Second Year professional MBBS Lecture
Day: Every Friday
Time: 4pm to 5pm
Sr. No. Date Number Topic Name of Faculty
1. 03/03/23 OG2.1 Topic: Anatomy of female genital tract
· Describe and discuss the development and anatomy of the female reproductive tract
Dr. Swapnali Sansare
2. 10/03/23   Topic: Physiology of conception
· Describe the physiology of ovulation, fertilization implantation and gametogenesis
Dr. Amey Chugh
3. 17/03/23   · Physiology of menstruation Dr.Sanjay Ponde
4. 24/03/23   Topic: Development of fetus and placenta
· Describe and discuss the basic embryology of fetus, factor influencing fetal growth and development and teratogensis
Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
5. 31/03/23   · Anatomy and physiology of placenta and fetal membranes, Amniotic fluid Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar
6. 21/04/23   Topic- Preconception counseling
· Describe, discuss and identify pre-existing medical disorders and discuss their management; discuss evidence based intrapartum care.
Dr. Pankaj Salvi
7. 28/04/23   · Determine maternal high risk factors and verify immunization status. Dr. Pratap Pharande
8. 12/05/23   Topic: diagnosis of pregnancy
· Describe, discuss and demonstrate the clinical features of pregnancy,
Dr. Swati Bhakre
9. 19/05/23   · Derive and discuss its differential diagnosis, elaborate the principles underlying and interpret pregnancy tests. Dr. Shabista Shaikh
10. 26/05/23   Topic : Maternal changes in pregnancy
· Describe and discuss the changes in the genital tract, cardiovascular system, respiratory system in pregnancy.
Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
11. 02/06/23   · Describe and discuss the changes in haematology, renal and gastrointestinal system in pregnancy Dr. Pranil Dode
12. 09/06/23   Topic: Antenatal care -I
· Enumerate, describe and discuss the objective of antenatal care, assessment of period of gestation; screening for high risk factors. Elicit document and present an obstetrics history including menstrual history, last menstrual period, previous obstetrics history, comorbid conditions, past medical history and surgical history.
Dr. Suhas Gaikwad
13. 16/06/23   Topic: Antenatal care -II
· Enumerate the indications for and types of vaccination in pregnancy. Enumerate the indications and describe the investigations including the use of ultrasound in the initial assessment and monitoring in pregnancy.
Dr. Sayali More
14. 23/06/23   Topic: Complications in early pregnancy
· Classify, define and discusses the aetiology and management of abortion including threatened, incomplete, inevitable missed and septic.
Dr. Shankar Burute
15. 23/06/23   · Recurrent pregnancy loss Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
16. 30/06/23   Topic: Antenatal care -II
· Enumerate the indications for and types of vaccination in pregnancy. Enumerate the indications and describe the investigations including the use of ultrasound in the initial assessment and monitoring in pregnancy.
Dr. Aastha Sinha
17. 07/07/23   MTP & PCPNDT ACT
· Enumerate the indication and describe ad discuss the legal aspects, indications, methods for first and second trimester MTP; complications and management of complications of Medical Termination of Pregnancy.
Dr. Swapnali Sansare
18. 14/07/23   Acute abdomen in Pregnancy
· Discuss the aetiology, clinical features, differential diagnosis of acute abdomen in early pregnancy (With a focus on ectopic pregnancy)
Dr. Dipak Kolte
19. 21/07/23   · Enumerate the principles of medical and surgical management. Dr. Prashant Suryarao
20. 28/07/23   Topic- Molar pregnancy
· Discuss the clinical features, laboratory investigations, ultrasonography, differential diagnosis, principles of management and follow up of Molar pregnancy.
Dr. Himadri Bal
21. 04/08/23   · Topic- Hyperemesis gravidarum
· Describe the etiopathology, impact on maternal and fetal health and principles of management of hyperemesis gravidarum
Dr. Vidya Gaikwad
22. 11/08/23   Topic: Leucorrhoea
· Describe the clinical characteristics of physiological vaginal discharge.
Dr. Meenal Patvekar
23. 18/08/23   Vaginal Discharge
· Describe and discuss the etiology (with special emphasis on candida, T. vaginalis, bacterial vaginosis), characteristics, clinical diagnosis, investigations, genital hygiene, management of common caused and the syndromic management.
Dr. Swati Bhakre
24. 25/08/23   Topic : Genital Infections
· Describe and discuss the etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigations, management and long term implications of sexually transmitted infections.
