List of Publications

1.Khuraijam S, Shinde V, Dahale AS. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding in pregnancy: An unexpected cause. Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock. 2022 Jan;15(1):72.

2. Lamba I, Shinde V, Shaikh Z, Tripathi S, Bhatt V. Deconstructing structural racism and structural capitalism in academic publishing. Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2022 Jan 1;15(1):3.

3. Bhattaram S, Shinde VS. COVID-19 pandemic: A three-step protocol for ED triage. Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences. 2022 Jan 1;11(1):101.

4. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr. Ishan Lamba, Dr. Rebecca Gladwin, “Impact of covid-19 lockdown on self-harm and violence among patients presenting to the emergency department.” American Journal of Emergency Medicine.2022 Jan

5. Dr. Arjun. H.M. Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr Zahid Shaikh, “Clinical profile of patients presenting with urolithiasis to the emergency department of a tertiary care teaching hospital.” International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research. 2022 Feb, Vol-7, Issue-1, Page No;184-189

6. Dhruva Kumar Reddy, Anjeeth Puthoor, Varsha Shinde, “Study to Establish a correlation between CAGE and AUDIT scoring systems in identifying Alcohol use Disorder.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022 Nov.Vol-13,Special Issue10, Page:959-963

7. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, “Single Dose Levosulpiride Induced Acute Dystonic Reaction.” Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. 2022 Nov.

8. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, “Arsenic toxicity following Ayurvedic medication”, Indian J Case Reports.2022 Nov.

1. Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr.Anjeeth Puthoor Anilkumar , Dr.Dhruva Kumar Reddy “Profile of Geriatric patients presenting to the Emergency Department” Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ,2023 Jan.

2. Dr. Anjeeth Puthoor Anilkumar, Dr.Dhruva Kumar Reddy , Dr.Varsha Shinde A case of Supraventricular Tachycardia reverted using modified valsalva manouevre.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2023 Jan.

3. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr.Varsha Shinde.” Star in the storm: percutaneous stellate ganglion blockade for drug-refractory electrical storm in the emergency department” Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine, 2023 Feb.

4. Dhruv Kumar Reddy, Varsha Shinde, Sweta Khuraijam, Anjeeth Puthoor “Two Cases of Dextromethorphan Overdose Reversed by Naloxone” Cureus, 2023 Feb.

5. Dr.Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr.Varsha Shinde. “Chat GPT:The next-gen tool for triaging?” American Journal of Emergency Medicine., 2023 Mar.

6. Dr. Arjun .H.M.Dr.Varsha Shinde, Dr.Suhrith Bhattaram,Dr Zahid Shaikh “Clinico-Epidemiological study of Snake Bite Presenting to the Emergency Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital” Toxicology International.,2023 Apr-June. 30(2).

7. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram ,Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr.Princy Khumujam , Dr. Anjeeth Puthoor, Dr.Dhruv Kumar Reddy. “Capnography as a tool for triaging and diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis in the emergency department: A prospective observational study.” Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine., 2023 July.23(3)

8. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, Novel use of motor-sparing genicular nerve blocks for knee injuries in the emergency department. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023,Nov,8:8.

9. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram ,Dr. Varsha Shinde, Response to comment on " Noval Use of Motor-sparing genicular nerve blocks for knee injuries in the emergency department. . American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023,Nov.

10. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, Response to comment on " Noval Use of Motor-sparing genicular nerve blocks for knee injuries in the emergency department. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023, Nov.