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Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Academics Extension and Research
List of Publications
Himadri Bal, Supraja Subramanian, Y. K. Sharma, Swati Lal. A Case of Post –caesarean pyoderma Gangrenosum. The journal of obstetrics and Gynaecology of India. Jan 2022.
Rajkumar Salunke, Shashi Goyal, Prathima Chipalkatti, Prashant Bhamare. A Unique Way of 2nd Trimester – Medical Termination of Pregnancy in a Case of Pregnancy with Huge Fibroid – A Case Report Bombay Hospital Journal Jan-Mar 2022 64 (1) 278-279.
Prema Kania , Dr. Rajkumar salunke. Coarctation of arch of aorta with coarctation of abdominal aorta with takayasu's arteritis in pregnancy: a rare case report - Indian Journal of research January 2022 ; 11(1) : 1-3.
Rajkumar Salunke, Shashi Goyal, Varsha Pai Dhungat Rare Presentation of Pregnancy with Deep Vein Thrombosis with a History of Coronavirus Disease-19 Infectio ombay Hospital Journal Jan-Mar 2022;64 (1): 1-3.
SK Kathpalia, Poonam TM, Miss Gouri Gaur, Shilpa Krishagar, Jayashree Kulkarni, Swapnali Sansare. Management of Breech Presentation in Contemporary Times. EC Gynaecology. 2022;11(1):1-8.
Monalisa Sarkar, Hemant Deshpande, Madhukar Shinde, Chetan Gulati. A penance to misdeed: A case report about placenta percreta. Cureus Journal of Medical Science. April 2022;14(4):e24399 (1-4).
Samar Rudra, Amulya Rama, Supraja Subramanian. A comparative study of high dose vs low dose oxytocin in the augmentation of labour.International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynecology.May 2022;11(5):1466-1470.
Chetan Gulati, Hemant Deshpande, Madhukar Shinde, Monalisa Sarkar, Shubham. Evaluation of role of pineapple in the duration of labour.Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. May 2022:35119-35121. DOI:10.26717/BJSTR.2022.44.006984. ISSN: 2574-1241.
Dr. Alisha Das, Dr. Hemant G, Dr. Shristy Priya, Dr. Madhukar Shinde, Dr. CS Madkar. Comparative study of oral and vaginal natural micronized progesterone 300mg in preventing preterm labor in semi urban population. International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2022;6(4):01-04.
Dr. Suhas Vishwas Gaikwad, Dr. Vidya Gaikwad, Dr.Nandini Bhosgi. A comparative study of gestational age by last menstrual period, symphysis fundal height and ultrasound at tertiary care hospital: Observational study. Pravara Med Rev. June 2022, 14 (02), 42 – 47.
Dr. Nallani Veneela, Dr. Divya Chandrashekar, Dr. Vidya Gaikwad. Uterine Didelphys With Obstructed Hemivgina And Ipsilateral Renal Anomaly (Ohvira) Syndrome: A Rare Case Study. Global Journal of Research Analysis. July 2022;11(7):1-2.
Sunita Tandulwadkar, Swati R. Babar, Sneha Mishra, Shruti Gupta. Prevalence and clinical utility of sperm DNA fragmentation index in couples with unexplained infertility. l. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Jun;11(6):1679-1684.
C S Madkar, Hemant Deshpande, Khushbu Dubey, Nikita Samantara. Cervical typing in preterm delivery.Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research. 2022;9(3):375–381.(correspondence author – Dr. Hemant Deshpande)
Pankaj Salvi, Vidya Gaikwad, Rashida Ali. Clinical correlation of platelet indices in preeclamptic patients without HELLP syndrome.The New Indian Journal of OBGYN. 2022; 9(1): 59-64.
Dr. Shankar B. Burute, Dr. Mitisha V. Rana, Dr. Paidi Naga Rachana, Dr. Swapnali Sansare. Uterine Parasitic Leiomyoma-A Rare Condition. Neuro Quantology. Sept. 2022;20(9):2514-2516.
Dr. Umesh Suresh Sabale, Dr Prashant Suryarao, Ms. Rutuja Sampat Walke. Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection and Its Associated Risk Factors In Pregnant Women. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine.2022;09(04):989-996.