Dr. Aahana Sinha
25. 01/09/23   Topic- Genital tuberculosis
· Describe and discus the etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigations, management and long term implications of genital tuberculosis.
Dr. Hemant Deshpande
26. 08/09/23   Topic- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
· .Describe and discus the etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigations, management and long term implications of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Dr. Swati Bhakre
27. 15/09/23   Topic- HIV IN Prgnancy .
· Describe and discus the etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigations, management and long term implications of HIV.
Dr. Aastha sinha
Third Professional MBBS Part I
Day: Every Monday
Time- 08.00 am to 9.00am
Sr. No. Date Competency no. Topic Faculty
Name of Topic Details
1 09/02/23 OG 13.1 Normal Labour - I Enumerate and discuss the physiology of normal labor, mechanism of labor in occipito-anterior presentation Dr. Swati Bhakre
2 17/02/23 OG 1.2 Perinatal mortality and morbidity audit Define and discuss perinatal mortality and morbidity including perinatal and neonatal mortality and morbidity audit Dr. Pankaj Salvi
3 20/02/23 OG 13.1 Normal Labour - II monitoring of labor including partogram; conduct of labor, pain relief; principles of induction and acceleration of labor; management of third stage of labor Dr. Prashant Suryarao
4 27/02/23 OG 8.8 Ultrasound in pregnancy Enumerate the indications and describe the investigations including the use of ultrasound in the initial assessment and monitoring in pregnancy Dr. Pranil Dode
5 06/03/23   SDL Diagnosis of pregnancy and management of acute abdomen in pregnancy Dr. Pankaj Salvi
6 13/03/23 OG 9.3 Ectopic Pregnancy Discuss the aetiology, clinical features, differential diagnosis ofacute abdomen in early pregnancy (with a focus on ectopic pregnancy) and enumerate the principles of medical and surgical management Dr. Pratap Pharande
7 20/03/23 OG11.1 Multiple Pregnancy Describe the etiopathology, clinical features; diagnosis and investigations, complications, principles of management of multiple pregnancies Dr. Swati Bhakare
8 27/03/23 OG12.1 Hypertensive disorder in pregnancy Part-I Define, classify and describe the etiology and pathophysiology, early detection, investigations; principles of management of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and eclampsia, complications of eclampsia. Dr. Shankar Burute
9 03/04/23 OG12.1 Hypertensive disorder in pregnancy Part-II Dr. Shankar Burute
10 10/04/23   SDL Placenta development anomaly Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
11 17/04/23 OG12.2 Anemia in pregnancy Define, classify and describe the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, investigations, adverse effects on the mother and foetus and the management during pregnancy and labor, and complications of anemia in pregnancy Dr. Dipak kolate
12 24/04/23 OG12.3 Diabetes in pregnancy Define, classify and describe the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, investigations, criteria, adverse effects on the mother and foetus and the management during pregnancy and labor, and complications of diabetes in pregnancy Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
13 08/05/23 OG12.4 Heart diseases in pregnancy Define, classify and describe the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, investigations, criteria, adverse effects on the mother and foetus and the management during pregnancy and labor, and complications of heart diseases in pregnancy Dr. Swapnali Sansare
14 08/05/23 (3pm – 5pm)     FMT- 21, 22 Batch- A SGT FM 3.14, FM 14.15 Medicolegal report of victim of sexual assault Vertical Integration : OBGY  
15 15/05/23 OG12.5 Urinary tract infections in pregnancy Describe the clinical features, detection, effect of pregnancy on the disease and impact of the disease on pregnancy complications and management of urinary tract infections in pregnancy Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
16 22/05/23 OG33.4 Premalignant lesion of cervix Enumerate the methods to prevent cancer of cervix including visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), visual inspection of cervix with Lugol's iodine (VILI), pap smear and colposcopy Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
17 29/05/23 OG12.6 Liver disease in pregnancy Describe the clinical features, detection, effect of pregnancy on the disease and impact of the disease on pregnancy complications and management of liver disease in pregnancy Dr. Vidya Gaikwad
18 05/06/23 OG13.2 Preterm labor & PROM Define, describe the causes, pathophysiology, diagnosis, investigations and management of preterm labor, PROM and postdated pregnancy Dr. Hemant Deshpande
19 12/06/23 OG13.2 Post-date pregnancy Define, describe the causes, pathophysiology, diagnosis, investigations and management of preterm labor, PROM and postdated pregnancy Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
20 19/06/23 OG14.4 Abnormal labor Describe and discuss the classification; diagnosis; management of abnormal labor Dr. Meenal Patvekar
21 26/06/23 OG16.1 Postpartum haemorrhage Enumerate and discuss causes, prevention, diagnosis, management, appropriate use of blood and blood products in postpartum haemorrhage - Except Surgical Manangement Dr. Sanjay Ponde .
