Year |
January, 2022
Driver gets 190 yrs jail for crash that killed 22
Med records private, can’t be used to prove adultery: HC
आपत्कालीन सेवेमुळे गर्भवतींना जीवदान
Toxic gas spread kills six in Surat, 23 fighting for life
Cannabis Compounds Prevented Covid Infection in Laboratory Study
February, 2022
HC says man guilty of killing 4-yr-old can be reformed, spares gallows
AIIMS DNA database to track unidentified bodies
Omnibus dowry allegations don’t merit prosecution: SC
SC: Ossification test to decide age not infallible
Court fines doctors Rs. 5,000 for poor handwriting
March, 2022
Survivor turns hostile, court jails rapist on med evidence
TN govt docs need not alert cops on abortion
Call for safe options for women to abort fetus
FMGE and NEXT could be a bigger challenge for students with foreign degrees
Language should not be a barrier to Medical Education
April, 2022
२४ आठवड्यानंतरही गर्भपातास परवानगी
‘Guilty’ of negligence for death of constable’s wife, doctor absconds
Save Medical Education from Ghost Faculty & Patients
Doctors Being crushed from all sides, if they break down, our health structure will break apart
SC relief to foreign MBBS pupils hit by Pandemic
May, 2022
AG’s ‘organ racket’ jibe upsets docs
MBBS students must complete internship in same institute now
Defensive Medicine = Doctors Protecting Themselves
Should NEET PG 2022 exam be held as per schedule
Couple moves HC for relief to break surrogacy ‘logjam’
June, 2022
Consider convict’s conduct before & after crime while awarding death: SC
Death certificate to have surviving spouse’s name
Cow sexually assaulted by a 22-year-old youth
No rules notified yet for Mental Health Act 2017
Merchant navy officer acquitted in rape case
July, 2022
Murder accused hoodwinks court for 2 yrs. with medical certificates
Pig hearts for the deceased
Meet the doc fighting to make abortion laws more women-friendly
CBI busts scam to rig NEET-UG exam, 8 held
Quack booked, meds seized
August, 2022
सावध राजा, सावध रे; नाहीतर चावेल घोणस रे!
केवळ वासामुळे मद्यप्राशन सिद्ध होत नाही
Pre and Para medical NEET PG seats to become more clinically oriented
Pune docs perform complex dual heart-lung transplant
Law’s Clear: SC Can Revoke Remission Orders
September, 2022
Ukraine returned students can take transfer to Russian colleges post NMC’s approval
Mahim doc exonerated after 21-year-long battle
चुकीच्या शस्रक्रियेमुळे मुलाचा मृत्यू; १ कोटीची भरपाई द्या
Consent to surgery does not extend to doc’s negligence: HC
2nd autopsy finds tribal woman death suspicious
October, 2022
रॅगिंग टाळण्यासाठी विद्यार्थांशी संवाद
देश में पहली बार डबल शिफ्ट में मेडिकल कि पढाई, भोपाल जीएमसी से शुरुआत, दोगुने डॉक्टर मिलेंगे
सुट्टीलाही विनापरवानगी मुख्यालय का सोडू नये !
Health dept and cops on toes against illegal abortion centres
November, 2022
Exposed! Near-perfect murder & perpetrators
उत्तर प्रदेशातील प्रवेशाचा घोटाळा सीबीआयकडे
Recalling near-death experiences
Studying MBBS in China? There’s some bad news
It starts with domestic abuse, speak up: Experts
December, 2022
Man tries to show wife’s murder as suicide, held
लैंगिक संबंधासाठी अल्पवयीन मुलीचा होकार वैध नाही.
अखेर ८ महिन्यांचा गर्भ पाडण्याची परवानगी.
पाच महिने विद्यार्थिनी बनून महिला पोलिसाने लावला रॅगिंगचा छडा
१४ मेडिकल काउन्सिलवर सीबीआयची 'शस्रक्रिया '
January, 2023
प्रेयसीबरोबर राहण्यासाठी मित्राचा क्रूर खून
Mishap victim’s dad gets justice after 6 yrs
डॉक्टर संप का करतात ?