Dr. Shankar B. Burute, Dr.Mitisha V. Rana, Dr. Paidi Naga Rachana, Dr. Sunanda S. Burute. Case Report: A Rare Case Of Gossypiboma. Neuro Quantology. Sept. 2022;20(9):4459-4460. doi: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.9.NQ44509.
Dr. Pankaj Prakash Salvi, Dr. Vidya Gaikwad, Dr. Ankem Jaya Sravani. Study of evaluation of effectiveness of acute maternal hydration therapy with hypotonic fluid (water) in pregnant females with low amniotic fluid. Pravara Med Rev. September 2022;14(03),74 – 79.
Umesh Sabale, Prashant Suryarao, Chandrika Kodla. Study of Awareness of Family Planning Methods among Married Men. Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Nov. 2022;14(5):531-533.
Vidya Gaikwad, Pankaj Salvi, Nandini. R. Study of trimester wise effect of hypothyroidism in pregnancy and its materno- fetal outcome. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. Oct-Dec 2022;13(4):327-331.
Dr Hemant Deshpande, Dr Madhukar Shinde, Dr Rajendra Shitole, Dr Nikita Samantara. A rare case report of a Gestational Sac seen over A Previous LSCS scar - Caesarean Scar Ectopic.European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022;9(7):1-4.
Meenal Patvekar, Prashant Suryarao, Princy Panthoi Khumujam, Kale Dhana Laxmi, K Divya Sree. Twin Pregnancy with Intrauterine Fetal Demise.D Y Patil Journal of Health Sciences. Jan-Mar 2022;10(1):36-39.
Pankaj Prakash Salvi, Vidya Gaikwad, Jaya Sravani Ankem, Swati Ghonge. Comparison of the Traditional Suturing Technique Versus Continuous Non-Locking For Repair Of Episiotomy Using Polyglactin 910.European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022;9(8):1380-1387.
Dr. Shriraj Shanmukh Katakdhond, Dr.Meenal Patvekar, Dr.Divya Sree Vk, Komal Khemchandani. Catastrophic Spontaneous Bladder Rupture In Late Puerperium. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(8):3555-3558.
Dr. Poonam Bagadia , Dr. Prashant Dwarkanath Suryarao , Dr. Suhas Otiv Dr. Shriraj Shanmukh Katakdhond. A Study Of Prediction Of The Mode Of Delivery By Using Transperineal Ultrasonography At Or Before The Onset Of Labor In Nulliparous Women. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(8):3640-3651.
Dr. Hemant Deshpande , Dr. P. Harshitha , Dr. Ananya .R. Kiran , Dr. Radhika. A. Dhedia , Dr. Shrestha Saha. The Study Of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding In Perimenopausal Age Group Women. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(7):5010-5018.
Dr. Hemant Deshpande, Dr. P. Harshita, Dr. Rajendra Shitole, Dr. Pratap Pharande. Surgical Intervention For Ovarian Endometriosis With Kissing Ovaries And Fertility Outcome.
Dr. Hemant Deshpande
Dr. P. Harshitha
Dr. Rajendra Shitole
Dr. Pratap Pharande
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
Dr Hemant Deshpande, Dr Madhukar Shinde, Dr Nikita Samantara, Dr Saba Chaudhary, Dr Radhika Dhedia, Dr Shivani Rajendrabhai Patel, Dr Pratap Pharande. Study Of Meconium Stained Amniotic Fluid And Its Relation With Foetal Heart Rate And Mode Of Delivery. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(7):4664-4671.
Meenal Patvekar , Dr. Avisha Malu , Dr. Prashant Suryarao, Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond. Hysteroscopy Markers As A Diagnostic Tool For Tubercular Endometritis- A Case Report From Maharashtra, India. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(04):1727-1729.
Mitisha Rana, Shingala Brinda, Shankar Burute, Dr.Jayshree Kulkarni , Dr.Shilpa Kshirsaga. Role Of Bag Of Membrane In Dilatation Of Cervix. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022(Dec);13(9):4425(1-8).