22 03/07/23 OG 15.1 Previous LSCS Enumerate and describe the indications and steps of common obstetric procedures, technique and complications: Episiotomy, vacuum extraction; low forceps; Caesarean section, assisted breech delivery; external cephalic version; cervical cerclage Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
23 10/07/23 OG14.3 Rupture uterus Describe and discuss rupture uterus, causes, diagnosis and management. Dr. Shabista Shaikh
24 17/07/23 OG16.1 Postpartum haemorrhage Surgical management Dr. Himadri Bal
25 24/07/23 OG17.1 Physiology of lactation Describe and discuss the physiology of lactation Dr. SuhasGikwad
OG17.2 Counsel in a simulated environment, care of the breast, importance and the technique of breast feeding  
26 31/07/23   Menopause & HRT SDL Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
Date 28/07/23  Theory Exam Time- 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM
27 07/08/23 OG17.3 Mastitis and breast abscess Describe and discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and management of mastitis and breast abscess Dr. Vidya Gaikwad
28 14/08/23 OG18.1 Care of new born Describe and discuss the assessment of maturity of the newborn, diagnosis of birth asphyxia, principles of resuscitation, common problems Dr. Meenal Patvekar
OG18.3 Describe and discuss the diagnosis of birth asphyxia
29 21/08/23 OG15.1 Operative obstetrics Enumerate and describe the indications and steps of common obstetric procedures, technique and complications: Episiotomy, vacuum extraction; low forceps; Caesarean section, assisted breech delivery; external cephalic version; cervical cerclage Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
30 28/08/23 OG 32.1 Physiology of menopause & HRT Describe and discuss the physiology of menopause, symptoms, prevention, management and the role of hormone replacement therapy Dr. Hemant Deshpande
31 04/09/23 OG 33.2 Benign, Pre-malignant (CIN) and Malignant Lesions of theCervix Describe the principles of management including surgery and radiotherapy of Benign, Pre-malignant (CIN) and Malignant Lesions of the Cervix Dr. HimadriBal
OG 33.4 Enumerate the methods to prevent cancer of cervix including visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), visual inspection of cervix with Lugol's iodine (VILI), pap smear and colposcopy  
Third Professional MBBS Part I
SGT (Small Group Teaching)
Sr No. Date Day Time Competency no. Name of Topic Faculty
Topic Details
1 7/2/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG14.1 Pelvis & skull Enumerate and discuss the diameters of maternal pelvis and types Dr. Swati Bhakare
2 14/2/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG14.1 Pelvis & skull Enumerate and discuss the diameters of maternal pelvis and types Dr. Swati Bhakare
3 21/2/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG13.1 Normal Labor Enumerate and discuss the physiology of normal labor, mechanism of labor in occipito-anterior presentation; monitoring of labor including partogram; conduct of labor, pain relief; principles of induction and acceleration of labor; management of third stage of labor. -
4 28/2/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG13.1 Normal Labor Enumerate and discuss the physiology of normal labor, mechanism of labor in occipito-anterior presentation; monitoring of labor including partogram; conduct of labor, pain relief; principles of induction and acceleration of labor; management of third stage of labor Dr. Sayali More
5 14/3/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG13.1 Drugs – Obst – I - Dr. Pratap Pharande
6 21/03/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG13.1 Drugs – Obst – II - Dr. Pratap Pharande
7 28/03/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG13.1 Drugs - Gynaec - I - Dr. Pranil Dode
8 11/04/2023 Tuesday OG13.1 Drugs – Gynaec – II - Dr. Pranil Dode
9 18/04/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG13.1 Specimen - Obst. - Dr. Swapnali Sansare
10 25/04/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG13.1 Specimen – Gynaec - Dr. Sanjay Ponde
11 02/05/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG21.1 Contraception - Part I Describe and discuss the temporary and permanent methods of contraception, indications, technique and complications; selection of patients, side effects and failure rate including Ocs, male contraception, emergency contraception and IUCD Dr. Suhas Gaikwad
