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Department of Plastic Surgery

Academics Extension and Research

Wall Magazine

Sr. No. Topic Source Date
1. Why patients are Flocking to India for surgery BBC News 25/03/2022
2. Why do some cosmetic surgeries go so horribly wrong sometimes? Times of India 24/05/2022
3. Cosmetic surgery was invented in India 2600 years ago The time 18/07/2022
4. Rescued python to undergo rare Plastic Surgery in Mumbai Economic Times 04/09/2022
5. Scars mended using transplanted hair follicles 06 Jan 23
6. Bassingbourn pianist recovering after avocado hand injury 31 Jan 23
7. World Plastic Surgery Day observed 16 July 23
8. Stanley medical team performs surgery on Nanguneri victim 15 Aug 23
9. Revolutionizing aesthetic treatments at The Esthetic Clinics: A research-driven evidence-based approach to transform beauty in India 12 Sep 23
10. Cosmetic surgery boosts some people’s mental health – but for others it makes problems worse 03 Oct 23