Shriraj Shanmukh Katakdhond , Dr.Meenal Patvekar , Dr.Divya Sree Vk , Komal Khemchandani. Catastrophic Spontaneous Bladder Rupture In Late Puerperium. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results.2022;13(8): 3555-3558.
Pankaj Prakash Salvi, Dr. Vidya Gaikwad, Dr. Jaya Sravani Ankem, Dr. Harini Reddy, Dr. Swati Ghonge. A Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Subcutaneoussaline Irrigation During Closure of Emergency Lower Segment Caesareansection Incision on Postoperative Surgical Site Complications. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM). 2022;9(7):8185-8194. ISSN 2515-8260.
Pankaj Prakash Salvi, Dr. Vidya Gaikwad, Dr. Jaya Sravani Ankem, Dr. Veneela Nallani, Dr. Swati Ghonge. A Comparative Study Of Effectiveness Of Cold Compression Therapy Versus Infrared Radiation Therapy On Healing Of Episiotomy Surgical Wound. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 9(8): 2752-2758.
Shristy Priya, Dr. Hemant G. Deshpande, Dr. Pratap Pharande, Dr. Urvashi Jainani, Dr. Radhika Dhedia, Dr. Shreshtha Shah. A study prevalence of IgG antibodies against COVID 19 in maternal and cord blood. . Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(7):6086-6095.
Hemant Deshpande, Dr. Pratap Pharande, Dr. Ananya Kiran, Dr. Shivani Patel, Dr. Ramyapriya Pujala.Clinical Study Of Twin Pregnancy In Relation To Maternal And Fetal Morbidity And Mortality In Semi-Urban Population. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2022;9(7):8434-8447. ISSN 2515-8260.
Nikita Samantara, Dr. Madhukar Shinde, Dr. Hemant Deshpande, Dr. Ananya R. Kiran, Dr. Radhika A Dhedia, Dr. Ramya Priya Pujula. Assessment Of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding In Perimenopausal Age Group By Figo Palm- Coien Classification In Indian Women.Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(7):4672-4678.
Madhukar Shinde, Dr. Hemant Deshpande, Dr. Nikita Samantara, Dr. Urvashi Jainani, Dr Shivani Rajendrabhai Patel, Dr Shrestha Saha. Prostaglandins In Timed Obstetrics. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(7):4679-4685.
Hemant G Deshpande , Dr. Pratap Pharande , Dr. Ananya kiran , Dr. Shivani patel , Dr. Ramya harshita chilakalapalli. Harpoon in Female Pelvis (A Rare Case Of Robert’s Uterus). Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(9):8002-8006.
Dr Hemant Deshpande, Dr Madhukar Shinde, Dr Nikita Samantara, Dr Pratap Pharande. Abortions - An uninvited echo of embryo reduction. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022;9(7):8621-8623. ISSN 2515-8260.
Dr. Brinda Shingala, Dr.Mitisha Rana, Dr.Sukesh Kathpalia, Dr.Shilpa Kshirsagar. Meconium Stained Liquor- It’s Management And Outcome : Original Article. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2023(Jan.);10(01):288-296. ISSN: 2515-8260.
Dr. Mitisha Vijay Rana, Dr.Kanatala Keshava Sree Neha, Dr.Shilpa Kshirsagar. A case of Retained product of conception mimicking Uterine Arterio-Venous Malformation. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2023(Jan.);10(01):244-247. ISSN: 2515-8260.
Dr. Brinda Shingala, Dr.Jayshree Kulkarni, Dr.Swapnali Sansare, Dr.Sukesh Kathpalia, Dr.Mitisha Vijay Rana. Retained Placenta After Vaginal Delivery:A Case Report. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2023(Jan.);10(01):297-302. ISSN: 2515-8260.
Dr. Kanatala Keshava Sree Neha, Dr. Swapnali Sansare, Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar, Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia. Scar Ectopic Pregnancy- Early Diagnosis For Better Prognosis. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM). Jan. 2023;10(01):1110-1114. ISSN: 2515-8260.
Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni, Dr. Kanatala Keshava Sree Neha, Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar, Dr. Shankar Burute. Septic abortion due to illegal practices: where do we stand in 2022? European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. Jan. 2023;10(01):303-307. ISSN: 2515-8260.