12 09/05/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG21.1 Contraception - Part II Dr. Suhas Gaikwad
13 16/05/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG21.1 Contraception - Part III Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
14 23/05/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG21.1 Contraception - Part IV Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
15 30/05/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG32.1 Seminar on menopause - I Describe and discuss the physiology of menopause, symptoms, prevention, management and the role of hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar
16 06/06/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG32.1 Seminar on menopause – II Describe and discuss the physiology of menopause, symptoms, prevention, management and the role of hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar
17 13/06/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG32.1 Gynaec Cards – Part I - Dr. Sanjay Ponde
18 20/06/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG32.1 Gynaec Cards – Part II - Dr. Sanjay Ponde
19 27/06/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG32.1 Obst. Instrument – Part I - Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
20 04/07/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG32.1 Obst. Instrument – Part II - Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
21 11/07/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG32.1 Gynaec. Instrument – I - Dr. Dipak Kolate
22 18/07/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG32.1 Gynaec. Instrument - II - Dr. Dipak Kolate
23 25/07/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG37.6 Instrumental delivery – I Observe and assist in the performance of outlet forceps application of vacuum and breech delivery Dr. Prashant Suryarao
24 01/08/2023 Tuesday OG37.6 Instrumental delivery - I Observe and assist in the performance of outlet forceps application of vacuum and breech delivery Dr. Prashant Suryarao
25 08/08/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG15.2 Episiotomy Observe and assist in the performance of an episiotomy and demonstrate the correct suturing technique of an episiotomy in a simulated environment. Observe/Assist in operative obstetrics cases – including - CS, Forceps, vacuum extraction, and breech delivery Dr. Swapnali Sansare
26 22/08/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG7.1 Seminar on physiological changes in pregnancy - I Describe and discuss the changes in the genital tract, cardiovascular system, respiratory, haematology, renal and gastrointestinal system in pregnancy Dr. Amey Chugh
27 29/08/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG7.1 Seminar on physiological changes in pregnancy - II Describe and discuss the changes in the genital tract, cardiovascular system, respiratory, haematology, renal and gastrointestinal system in pregnancy Dr. Amey Chugh
28 05/09/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG8.4 Maternal & fetal well-being Describe and demonstrate clinical monitoring of maternal and fetal well-being Dr. Pratap Pharande
 29 12/09/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG8.7 Vaccination in pregnancy Enumerate the indications for and types of vaccination in pregnancy Dr. Pranil Dode
30 21/09/2023 Thursday 9am – 10am OG16.1 Postpartum haemorrhage – I Enumerate and discuss causes, prevention, diagnosis, management, appropriate use of blood and blood products in postpartum haemorrhage Dr. Pankaj Salvi
31 26/09/2023 Tuesday 9am – 10am OG16.1 Postpartum haemorrhage - II Enumerate and discuss causes, prevention, diagnosis, management, appropriate use of blood and blood products in postpartum haemorrhage Dr. Pankaj Salvi
32 29/09/2023 Friday 8am – 9am OG22.1 Vaginal discharge - I Describe the clinical characteristics of physiological vaginal discharge. Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar
33 30/09/2023) Saturday 8am – 9am OG22.2 Vaginal discharge - II Describe and discuss the etiology (with special emphasis on Candida, T. vaginalis, bacterial vaginosis), characteristics, clinical diagnosis, investigations, genital hygiene, management of common causes and the syndromic management Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar
