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Department of Emergency Medicine

Academics Extension and Research
List of Publications
  1. R.S.Vhora S.S.Vhora A.Katkar P Ghatghe . A case report of craniovertetral junction intradural extramedullary neurentric cyst.Medical Journal of Dr.D.Y.Patil University. Volume 7/ Issue 3 / May –June 2014 page 373-376 The Editorial Board of Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University is pleased to inform you that your manuscript entitled A case report of craniovertebral (CV) Junction Intra-Dural extramedullary neurenteric cyst, with manuscript number MJDRDYPU_322_13, is acceptable for publication in the Journal. 25/12 2013)

1) R.S.Vhora S.S.Vhora A.Katkar P.Ghatghe

A case report of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Lacrimal Gland, : Medical Journal of Dr D . Y. Patil Medical University Year : 2015 | Volume : 8 | Issue : 2 | Page : 217-219 We are pleased to inform that your manuscript "A case report of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Lacrimal Gland" is provisionally accepted. You would receive an edited version of article in about 2-3 weeks from now for a final check and correction.

2) Rajeshwari Vhora, Sukanya Kumar, Govind Shiddapur, Madhulika Mahashabde, Harshad Patil, Arjun Lal Kakrani.

Original article

“Mechanical Complications Associated With Central Venous Catheterization” . "International Journal of Medical and Health Research"(Affiliated to: International Association (Trust), Registration No. 834/2014-2015/4).Volume: 1, Issue: 2,page 01-03 ,Sep 2015.

3) R.S.Vhora, A Munde, C Bale, A. L. Kakrani

Original article

Correlation of serum parathyroid hormone with mineral bone disease in chronic kidney disease patients. Original article. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University | November-December 2015 | Vol 8 | Issue 6 708-12.

4) R. S. Vhora , G. Shiddapur , M. Jose , A L Kakrani

Original article

Incidence of cardiac autonomic neuropathy in type 2 Diabetes, & its

relation to Silent Myocardial Ischemia. Original article.

International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume: 04, Issue: 01, October 2015, Pages 113-119.

5) Original Article

Effect of training on awareness of nursing students about Basic Life Support

Dr. Varsha.S.Shinde, Devyani.S.Shinde, Dr.S.K.Thombre

International J.of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume 04. Issue 01,October 2015 ,P 86-90, Vol. 4, Issue 1, October 2015 , P.86-90

6) Original Articles

Knowledge of high School students in Pune about first aid and the effect of training on them

1Dr. Varsha.S.Shinde , 2Devyani.S.Shinde , 3Dr.Sambhaji. R.Shinde

Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; December 2015: Vol.-5, Issue- 1, P. 556-559

7) Dr.Roshan Palaesha : Publication

Rishabh Jain . Ajay Gujar , Naseem Khan, Lokesh Sreedharam, Tanveer Parvez Shaikh , Roshan Palresha , Chaitanya Burra.

A rare case of Bochdalek diaphragmatic hernia with concomitant partial situs inversus

PISSN 2320-6071/ ISSN 2320-6012, Feb – 15 /Vol -3 /Issue -2 Page 494

8) Original article:

Study of assessment of diastolic dysfunction in hypertensive patients by 2D echo and its correlation with ECG findings

1Dr Varsha Shinde, 2Dr Minal saria , 3Dr Deepak Bhosale , 4Dr A J Diwan

Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; Vol 4, Issue 4, Sept 2015, P 511-516.

Shalini Kishor Thombre, sufala Sunil Vishwasrao, Anil Dole

Evaluation of analgesic effect of nitroglycerine added to lignocaine in intravenous regional anesthesia.March –April 2016 Vol -9 Issue -2 Page No 190 -193

11. Original Article

Oral Midazolam and Ketamine as premedicants in Children. A Randomized Open Lebel Single Centre Study. Vol -83,27 ISSn (e) -2347-176 X doi/10,18535 Jmscr /v513/106

S.S. Vhora,R.S. Vhora[*],C. Gandoke,M .M. Pardasani,R.Panday,P.S. Vhora.

Original article

“Study of Traumatic Brain injury cases with special reference to predictors of its outcome”. International journal of medical and health research. ISSN: 2454-9142 Volume 2; Issue 1; January 2016; Page No. 19-24.

9. S.S. Vhora, R.S. Vhora[*], G.R. Godbole,S. Shinde , S Gholve, S Vhora, P Keskar

Original article

Evaluation of knowledge of Pre hospital care& Emergency Medical

Services (EMS) among doctors, before & after training, in a tertiary care


International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume: 04, Issue: 03, April 2016, 60-65

1- Innovative publication Delhi , Indian journal of Orthopedics surgery

(IJOS) Vol.2 Issue 3 July Sept 2016.

Do radiographic parameters predict functional outcome in distal end Radius #s ?

Vikram Rajguru, S.S. Daniel , Amit Kale.