Dr. Kanatala Keshava Sreeneha1, Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar, Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia , Dr.Shankar Burute , Dr. Kanatala Vidya Rani , Dr. K.K.Venkata Chary , Dr. Prachi Dwivedi , Dr. Bharathna Chennuru , Dr. Lasya Guduru. A Prospective Cohort Study Of Obstetric Outcome In Gravid Women With Previous Spontaneous Abortion. European Journal of Molecular &Clinical Medicine (EJMCM). Jan. 2023;10(01):1083-1109. ISSN: 2515-8260.
Dr. Divya Sree V Koripalli , Dr. Shriraj Shanmukh Katakdhond , Dr. Dipak S Kolate , Dr. Meenal Patvekar. Case Series of Laparoscopic Management of Unruptured Ectopic Pregnancy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2023;14(1):551-555.
Dr. Komal Khemchandani, Dr. Meenal Patvekar, Dr. Prashant Dwarkanath Suryarao,Dr. Shriraj Shanmukh Katakdhond. Vasa Previa- An Avoidable Or An Unavoidable Obstetric Tragedy? - A Case Report. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. Jan. 2023;14(1):540-542.
Dr. Verma Akanksha, Khose Prajakta B, Rudra Samar. Fetal Weight Estimation At Full Term, Clinical Method Versus Ultrasound. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. Jan. 2023;10(01):2104-2111.ISSN 2515-8260.
Dr. Prajakta Khose, Dr. Akanksha Verma, Dr. Samar Rudra. Uterine Fibroid A Diagnostic Dilemma. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. Jan. 2023;10(01):1438-1441. ISSN 2515-8260.
Dr. Swati lal, Dr. Akanksha Verma, Dr. Nikita bhattacharjee, Dr. Samar Rudra. Neonatal Outcome In Early Term Versus Full Term Pregnancy. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. Jan. 2023;10(01):775-785. ISSN 2515-8260.
Dr. Diya Sree V Koripalli1 , Dr. Prashant Suryarao2 , Dr. Meenal Patvekar3 , Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond4 , Dr. Komal Khemchandani. A Rare Case Of Advanced Vulval Cancer In A Perimenopausal Nulliparous Woman. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. Jan. 2023;14(1):662-664.
Dr. Avisha Malu , Dr. Dipak S Kolate, Dr. Meenal Patvekar3, Dr. Kale Dhana Laxmi. Takayasu Arteritis In Pregnancy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. Jan. 2023;14(1):665-669.
Dr. Komal Khemchandani, Dr. Dipak S Kolate, Dr. Prashant Suryarao, Dr. Meenal Patvekar, Dr. Diya Sree V Koripalli. Pregnancy Too Soon After Myomectomy- A Case Report Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. Jan. 2023;14(1):670-673.
Dr. Kale Dhana Laxmi, Dr. Dipak S Kolate, Dr. Meenal Patvekar, Dr. Avisha Malu. Acute Pulmonary Edema With Severe PreEclampsia In Twin Pregnancy – A Catastrophic Situation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. Jan. 2023;14(01):674-676.
Dr. Hemant G. Deshpande, Dr. Madhukar Shinde, Dr. Shristy Priya, Dr. Saba Chaudhary, Dr. Shivani Patel, Dr. Radhika Dhedia. Ruptured Primary Abdominal Pregnancy: A case Report. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine Jan. 2023;10(1):2334-2340.
Dr. Akanksha Verma, Dr. Swati Lal, Dr. Tanvi Nijhawan, Dr. Himadri Bal. Impact of Caesarean Deliveries on Fetomaternal Outcomes in the Light of Rising Primary Caesarean Sections. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2023;10(01):4038-4048. ISSN 2515-8260.
Dr. Suhas Gaikwad, Dr. Vidya Gaikwad, Dr. Mariam Dilshad Shaikh, Dr. Rushikesh. A. Phutane. Spontaneous Triplet Pregnancy During Multidrug Therapy Treatment For Leprosy – A Case Report. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2023;14(02):1751-1753.