34 03/10/2023 Tuesday 9am-10am Revision Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
35 05/10/2023 Thursday 9am – 10am OG24.1 AUB – I Define, classify and discuss abnormal uterine bleeding, its aetiology, clinical features, investigations, diagnosis and management Dr. Shabista Shaikh
36 06/10/2023 Friday 8am – 9am OG24.1 AUB - II Define, classify and discuss abnormal uterine bleeding, its aetiology, clinical features, investigations, diagnosis and management Dr. Shabista Shaikh
37 07/10/2023 Saturday 8am – 9am Revision Dr. Dipak Kolate
Third Professional MBBS Part II CBME - Lecture
Day: Tuesday Time: 2pm - 3pm
Day: Wednesday Time: 9am - 10am
Sr. No. Date Day Competency no. Topic Faculty
Name of Topic Details
1 01/03/23 Wednesday OG 12.1 Hypertension in pregnancy Define, classify and describe the etiology and pathophysiology, early detection. Dr. Amey Chugh
2 08/03/23 Wednesday OG 12.1 Hypertension in pregnancy  Investigations; principles of management of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and eclampsia, complications of eclampsia Dr. Sanjay Ponde
3 14/03/23 Tuesday OG 12.3 Diabetes in pregnancy Define, classify and describe the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, investigations, criteria, adverse effects on the mother and foetus and the Dr. Meenal Patvekar
4 15/03/23 Wednesday OG 12.3 Diabetes in pregnancy management during pregnancy and labor, and complications of diabetes in pregnancy Dr. PankajSalvi
5 21/03/23 Tuesday OG 12.2 Anemia in Pregnancy Define, classify and describe the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, investigations, adverse effects on the mother and foetus and the management during pregnancy and labor, and complications of anemia in pregnancy Dr. PranilDode
6 28/03/23 Tuesday OG 12.2 Anemia in Preganancy Define, classify and describe the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, investigations, adverse effects on the mother and foetus and the management during pregnancy and labor, and complications of anemia in pregnancy Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
7 29/03/23 Wednesday OG 12.4 Heart disease in pregnancy Define, classify and describe the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, investigations, criteria, adverse effects on the mother and foetus and the management during pregnancy and labor, and complications of heart diseases in pregnancy Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
8 05/04/23 Wednesday OG 12.4 Heart disease in pregnancy Define, classify and describe the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, investigations, criteria, adverse effects on the mother and foetus and the management during pregnancy and labor, and complications of heart diseases in pregnancy Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
9 11/04/23 Tuesday OG 12.7 HIV in pregnancy Describe and discuss screening, risk factors, management of mother and newborn with HIV Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
10 12/04/23 Wednesday OG 11.1 Multiple pregnancy Describe the etiopathology, clinical features; diagnosis and investigations, complications, principles of management of multiple pregnancies Dr. Suhas Gaikwad
11 18/04/23 Tuesday OG 12.8 Rh –ve pregnancy Describe the mechanism, prophylaxis, fetal complications, diagnosis and management of isoimmunization in pregnancy Dr. Prashant Suryarao
12 19/04/23 Wednesday OG 16.2 Inversion of uterus Describe and discuss uterine inversion – causes, prevention, diagnosis and management. Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar
13 25/04/23 Tuesday OG 16.3 IUGR Describe and discuss causes, clinical features, diagnosis, investigations; Dr. Shabista Shaikh
14 26/04/23 Wednesday OG 16.3 IUGR monitoring of fetal well-being, including ultrasound and fetal Doppler; principles of management; prevention and counselling in intrauterine growth retardation Dr. Shabista Shaikh
15 02/05/23 Tuesday OG 19.1 Normal Puerperium Describe and discuss the physiology of puerperium, its complications, diagnosis and management; counselling for contraception, puerperal sterilization Dr. Pratap Pharande
