Achievements and Awards (Faculty, PG and UG Students)

Dr. Sanket Bankar

  1. Awarded Smith International Surgical Scholarship 2020 to attend 31st annual Cleveland Clinic Florida’s department of colorectal surgery-International colorectal disease symposium -25th-29th February2020, Jerusalem, Israel.
  2. Dr. Sanket Bankar was Awarded Best Video Presentation Titled Based On “Inadvertent Complications in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeries and its Management-A Video Vignette” –At Asian Congress Of Robotic and laparoscopic Surgery Held In Seoul, Korea On November 27-28, 2020.
  3. Dr. Advait A. Vaidya. This is to certify that Dr Advait A. Vaidya has presented a two Poster at the 35th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Surgical Oncology.


Sr. No.



Details of achievements


Dr.Samir Gupta

Professor & HOD

For performing surgical excision of a 2kg tumor from the chest of a 19- year old girl.on 6th October 2023


Dr. Samir Gupta

Professor & HOD

For performing surgical excision of a 25cm malignant lump tumor removing from the leg of a 50 year old man. On Jan 1st 2024


Dr. Samir Gupta

Professor & HOD

For performing surgical excision of a 22cm cyst filled with water from 32 year old woman’s abdomen .


Dr. Prasant Chandra

Assistant Professor

(3rd in Oral Paper Presentation) oral abstract presentation on Nover scoring formula predicting survival in tongue cancer. In 3rd INDIAN CANCER CONGRESS at Mumbai on 5th November 2023.


Dr. Santhosh N.

Mch. Resident

(meritorious prize in poster presentation )Poster presentation on Double ectopic thyroid in superior mediastinum .3rd INDIAN CANCER CONGRESS at Mumbai to 5th of November 2023.