2- IJSS. International journal of scientific study

Sept.2016- Vol 4 Issue 6 Print-issn-2321-6379

Functional Outcome of Hahn-steinthal fracture Capitellum Fixed with kirschner wires Via Post-lat approach.

SS Daniel , KA Saindane , Aashish Ghodke.

3- IJSS. International journal of scientific study-Surgery

November-December volume 2 issue 6 Print ISSN : 2321-6379, Online ISSN : 2395-1893, DOI:10.17354/SUR/2016/51

Spinal canal remodeling in operated cases of T.L fracture

Daniel SS , Rahul Puranik , Ankit Pokharna.

4- IJSS. International journal of scientific study-Surgery .

November-December volume 2, issue 6 , Print ISSN : 2321-6379, Online ISSN : 2395-1893 DOI:10.17354/SUR/2016/53

Functional Outcome of anterolateral plating for distal tibial #s

S.S.Daniel , Rahul Puranik

5- Evaluation of non-contigious spine fracture and extra-spinal injuries in spine fracture patients. A prospective study.

International Journal of Scientific Study | November 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 8

Print ISSN: 2321-6379Online ISSN: 2321-595X

Dr. Ambarish Mathesule, Dr. S.S.Daniel, Dr. Ajay Chandanwale.

6- Medical,Surgical & Orthopaedics Disorders in an annual pilgrimage during Wari at pandharpur.

IJSS October 2016

Pravin Deokate, Ambarish Mathesule, Dr.S.S.DanielBJGMC & SGH Pune

Case Report-

Anti-tuberculosis treatment-induced Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome

Medical Journal of Dr.D.Y.Patil University Vol 9, Issue 2. March-April 2016, P 271-273.

7.Original Article :

Comparison of neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio, APACHE II, and SOFA score as prognostic markers in the setting of Emergency Medicine

International J of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Vol 04. Issue 04, July 2016, 46-51. Impact Factor 0.85, IC value 5.99

Original Article

1) Oral Midazolam and Ketamine as premedicants in Children. A Randomized Open Lebel Single Centre Study. Vol -83,27 ISSn (e) -2347-176 X doi/10,18535 Jmscr /v513/106

2) Original Article

Intravenous clonidine for suppression of Laparoscopy –a prospective randomized placebo controlled single centre study.Internal Journal of Advances in Medicine.Accepted for publication in June 2017 Vol- 4 Issue -3

1) Lamba I. Fear and uncertainty around the Lancet's editorial. Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2019 Sep 1;12(5):383.

2)Sumalya Tripathi , Varsha Shinde, Zahid Shaikh. Study of clinical profile of patients intubated and those on non invasive ventilation in Emergency Medicine Department. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2019 November 11;7(11):27-35.

3)Sumalya Tripathi , Varsha Shinde, Zahid Shaikh. Lemon Score: A tool to predict difficult airway in ED in Indian setting. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Research 2019;3(12):62-67.

4)Zahid Shaikh , Daniel S. S. , Sumalya Tripathi , Shinde V. S., Avinav Luthra , Sonali Patil , Arjun H. M. , Suhrith Bhattaram. A study of clinical profile of low risk Acute Coronary syndrome in a teaching tertiary care hospital - A prospective observational study. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2019 November 26;8(1):107-133.

5)Zahid Shaikh, V. S. Shinde, Sumalya Tripathi, Dhiraj Jadhav, Ishan Lamba, Alok Gangurde, Sweta K. Comparative analysis of various risk assessment scores for low risk acute coronary syndrome in an Indian scenario an ED based observational study. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Research 2019;3(11):188-192.

1.Lamba I, Jadhav D, Shinde V. Hydrocarbon Associated Toxicities: a Case Series and Review of Literature. Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology. 2020 Jan 1;9(1).

2. Lamba I. Why India needs to extend the nationwide lockdown. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020 Apr 15.

3. Lamba I. Utility of cinema in medical pedagogy: a novel ideology based on a case study of “apocalypse now”. International Journal of Ethics Education. 2020 Aug 4:1-8.

4. V. S. Shinde “Study of clinical profile of the patients presenting with acute Cerebrovascular accident to the emergency medicine”; Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research.,

5. Dr.S.S.Daniel A study of clinical profile of low risk Acute Coronary syndrome in a teaching tertiary care hospital - A prospective observational study”, Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research,

6. V. S. Shinde Application of Canadian CT head rule on patients with head trauma coming to the Emergency Room(ER), Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research

1.Lamba Ishan,Luthra Avinav,Shinde Varsha,Daniel S.S.Using Canadian CT head rule in a developing nation:Validation and comparing utilization by emergency physicians and neurosurgeons.American Journal of Emergency Medicine.1 March 2021.Publisher-Elsevier. Vol-45.P- 112-116.DIO.ORG/10.1016/j.ajem.2021.02.064