16 03/05/23 Wednesday OG 19.1 Abnormal Puerperium Describe and discuss the physiology of puerperium, its complications, diagnosis and management; counselling for contraception, puerperal sterilization Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
17 09/05/23 Tuesday OG 21.1 Permanent Contraception Describe and discuss the temporary and permanent methods of contraception, indications, technique and complications; Dr. Himadri Bal
18 10/05/23 Wednesday OG 21.1 Temporary C PPIUCD Contraception selection of patients, side effects and failure rate including Ocs, male contraception, emergency contraception and IUCD Dr. Shankar Burute
19 16/05/23 Tuesday OG 28.1 Male Infertility Describe and discuss the common causes, pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnosis; investigations; principles of management of infertility – methods of tubal patency, ovulation induction, assisted reproductive techniques  Dr. Dipak Kolte
20 17/05/23 Wednesday OG 28.2 Female infertility Enumerate the assessment and restoration of tubal latency Dr. Vidya Gaikwad
21 23/05/23 Tuesday OG 28.3 Fibroid Describe and discuss the etiology; pathology; clinical features; differential diagnosis; investigations; principles of management, complications of fibroid uterus Dr. Hemant Deshpande
22 24/05/23 Wednesday OG 23.1 Puberty Describe and discuss the physiology of puberty, features of abnormal puberty, common problems and their management Dr. Swapnali Sansare
23 30/05/23 Tuesday OG 10.1 APH Define, classify and describe the aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, ultrasonography, differential diagnosis and management of antepartum haemorrhage in pregnancy Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
24 31/05/23 Wednesday OG 9.4 GTD Discuss the clinical features, laboratory investigations, ultrasonography, differential diagnosis, principles of management and follow up of gestational trophoblastic neoplasms Dr. Shabista Shaikh
25 06/06/23 Tuesday OG 24.1 AUB Define, classify and discuss abnormal uterine bleeding, its aetiology, clinical features, investigations, diagnosis and management Dr. Dipak Kolate
26 07/06/23 Wednesday OG 24.1 AUB Define, classify and discuss abnormal uterine bleeding, its aetiology, clinical features, investigations, diagnosis and management Dr. Amey Chugh
27 13/06/23 Tuesday OG 25.1 Amenorrhea I Describe and discuss the causes of primary Dr. Meenal Patvekar
28 14/06/23 Wednesday OG 25.1 Amenorrhea II Secondary amenorrhea, its investigation and the principles of management Dr. Himadri Bal
29 20/06/23 Tuesday OG 26.1  OG 26.2 Genital injuries & fistulae Describe and discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features; investigation and implications on health and fertility and management of endometriosis and adenomyosis Describe the causes, prevention, clinical features, principles of management of genital injuries and fistulae Dr. Pranil Dode
30 21/06/23 Wednesday OG 27.1 OG 27.3 STD & HIV Describe and discuss the etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigations, management and long term implications of sexually transmitted infections Describe and discuss the etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigations, management and long term implications of HIV Dr. Pankaj Salvi
31 27/06/23 Tuesday OG27.2 OG27.4 Genital TB & PID Describe and discuss the etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigations, management and long term implications of genital tuberculosis Describe and discuss the etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigations, management and long term implications of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Dr. Shankar Burute
32 04/07/23 Tuesday OG 30.1 PCOS &Hirsuitism I Describe and discuss the etiopathogenesis; clinical features; differential diagnosis; investigations; management, complications of PCOS Dr. Prashant Suryarao
33 05/07/23 Wednesday OG 30.1 PCOS &Hirsuitism II Describe and discuss the etiopathogenesis; clinical features; differential diagnosis; investigations; management, complications of PCOS Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
34 11/07/23 Tuesday OG 31.1 Prolapse  Anatomy Etiology clinical feature management Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
35 12/07/23 Wednesday OG 31.2 SUI Anatomy Etiology clinical feature management Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