Dr. D Komal Khemchandani, Dr. Meenal Patvekar, Dr. Dipak Kolate, Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond. To Study Obstetric Complications in Twin Pregnancy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2023;14(01):892-896.
Dr. Vidya Gaikwad, Suhas Gaikwad, Suneha Yalla, Pankaj Salvi. A Prospective Comparative Study Between Pap Smear, Visual Inspection With Acetic Acid, Visual Inspection With Lugol’s Iodine, Colposcopy And Histopathology For Diagnosis Of Cervical Intraepithelial Neo-Plasia And Early Carcinoma Cervix. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2023;14(2):1817-1826.
Dr. Hemant G. Deshpande, Dr. Ramya Harshita Chilakalapalli, Dr. Pratap Pharande, Dr. Urvashi Jainani, Dr. Shivani Patel, Dr. Radhika Dhediya. A Comparative Study of Single Fetal Demise in Twin Pregnancies a Grave Concern But Still a Favourable Outcome. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM). 2023;10(01):3255-3259.
Dr. Khose Prajakta B, Shaikh Shabist,Rudra Samar, Pharande Pratap. A common tumour at an uncommon lacation.Global Journal of Rsearch Analysis. Jan. 2023;12(01):218-219
Dr. Vidya Gaikwad , Sanjay Ponde , Suneha Yalla , Suhas Gaikwad. Massive Intracerebral Hemorrhage Following Injudicious Use of Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills. Cureus. Feb. 2023. 15(2):e35078(1-3).DOI 10.7759/cureus.35078.
Dr. Vidya Gaikwad, Suneha Yalla, Pankaj Salvi. True Knot of the Umbilical Cord and Associated Adverse Perinatal Outcomes: A Case Series Cureus. Feb. 2023. 15(2):e35377(1-5). DOI 10.7759/cureus.35377.
Dr. Divya Sree VK , Dr. Meenal Patvekar , Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond , Dr. nandini Suryarao. Assessment About Awareness And Attitude Of Antenatal Women Regarding Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act And Pre-Conception And Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2023;14(1):1199-1204.
Dr. Vidya Gaikwad, Pankaj Salv, G Harani Reddy, Nallani Veneela. To study the efficacy of levonorgestrel intrauterine system in heavy menstrual bleeding. The New Indian Journal of OBGYN. April 2023 (ISSN 2454-2334 / 2454-2342).
Dr. Pankaj Salvi, Vidya Gaikwad, Nallani Veneela, Hemant Deshpande, Harani Reddy. Comparative evaluation of efficacy of infrared radiation to routine care on episiotomy wound healing among postnatal women. The New Indian Journal of OBGYN. (ISSN 2454-2334 / 2454-2342) April 2023.
Dr. Hemant Deshpande, Madhukar Shinde, Neha Ellath, Vidya Gaikwad. A comparative study of ovulation induction by clomiphene citrate vs letrozole. The New Indian Journal of OBGYN. April 2023 (ISSN 2454-2334 / 2454-2342).
Dr. Shilpa Pankaj Kshirsagar, Manasvi Milind Kulkarni, Jayshree Parimal Kulkarni, Prachi Dwiwedi, Sukesh Kumar Kathpalia. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices about Exclusive Breastfeeding in Grandmothers of Newborns – An Observational Study. Journal of Obstetric and Gynaecological Practices POGS. Jan-June 2023;1(1):15-17.
Dr. Anjali Deshpande, Dr. Hemant Deshpande, Dr. Neha Chitale. Efficacy of multidisciplinary approach for rehabilitation in subjects with post COVID syndrome.A case series. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine. 2023;11(2):1140-1143.
Dr. Swati Lal, Shabista Shaikh, Himadri Bal, Akanksha Verma. A Routine Obstetric Management Leading to a Surprising Revelation. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2023;16:628‑30.
Dr. Supraja Subrmanian, Amay Chugh, Himadri Bal. A re-look into intra-operative impediments and post-operative morbidities in repeat caesarean section. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Aug;12(8):2445-2449.
