Sr.No Title of study PG student PG Guide Year
1 Clinical evaluation of patients presenting to emergency medicine with partial epilepsy Dr.Prasad Sale Dr.S.K.Thombre
2 Study of clinical profile of Dr.Sonia Dr.Rajeshwari
patients presenting to emergency medicine with non traumatic acute chest pain including their prehospital management. Agnihotri Vhora
3 Study of clinical Profile of Dr.Ishan Lamba Dr.Rajeshwari
patients presenting with acute onset altered mental status to the emergency department in a teaching tertiary care hospital. Vhora
4 To study clinical profile of Dr.Alok Dr.S.K.Thombre
patients presenting to emergency department with acute dyspnea and role of BNP to differentiate between cardiac and a Non –cardiac cause. Gangurde
5 Study of risk stratification Dr.Sweta Dr. Rajeshwari
in patients presenting with chest pain by timi risk score in acute coronary syndrome. Khuraijam Vhora
6 Evaluation of arterial lactate as a predictive marker in cases of severe sepsis and septic shock presenting in Emergency Medicine Department. Dr. Tejas Jain Dr. Varsha Shinde
7 To Study the clinical profile Dr. Sumalya Dr. Varsha
of patients intubated and thoseonnon-invasive ventilation in emergency medicine department Tripathi Shinde
8 Clinical profile of patients Dr. Zahid Shaikh Dr. Rajeshwari
presenting to EM with low probability ACS Vhora