2.Lamba Ishan,Losing the numbers game: revisiting quality metrics through the spectrum of Goodhart’s law.European Journal of Emergency Medicine.16 March 2021,Publisher-Wolters Kluwer Health.Vol28.Issue-3,P-176-177.DOI-10.1097/MEJ0000000000825

3.Bhattaram Suhrith, Bhattaram Manoj,Humbled:life in the emergency department under the shadow of a pandemic,European Journal of Emeregncy Medicine.22 March 2021.Publisher-Wolters Kluwer Health.Vol-28.P-178-179.DOI-10.1097/MEJ00000000000827

4.Patil Sonali,Shinde Varsha,Khuraijam Sweta,Luthra Avinav.Study of co-morbidities with acute Cerebrovascular accident to the emergency medicine.Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research .June 2021.Publisher-Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Vol-10,Issue-3,P-158-162,doi:10.36848/IJBAMR/2020/29215.55640.

5.Gupta Nishtha,Luthra Avinav,B.Shailaja,Chaudhury Suprakash,Saldanha Daniel.Imapact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of health-care workers in a tertiary care teaching and dedicated COVID-19 hospital.Industrial Psychiatry Journal.22 October 2021.Publisher-Wolters Kluwer.Vol-30.Issue-1.P-S56-S62.DOI-10.4103/1972-6748.328790

6.Lamba Ishan “Panic of Pandemic Proportions: Medicine to Makeshift Miracles”, Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth

1.Khuraijam S, Shinde V, Dahale AS. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding in pregnancy: An unexpected cause. Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock. 2022 Jan;15(1):72.

2. Lamba I, Shinde V, Shaikh Z, Tripathi S, Bhatt V. Deconstructing structural racism and structural capitalism in academic publishing. Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2022 Jan 1;15(1):3.

3. Bhattaram S, Shinde VS. COVID-19 pandemic: A three-step protocol for ED triage. Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences. 2022 Jan 1;11(1):101.

4. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr. Ishan Lamba, Dr. Rebecca Gladwin, “Impact of covid-19 lockdown on self-harm and violence among patients presenting to the emergency department.” American Journal of Emergency Medicine.2022 Jan

5. Dr. Arjun. H.M. Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr Zahid Shaikh, “Clinical profile of patients presenting with urolithiasis to the emergency department of a tertiary care teaching hospital.” International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research. 2022 Feb, Vol-7, Issue-1, Page No;184-189

6. Dhruva Kumar Reddy, Anjeeth Puthoor, Varsha Shinde, “Study to Establish a correlation between CAGE and AUDIT scoring systems in identifying Alcohol use Disorder.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022 Nov.Vol-13,Special Issue10, Page:959-963

7. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, “Single Dose Levosulpiride Induced Acute Dystonic Reaction.” Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. 2022 Nov.

8. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, “Arsenic toxicity following Ayurvedic medication”, Indian J Case Reports.2022 Nov.

1. Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr.Anjeeth Puthoor Anilkumar , Dr.Dhruva Kumar Reddy “Profile of Geriatric patients presenting to the Emergency Department” Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ,2023 Jan.

2. Dr. Anjeeth Puthoor Anilkumar, Dr.Dhruva Kumar Reddy , Dr.Varsha Shinde A case of Supraventricular Tachycardia reverted using modified valsalva manouevre.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2023 Jan.

3. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr.Varsha Shinde.” Star in the storm: percutaneous stellate ganglion blockade for drug-refractory electrical storm in the emergency department” Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine, 2023 Feb.

4. Dhruv Kumar Reddy, Varsha Shinde, Sweta Khuraijam, Anjeeth Puthoor “Two Cases of Dextromethorphan Overdose Reversed by Naloxone” Cureus, 2023 Feb.

5. Dr.Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr.Varsha Shinde. “Chat GPT:The next-gen tool for triaging?” American Journal of Emergency Medicine., 2023 Mar.

6. Dr. Arjun .H.M.Dr.Varsha Shinde, Dr.Suhrith Bhattaram,Dr Zahid Shaikh “Clinico-Epidemiological study of Snake Bite Presenting to the Emergency Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital” Toxicology International.,2023 Apr-June. 30(2).

7. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram ,Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr.Princy Khumujam , Dr. Anjeeth Puthoor, Dr.Dhruv Kumar Reddy. “Capnography as a tool for triaging and diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis in the emergency department: A prospective observational study.” Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine., 2023 July.23(3)

8. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, Novel use of motor-sparing genicular nerve blocks for knee injuries in the emergency department. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023,Nov,8:8.

9. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram ,Dr. Varsha Shinde, Response to comment on " Noval Use of Motor-sparing genicular nerve blocks for knee injuries in the emergency department. . American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023,Nov.

10. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, Response to comment on " Noval Use of Motor-sparing genicular nerve blocks for knee injuries in the emergency department. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023, Nov.