36 18/07/23 Tuesday OG 32.2 Post caesarian pregnancy complications evaluation and management Dr. Pratap Pharande
37 19/07/23 Wednesday OG 33.3 33.4 Pre malignant lesions of uterus and cervix   Dr. Suhas Gaikwad
38 25/07/23 Tuesday OG 32.2 Post menopausal bleeding   Dr. Swapnali
39 26/07/23 Wednesday OG 34.1 Endometrial cancer   Dr. Vidya Gaikwad
40 01/08/23 Tuesday OG 33.4, Ovarian Tumer -1   Dr. Himadri Bal
41 02/08/23 Wednesday OG 34.4 Ovarian Tumer -2   Dr. Himadri Bal
42 08/08/23 Tuesday OG 34.2 Ca -cervix -1   Dr. Hemant Deshpande
43 09/08/23 Wednesday OG 34.2 Ca -cervix -2   Dr. Hemant Deshpande
44 22/08/23 Tuesday OG 34.4 Operative Gynaecology Major   Dr. Prashant Suryarao
45 23/08/23 Wednesday OG 34.4 Operative Gynaecology Miner and endoscopy   Dr. Amey chugh
46 29/08/23 Tuesday OG 34.4 Endometriosis & Adenomyosis    Dr. Himadri Bal
47 30/08/23 Wednesday OG 9.2 Radio therapy in Gynaecology   Dr. Suhas Gaikwad
48 05/09/23 Tuesday OG 9.3 Chemo therapy I in Gynaecology   Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
49 06/09/23 Wednesday OG 14.3 Hormones in Gynaecology   Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
50 12/09/23 Tuesday OG 13.1 Labour Analgesia   Dr. Prashant Suryarao
51 13/09/23 Wednesday OG 9.3 Ectopic Pregnancy   Dr. Pankaj Salvi
52 20/09/23 Wednesday OG 9.1 Abortion    Dr. Sanjay Ponde
53 26/09/23 Tuesday OG 9.2 MTP   Dr. Dipak Kolte
54 27/09/23 Wednesday OG RPL   Dr. Dipak Kolate
55 03/10/23 Tuesday OG 8.8 Imagine in Obstetrics   Dr. Dipak Kolate
56 04/10/23 Wednesday OG 26.2 Urinary fistula   Dr.Shankar Burute
57 10/10/23 Tuesday O G Mullerian anomalies and applied anatomy   DrSukesh Kathpalia
58 11/10/23 Wednesday O G 3.1 Abnormality of sex chromosome   Dr.Vidya Gaikwad
59 17/10/23 Tuesday O G delayed and precosious Puberty   Dr. Meenal Patvekar
60 18/10/23 Wednesday OG 3.1 IUFD & still birth   Dr Shankar Burute
61 25/10/23 Wednesday OG 16.3 Antepartum fetal monitoring   Dr.Pankaj Salvi
62 31/10/23 Tuesday OG13.1 Intrapartum fetal monitoring   Dr. Himadri Bal
63 01/11/23 Wednesday OG 13.1 Induction of labour   DrJayshree Kulkarni
64 07/11/23 Tuesday OG 1.3 Monitoring of labour and partograph   Dr. Himadri Bal
65 08/11/23 Wednesday OG 41.2 Obstructed labour   Dr. Shilpa Kshirsage
66 21/11/23 Tuesday OG 14.3 Repture Uterus    Dr. Shabista Shaikh
67 22/11/23 Wednesday OG 32.1 Menopause    Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
68 28/11/23 Tuesday OG 8.7 Vaccination in pregnancy   Dr. Meenal Patvekar
69 29/11/23 Wednesday OG 22.2 Vaginitis   Dr. Shankar Burute
70 05/12/23 Tuesday OG 29.1 PPH   Dr. Prashant Suryarao
Day: Monday Time: 3pm to 5pm
Day: Thursday Time: 9am to10am
Day: Friday Time: 2pm to 3pm
Sr. No. Date Day Topic
1. 02/03/23 Thursday Pelvis and Skull Dr. Swati Bhakre
2. 03/03/23 Friday Types of pelvis & obstructed labour Dr. SuhasGaikwad
3. 06/03/23 Monday Mechanism of normal labour Dr. Sayali More
4. 09/03/23 Thursday Seminar on development of placenta Dr. Pratap Pharande
5. 10/03/23 Friday Mechanism of labour in occipitoposterior Dr. Shankar Burute
6. 13/03/23 Monday Breech &transveuse lie Dr. Swapnali Sansare
7. 16/03/23 Thursday Shoulder dystocia Dr. Pranil Dode
8. 17/03/23 Friday Instrumental delivery Dr. Amey Chugh
9. 20/03/23 Monday Episiotomy Dr. Madhukar Shinde
10. 23/03/23 Thursday Bedside procedures /tests in obs Dr. Swati Bhakre
11. 24/03/23 Friday NST/CTG Dr. Prashant Suryarao
12. 27/03/23 Monday Neonatal resuscitation Dr. Sayali More
13. 31/03/23 Friday Seminar on puerperium Dr. Pankaj Salvi
14. 03/04/23 Monday Seminar on c-section& complications Dr. Shabista Shaikh
15. 06/04/23 Thursday Drugs obst Dr. SukeshKathpalia
16. 10/04/23 Monday Specimen Dr. Sanjay Ponde
17. 13/04/23 Thursday Obst instrument Dr. DipakKolte
18. 17/04/23 Monday Gynac instrument Dr. Shriraj Katakdhonde
19. 20/04/23 Thursday Lactation Dr. Jayshree kulkarni
20. 21/04/23 Friday Perineal tear & episiotomy Dr. Himadri Bal
21. 24/04/23 Monday Neonatal resuscitation Dr. Meenal Patvekar
22. 27/04/23 Thursday Record keeping –Case, Discharge, referal note Dr. Vidya Gaikwad
23. 28/04/23 Friday Seminar on hyperemesis Dr. Swati Bhakre
24. 04/05/23 Thursday Drugs in Obst (Onytocin/Methergine /PGS Dr. Suhas Gaikwad
25. 08/05/23 Monday Drugs in Obst (Tocolytics/Anti HT) Dr. Sayali More