Dr. Amey chugh, Swati Lal,Tanvi Nijhawan, Pooja Biradar. Evaluation of primary caesarean section and neonatal outcome in a tertiary care hospital and impact on current obstetric practice. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive biology:X. 2023(19):100213 (1-4).
Dr. Rudra Samar, Nikhila Singireddy, Prajakta Khose. A case of post-delivery vaginal atresia. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. July-August 2023;20(20):625-627.
Dr. Avisha Malu, Meenal Patvekar, Dipak Kolate, Kale Dhana Laxmi. Ambulatory Hysteroscopy: Evaluating Pain and Determining Factors. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India. Aug. 2023.
Dr. Shabista Shaikh, Pooja Biradar, Amey Chugh, Nikita Bhattacharjee, Tanvi Nijhawan. A Rare Case of Conjoined Twins. Cureus. Nov. 2023;15(11): e48289. DOI 10.7759/cureus.48289.
Dr. Nitin Kulkarni, Akshay Jagtap, Prashant Athawal A clinical study of puberty menorrhagia in the modern era at a tertiary health‑care center Muller Journal of Medical Sciences and Research | Volume XX | Issue XX | Month 2023
Dr. Pankaj Prakash Salvi , Dr. Vidya Gaikwad , Dr. Harani Reddy. Comparative study of preoperative vaginal preparation with cetrimide versus routine care for evaluating postpartum uterine sepsis. Pravara Med Rev; September 2023, 15 (03), 39 – 43.
Dr. Shankar Burute, Dr.Paidi Naga Rachana, Dr. Apoorva Dhankhar, Dr. Apoorva Dhankhar, Dr. Amidha Shukla. Surgical Site Infection In Emergency And Elective Lower Segment Caesarean Section In Tertiary Hospital. Journal of Advanced Zoology. Nov. 2023;44(S-2):3930-3936. Available online at:
Dr. Nikhila Singireddy a, Amey Chugh , Himadri Bal , S.L. Jadhav. Re-evaluation of umbilical cord coiling index in adverse pregnancy outcome – Does it have role in obstetric management?European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2024;X 21:100265.
Dr. Shankar Burute, Dr. Apoorva Dhankhar , Dr. Paidi Naga Rachana, Dr. Sohana Pulakeshi Budihal , Dr. T Swetha Jahnavi. A Clinical Study Of Feto-Maternal Outcome In Relation To One Or More Than One Loops Of Cord Around Neck. Dec. 2023. 44(05); 738:746.
Pankaj Kshirsagar, Shilpa Kshirsagar. A Descriptive Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study to Understand Knowledge and Attitude towards Cervical Cancer among Reproductive Age Group Women. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2023; 15(12); 1255-1259.
Pankaj Salvi, Vidya Gaikwad, Ashton Dsouza, Sravani Ankem. Rescue Cerclage by McDonald’s Technique at 18 Weeks for Cervical Insufficiency With Intravaginal Amniotic Sac: A Case Report. Cureus 16(1): e53264. DOI 10.7759/cureus.53264.
Manasvi Milind Kulkarni , Shankar Burute , Rajkumar Salunke, Jayshree Kulkarni. Massive ovarian mucinous cystadenoma with torsion: A surgical wonder; Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 2024;11(1):1–4. https://doi.org/2394-2746/© 2024.
Pankaj Salvi , Sanjay Ponde , Vidya Gaikwad , Sneha Aramandla. Emergency Bilateral Internal Iliac Artery Ligation in Antepartum Haemorrhage with Complete Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta at Previous Caesarean Scar Site: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2024 Mar, Vol-18(3):QD04-QD06. DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2024/69215.19144
Pankaj Salvi, Vidya Gaikwad, Ayushi Bhadoriya, Sanjay Ponde. Medical Management of Cesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancy: A Unique Approach. Cureus. March 2024;16(3): e55481. doi:10.7759/cureus.5548.
Vidya Gaikwad , Sneha Aramandla , Suhas Gaikwad. A Case Report of Uterine Torsion: An Obstetric Emergency During Pregnancy. Cureus 16(1): e52538. DOI 10.7759/cureus.52538.
