of two cytological grading systems with Histopathological grading in breast carcinoma.
Dr. Vinayak Sharma
Study of biochemical prameters and inflammatory markers in covid 19 patients in a tertiary care hospital.
Dr. Yadav Sharddha
Spectrum of histomorphological lesions in Hansens disease-A prospective study in urban teaching medical hospital.
Sr. No
Name of Student
Name of Guide
Dr. Nibe Pranjali Lahanu
Dr. Bnyameen Iqbal
Study to ascertain the utility of triple antibody, alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase, high molecular weight cytokeratin and p63 in Prostate Neoplasms.
Dr. Sargram Dhaliwal
Dr. Archana Buch
Histopathological Spectrum of Small Intestinal Biopses in suspected cases of mal-absorption syndrome
Dr. Saloni
Dr. S. S. Chandanwale
Clinic pathological study of Benign Breast Lesions in all age and sex.
Dr. Aakriti Kundalia
Dr. Sushma Kulkarni
Histopathological Spetrum of Lesions of Urinary Bladder.
Dr. Bhuibhar Gayatri Anant
Dr. Charusheela Gore
Histopathological Spectrum of Colonoscopic Biopsies in patients with chronic diarrhea..
Dr. Arvinthraj K K
Dr. Vidya Vishwanathan
Association between Cyto-Morphological and Biochemical Parameters in case of Thyroiditis.
Dr. Reshma Alexander P
Hematological and Biochemical Markers in prediction of severity of Sepsis.
Dr. Nayonika Deokar
Spectrum of Lesions in Cervical Lymphadenopathy with Emphasis on role of CB NAAT in diagnosis of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis.
Dr. Prachi Chouhan
Dr. Sushma G. Gurwale
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck
Dr. Nilanjana Dhar Choudhury
Dr. Rupali Bavikar
Histopathological Spectrum of Meningiomas and utility of KI-67 in Histological Grading of Meinigiomas (According to 2021 WHO Classification)
Dr. Chhablani Nikita Ghanashamdas
Dr. Yamini Ingale
Analysis of utilization of Blood and Blood Components in Tertiary Care Hospital Blood Center.
Dr. Dipti Singh
Dr. Komal Swaimul
Comparative evaluation of Iron Deficiency Anaemia on Glycosylated Haemoglobin in pregnant and non-pregnant women
Dr. Patil Saurabh Shyamsunder
Dr. Tushar Kamble
Morphometric Analysis of Psoriasis and Psoriasiform Dermatitis
Dr. Shrishti Malla
Histopathological Spectrum of Gliomas and its Immunohistochemical Correlation in a Tertiary Care Setup.