Dr. Vidhyachandra Gandhi
- BEST PAPER AWARD - Deep Vein Thrombosis in postoperative patients: An incidence study – Kerala Association of Surgeons of India Conference 2005
- SECOND PRIZE - Quiz Competition
Kerala Association of Surgeons of India Conference 2004
Kerala Association of Surgeons of India Conference 2005
Kerala Association of Surgeons of India Conference 2006
- Travel Bursary Award – 17th National Conference of Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology, Dehli
- Amar Gandhi Foundation Award – Most outstanding resident for the year 2011 – Jaslok hospital and research centre, Mumbai
Dr. Aditya Kulkarni
1. Stood second in the college overall- Final MBBS
2. Batch topper in General Surgery, Pediatrics, Pharmacology and Microbiology in M.B.B.S
3. Batch topper in M.S. (General Surgery)
4. First in State level Surgical Quiz 2014- Association of Surgeons of India
5. Prize for Best Poster- “Plasmablastic lymphoma of ileum causing ileoileal intussusception”- Association of Surgeons of India- Maharashtra chapter at MASICON Nagpur 2015
6. Travelling Grant- Indian Council of Medical Research, 2018- to attend Digestive Disease Week 2018, Washington DC
7. Travelling grant of Indian Chapter of International Hepato-pancreato-biliary Association 2018- to attend World Congress, Geneva ,Switzerland
8. First prize in GI surgery quiz, in IASGCON 2018, Chandigarh
9. Best Award Oral Paper presentation in IASGCON 2018, Chandigarh- “ Analysis of abstracts presented at the annual IASG conference”
10. Best Free Oral Paper presentation in IASGCON 2018, Chandigarh- “ Role of inflammatory markers in Step-up approach in acute pancreatitis”
11. Third place award in national level KS Robotic Surgery Awards at Robotic Surgeons Council 2019, Pondicherry for video “ Robotic enucleation of renal hilar tumour”
12. Travelling grant of Korean HPB Surgery Association to present research work at 50th annual conference- Seoul, South Korea, April 2019
13. Travelling grant of Japanese Society of HPB Surgery to present research work at annual conference- Kagawa, Takamatsu, Japan, June 2019
14. Dr. Aditya Kulkarni won Best Video Award at Poona Surgical Society conference on 24th March.
15. Certificate of Attendance, at MRCS Part B Delhi OSCE on the 1-3 May 2024. Dr Aditya Kulkarni for attendance and contribution having examined for 8 hours.