Pankaj Salvi
Vidya Gaikwad
Ayushi Bhadoriya
Sanjay Ponde
. Medical Management of Cesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancy: A Unique Approach. Medical Management of Cesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancy: A Unique Approach. Cureus. March 2024;16(3): e55481. doi:10.7759/cureus.5548.
Krishna Sailaja Sattiraju , Meenal Patvekar , Dipak Kolate. An Ominous Case of Uterine Rupture in an Unscarred Womb and Its Subsequent Management. March 2024. Open Access Case Report DOI: 10.7759/cureus.57273
Anjali Deshpande , Hemant Deshpande, Neha Chitale, Monika Srivastav. Effect of Early Ambulation versus Late Ambulation on Quality of life in Subject Post Caesarian SectionAn Experimental study. April 2024;23(04):63-37.
Pankaj Salvi1, Dr. Ayushi Bhadoriya, Dr. Vidya Gaikwad, Dr. Shailaja Mane, Dr. Swati Ghonge. Knowledge Attitude And Perception Of Human Donor Milk In Post-Natal Mothers At A Tertiary Care Centre In An Indian Suburb: A Cross Sectional Study. Research Obstetrics & Gynaecology Forum. 2024;34– 2s:89 –94. (corresponding author - Dr. Ayushi Bhadoriya).
Amey Chugh , Pooja Biradar , Himadri Bal , Vikas Leelavati Balasaheb Jadhav. Conservative Management of Pelvic Abscess Through Minimal Invasive Route: A Case Report. Cureus. Open Access Case Report DOI: 10.7759/cureus.
Vidya Gaikwad, Suhas Gaikwad, Pragya Tiwar. Efficacy of Transdermal Nitroglycerin Patch for the Arrest of Preterm Labor: A Retrospective Study. Cureus. May 2024;16(5): e59982. DOI 10.7759/cureus.59982.
Pankti U. Tripathi, Meenal M. Patvekar, Prashant Suryarao, Shambhavi S. Ghotankar. In Vitro Fertilisation and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Making The Correct Choice. Cureus. May 2024;16(5): e60100. DOI 10.7759/cureus.60100.
Sai Kalmegh, Meenal Patvekar. Postpartum Eclampsia Unresponsive to Magnesium Sulfate Therapy: An Uncommon Case Report. Cureus. May 2024;16(5):e60047. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.60047.
Dr. Suhas Vishwas Gaikwad, Dr. Vidya Gaikwad, Dr. Jay. A. Patel. A Study Of Correlation Between Umbilical Cord Diameter & Fetal Birth Weight. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Forum. 2024:34-2s:767 – 771.
Vidya Gaikwad, Suhas Gaikwad, Pragya Tiwari. Efficacy of Transdermal Nitroglycerin Patch for the Arrest of Preterm Labor: A Retrospective Study. Cureus. May 2024;16(5):e59982. Open Access Original Article DOI: 10.7759/cureus.59982.
Pankaj Salvi, Sneha Aramandla, Vidya Gaikwad, Swati Ghonge. The Prevalence of Domestic Verbal Abuse in Pregnant Women in a Semi-urban Area. Cureus May 2024;16(5):e60740. Article DOI: 7759/cureus.60740.
Hemant Deshpande, Dr. Saba S. Chaudhary. Problems, Perspectives And Nutrition In Lactating Mother’s. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Forum. May 2024;34-2s:81-85.
Himadri Bal. Promtion of Religious Texts in Scientific Literature: Relevance and Validity. Letter of editor. Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. Published by Wolters Kluwer. 2024;691-692.
Pankti U. Tripathi, Prashant Suryarao, Meenal M. Patvekar, Dipak Kolte. Unveiling the Truth: Fibroepithelial Polyp of the Vulva and Its Misdiagnosis as Cancer. Cureus. May 2024; 16(6):e61942. DOI 10.7759/cureus.61942.
Roshani Pagar , Sanjeevani Deshkar, Jayashri Mahore, Vinita Patole, Hemant Deshpande, Nageswari Gandham, Shahzad Mirza, Manisha Junnarkar, Neelu Nawani. The microbial revolution: Unveiling the benefits of vaginal probiotics and prebiotics. Microbiological Research. May 2024;286:127787. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micres.2024.127787
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