1. Dissertation
Sr. No Name of the Student Name of the Faculty Year
1. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram Dr. Varsha Shinde 2019
2. Dr. Arjun H.M Dr. S. S. Daniel 2019
Sr.No Title of study PG student PG Guide Year
1 Clinical evaluation of patients presenting to emergency medicine with partial epilepsy Dr.Prasad Sale Dr.S.K.Thombre
2 Study of clinical profile of Dr.Sonia Dr.Rajeshwari
patients presenting to emergency medicine with non traumatic acute chest pain including their prehospital management. Agnihotri Vhora
3 Study of clinical Profile of Dr.Ishan Lamba Dr.Rajeshwari
patients presenting with acute onset altered mental status to the emergency department in a teaching tertiary care hospital. Vhora
4 To study clinical profile of Dr.Alok Dr.S.K.Thombre
patients presenting to emergency department with acute dyspnea and role of BNP to differentiate between cardiac and a Non –cardiac cause. Gangurde
5 Study of risk stratification Dr.Sweta Dr. Rajeshwari
in patients presenting with chest pain by timi risk score in acute coronary syndrome. Khuraijam Vhora
6 Evaluation of arterial lactate as a predictive marker in cases of severe sepsis and septic shock presenting in Emergency Medicine Department. Dr. Tejas Jain Dr. Varsha Shinde
7 To Study the clinical profile Dr. Sumalya Dr. Varsha
of patients intubated and thoseonnon-invasive ventilation in emergency medicine department Tripathi Shinde
8 Clinical profile of patients Dr. Zahid Shaikh Dr. Rajeshwari
presenting to EM with low probability ACS Vhora