Minor boy beheaded in human sacrifice ritual, body chopped into parts, 3 held
‘इच्छामरण’च्या तत्त्वांत बदल होणार
ऐकलेत का? नोकरीसाठी ५०० जणींनी केला गर्भपात !
आज की नारी, अवयवदानात लय भारी!
बेकायदा पॅथलॅबवर कारवाई कधी !
‘Drunk man’ missing, India’s oldest stopped 70 yrs on
Climate change, effects to be part of med school syllabus
March, 2023
Doctors cannot be held negligent if treatment or surgery goes wrong: HC
Patient undergoes Robotic Circumcision, refuses to pay surgeon.
रॅगिंगमुळे विद्यार्थिनीने संपवले जीवन, नेटकरी संतापले
चार्जिंग सुरू असताना बोलले; डोक्याची उडाली शकले
आता ठशांची जिवंतता ओळखता येणार
April, 2023
Cops, docs in legal tangle as family of Betul murder victim donates organs, eyes
HC overrides legalities, lets 13-yr-old decide on custody
कॉल रेकॉर्ड करणे हा गुन्हाच : कोर्ट
How will India’s first free medical college work?
व्यवस्था सर्वोत्तम होणे शक्य
May, 2023
मुलाच्या मृत्यूचा बदला; सात जणांचा घेतला बळी
Rly cop gets Rs. 10L payout in 16-yr-old med negligence case
Lunch box slip-up costs wife her life; man held
'क्राईम शो' पाहून ३ मुलांनी केली १२ वर्षीय मित्राची हत्या
New doc registration rules could fix some old issues but raise new ones
June, 2023
No Women is safe in city
Fingerprints scan via software nails criminals in matter of hrs.
National medical council to stop supplementary batches for MBBS
NMC introduces a 9-year cap to finish MBBS
NMC ignores minimum requirement of 50% in PCB for MBBS in GMER-23
July, 2023
नवे डॉक्टर 'कॉर्पोरेट' रुग्णालयांच्या वाटेवर
Why NMC regulation on student migration will control ‘backdoor’ entries
SC sets 11-point norm on medical negligence
Protocol for Initial Management of Snakebite at Health Facilities (PHC/CHC)
One-year jail for peeping at woman inside bathroom
August, 2023
‘Denying sex is cruelty under Hindu Marriage Act, not IPC’
Abortion not a fundamental right nor a vested right: HC
Watchman was acquitted as planting of semen appeared probable: Judge
'त्या' तुटलेल्या इंडिकेटरच्या दुचाकीवरून लागला सुगावा
Doctors can refuse treatment to abusive, violent patients: NMC
Why engineers and doctors will continue to dominate UPSC
Seven yrs on, tattoo on arm helps arrest murder accused.
Beat the stress, life isn’t bad; medical student learn to cope
September, 2023
Docs perform complex heart transplant
Bestiality sends shockwaves in Chikhali; culprit arrested
Cop to pay for false probe against disabled NDA staffer
Five temporary directors in five years for body overseeing medical colleges
State can’t cite burden to shift onus to pvt sector: HC on hospital deaths
Fangtastic Effort
Men more likely to die by suicide
दहा महिन्यांमध्ये १२५ रुग्णांना जीवनदान
Malpractices in med exams remind us of ‘Munnabhai’: HC
Mum doc lung transplant in Chennai despite accident in pune All Members of lung transfer doc’s team hurt in ambulance accident
Donate blood, save life, urge medicos
At SC hearing on death penalty, amicus, lawyers back abolition
Jabalpur court sentences doctor to 2-year RI for prenatal gender test
Mumbai man gets 1-yr RI for watching kid use toilet
डॉक्टरांच्या खोट्या, 'अपॉइंटमेंट'!
शिक्षा होण्याचे प्रमाण कमी
जीवशास्त्र न घेतलेल्या विद्यार्थ्यांना होता येणार डॉक्टर
January, 2024
Abusing woman not outraging modesty: HC
Woman hit by stone loses vision, surgery helps restore it partially
Remission Null and Void: SC
City ranks high in organ donation
तिचा पाठलाग करणे, ढकलणे विनयभंग नाही
February, 2024
Patient is more important than the rules of policy, says forum
Man lynched after charged with rape
Justice prevails for Pune family