Achievements/Awards of Faculty, UG Student, PG student yearwise (calendar year)
Dr. Shailaja Mane
reviewing the short film/documentary/TV spot of Maha Argya film festival 2022-23
Department of Public Health.
Government of
Dr. Vineeta Pande
Dr. Shradha Salunkhe
Dr. Pramila Menon
Dr. Shilpa Kshirsagar
Ms. Rashmi Poduval
2023 IBCLC Hospital-based Care Awards”,
May 2023
Grants for research projects sponsored by the government sources during the last five years (Amount in Rupees)
Data requirements for last 5 years: - STS Project
Name of the Project
Name of the Principal Investigator
Department of Principal Investigator
Year of Award
Funds provided
Duration of the project
Funding Agency
Total amount of funds received
“Assessment of growth and development in first 1000 days of life and educate the parents about early child development to promote nurturing care.”
Dt. Pramila
“Evaluation of proteinuria and its correlation with obesity , blood pressure diabetes and family history of renal diseases amongst adolescent”.
Dr. Sampda
Mudaliar Sujith Krishnamooth
Comparative study on aggressive behavior among children who
play video games and those who do not .
Vanshika Arora
A good little should be short,
Accurate and concise . it should make the central objects and variables of the students reviewer .
Ira Rahul Gore
Study of relation of screen time on cognitive development and sleep going children
Dr. Vineeta Arora
Mental impact of cerebral palsy on parents
Dr. Pramod Jog
Khushi Mehtra
Clinicoetilogicial profile of Meconium Aspirtion Syndrome
Dr. Sudhir Malwade
Yash Pansare
The study of Knowledge attitude and practice about non-communicable diseases in adolescent
Dr. Renuka Jadhav
Siddhi Patil
The study of Macronutrients and Micronutrients in Mother’s Milk of Western India
Aditya Bose
Study of screen time effect on children
Dr. Sampada Tambolkar
Samruth Alamalakala
Birth weight Progression in Low birth weight babies by education on breastfeeding
Stuti Mittal
Assessment of the risk factor correlating the birth outcome and development delay in high risk babies
Akshata Bammi
Sleep Habits and Quality of life in children with Epilepsy
Dr. Rasika Bharaswadkar
Kimaya Bhole
Malnutrition during emergencies and crises
Dr. Balkrishana Garud
Yashashvi Ganesh Jadhav