26. 11/05/23 Thursday PPH drill Dr. Pratap Pharande
27. 12/05/23 Friday Preterm labour Dr. Shankar Burute
28. 15/05/23 Monday Gynac Examination Dr. Swapnali Sansare
29. 18/05/23 Thursday Pap Smear & Colposcopy Dr. Pranil Dode
30. 19/05/23 Friday Vaginitis (Syndromic management ) Dr. Amey Chugh
31. 22/05/23 Monday Drugs in Gynac Dr. Swati Bhakare
32. 25/05/23 Thursday Specimen in Gynac Dr. Swati Bhakare
33. 26/05/23 Friday Contraception Dr. Prashant Suryarao
34. 29/05/23 Monday Gynac Card Dr. Sayali More
35. 01/06/23 Thursday Gynac Instruments Dr. Pankaj Salvi
36. 02/06/23 Friday Seminar on ART Dr. Shabista Shaikh
37. 05/06/23 Monday Hystero&Laproscopy Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
38. 08/06/23 Thursday Post operative care Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
39. 09/06/23 Friday Gynac card -I Dr. Dipak Kolte
40. 12/06/23 Monday Gynac Card II Dr. Shriraj Katakdhonde
41. 15/06/23 Thursday Seminar on mullerian anomalies Dr. Vidya Gaikwad
42. 16/06/23 Friday Revision Dr. Shilpa Khirsagar
43. 19/06/23 Monday Revision Dr. Sanjay Ponde 
44. 03/07/23 Monday Seminar on fertilization and implantation Dr. Suhas Gaikwad
45. 06/07/23 Thursday Gynac Specimens Dr. Pratap Pharande
46. 07/07/23 Friday Bed side procedure in Obstetrics - II Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar
47. 14/07/23 Friday Lactation Dr. Suhas Gaikwad
48. 17/07/23 Monday Seminar on fertilization and implantation Dr. Astha Sinha
49. 20/07/23 Thursday HSG Dr. Prashant Suryarao
50. 21/07/23 Friday Interpretation of HSG Plates Dr. Aahana Singh
51. 24/07/23 Monday PaP Smear Dr. Pankaj Salvi
52. 27/07/23 Thursday Colposcopy Dr. Swati Bhakre
53. 28/07/23 Friday IUCD & Cu T Insertion Dr. Pranil Dode
54. 31/07/23 Monday Endometrial biopsy Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
55. 03/08/23 Thursday Menstrual Regulation Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar
56. 04/08/23 Friday MVA /D&E/ Suction evacuation Dr. Shabista Shaikh
57. 07/08/23 Monday Ovulation Induction –clomiphene & letrozole Dr. Rajkumar Salunke
58. 10/08/23 Thursday Ovulation Induction –Gonadotrophins Dr. Shankar Burute
59. 11/08/23 Friday HRT Dr. Himadri Bal
60. 14/08/23 Monday ECV/IPV Dr. Sanjay Ponde
61. 17/08/23 Thursday Vaginal breech delivery Dr. Dipak Kolate
62. 18/08/23 Friday Seminar GTD Dr. Pratap pharande
63. 21/08/23 Monday Informed consent Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
64. 24/08/23 Thursday Maternal Mortality - Seminar Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
65. 25/08/23 Friday CTG Dr. Amey Chugh 
66. 28/08/23 Monday Interpretation of CTG charts Dr. Swapnali Sansare
67. 31/08/23 Thursday Retained placenta and MROP Dr. Princy KH
68. 01/09/23 Friday 2pm-3pm Twin Pregnancy Dr. Aastha Sinha
69. 04/09/23 Monday 3pm-5pm Female sterilization Dr. Dipak Kolate
70. 07/09/23 Thursday 9am -10am Communication skills Dr. Sukesh Kathpalia
71. 08/09/23 Friday 2pm-3pm Documentation Dr. Himadri Bal
72. 11/09/23 Monday 3pm-5pm Lactation, Breast feeding care of breast Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar
73. 14/09/23 Thursday 9am -10am Instrumental delivery  
74. 15/09/23 Friday 2pm-3pm STDs in pregnancy Dr. Swapnali Sansare
75. 18/09/23 Monday 3pm-5pm Prescribing in pregnancy Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni
76. 21/09/23 Thursday 9am -10am Long acting reversible contraceptive including PPIUCD programme Dr. Amey Chugh
77. 22/09/23 Friday 2pm-3pm MTP Act & section 2021 amendments Dr. Pankaj Salvi
78. 25/09/23 Monday 3pm-5pm Genital Injuries in obstetrics Dr. Prashant Suryarao
79. 29/09/23 Friday 2pm-3pm Shoulder dystocia Dr. Shriraj Katakdhond
80. 05/10/23 Thursday 9am -10am Type of pelvis & their clinical implication Dr. Shabista Shaikh
81. 06/10/23 Friday 2pm-3pm Neonatal resuscitation Dr. Pratap Pharande
82. 09/10/23 Monday 3pm-5pm Fetal Screening Dr. Dipak Kolate
83. 12/10/23 Thursday 9am -10am ART – Seminar Dr. Aahana Sinha
84. 13/10/23 Friday 2pm-3pm Blood & blood products – Appropriate use Dr. Pankaj Salvi
85. 16/10/23 Monday 3pm-5pm Doppler study in obstetrics Dr. Madhukar Shinde
86. 19/10/23 Thursday 9am -10am Counseling puerperal mother at time of discharge Dr. Pranil Dode
87. 20/10/23 Friday 2pm-3pm Evaluation of RPL Dr. Swapnali Sansare