
Sr. no

P. G. Student




Year 2022 to 2024


Dr. Dharmagadda Amulya

MD Pediatrics

Prevalence of acute viral encephalitis in western Maharashtra

Dr. Sampada Tambolkar


Dr. Janhavi Thorat

MD Pediatrics

“Clinical and etiogical profile of acute viral encephalitis in children in tertiary care hospital.”

Dr. Sampada Tambolkar


Dr. Mrinali Thakur

MD Pediatrics

“Quality of life in children and Adolescents with Bronchial Asthma.”

Dr. Vineeta Pande


Dr. Mridu Bahal

MD Pediatrics

“To study clinical profile of Neurodevelopmental disorder in children.”

Dr. Vineeta Pande


Dr. Jasleen Dua

MD Pediatrics

“Association of vitamin D deficiency and early onset sepsis in term neonate.”

Dr. Renuka Jadhav


Dr. Mohammad Ilyaz

MD Pediatrics

“To Study the thyroid profile in children with Beta Thalassemia major.”

Dr. Renuka Jadhav


Dr. Garlapati Srinija

MD Pediatrics

“The effect of camel milk on glucose homeostasis in children and Adolescents with insulin

Dependent (Type -1) diabetes mellitus”

Dr. Shailaja Mane


Dr. Kasiraddy Sravathi

MD Pediatrics

“The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adolescents at tertiary care centre.”

Dr. Shailaja Mane


Dr. Omprashant Reddy

MD Pediatrics

“A study of clinical laboratory profile and outcome of dengue infection in children.”

Dr. Pramod Jog


Dr. Varsha P

MD Pediatrics

“clinic etiological profile of acute kidney injury in term neonates.”

Dr. Sudhir Malwade


Dr. Shivani Kale

MD Pediatrics

“Clinico etiological profile and outcome of mechanically ventilated neonates in tertiary care NICU.”

Dr. Sudhir Malwade


Dr.Gaurav Kumar

MD Pediatrics

“Clinical and Etiological profile of bicytopenia and pancytopenia in pediatric patients.”

Dr. Sanjay Chavan


Dr.Aarti Muthukumar

MD Pediatrics

“Study of Clinical profile etiology and management of undernutrition under six months of age”

Dr. Pramila Menon


Dr.Priyanka Shah

MD Pediatrics

“ Clinical spectrum of Epilepsy in children with neonatal hypoglycemic brain injury – A cross

Sectional observational study.”

Dr. Shiji Chalipat


Dr. Shevli Paul

MD Pediatrics

“Complementary feeding practices among mothers of children aged 6 months to 2 Years in a tertiary care centre.”

Dr. Shradha Salunkhe


Dr. Neha Tyagi

MD Pediatrics

“C-Reactive Protein versus Procalcitonin as biomarker of prognostic importance in Sepsis in age group of 1 month-15 years.”

Dr. Manojkumar Patil



Dr.Neha Thorbole

MD Pediatrics

“To study Visual Evoked potential in children with developmental delay.”

Dr. Rasika Bharaswedkar


Dr.Ruhi Shaligram

MD Pediatrics

“Risk factors and predictors of outcomes in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.”

Dr. Balkrishan Garud



Dr. MD Owais Ali Khan

MD Pediatrics

“Evaluation of risk of premature atherosclerosis in children with transfusion department thalassemia”

Dr. Vineeta Pande


Dr. Dharshana D.S.

MD Pediatrics

“To study the levels of vitamin b12 in autism spectrum disorder”

Dr. Vineeta Pande


Dr. Saurabh Suresh

MD Pediatrics

“The study of iron and zinc deficiency in children with febrile seizures.”

Dr. Shailaja Mane


Dr. Abhinav Maheshwari


“ Study of Polysomnography (PSG) IN Adolescent with sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB)

Dr. Shailaja Mane


Dr. Kartik D

MD Pediatrics

“Study of Serum Magnesium Levels in undernourshid Children between 1 year to 5 years of age”

Dr. Renuka Jadhav


Dr.Nidhish Raval

MD Pediatrics

“To study Serum Ferritin level for Predicting Outcome in Children with Sepsis admitted in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit”

Dr. Renuka Jadhav


Dr.Ganesh Kumar

MD Pediatrics

“clinico: Pathological correlation of intraventricular haemorrhage in neonates admitted in Tertiary care centre”

Dr. Sudhir Malwade


Dr.Harika Kokkirala

MD Pediatrics

“Clinico etiological spectrum of meconium aspiration syndrome in neonates at tertiary care centre.”

Dr. Sudhir Malwade


Dr.Sarnya Verma

MD Pediatrics

“Study on clinic-etiological profile, laboratory correlation and clinical outcome in paediatric patients admitted with shock in a tertiary care hospital”.

Dr. Sanjay Chavan


Dr. Sadhu Pooja

MD Pediatrics

“Study of protocol for the use of inotropes in paediatric intensive care unit”

Dr. Sampada Tambolkar


Dr.Arushi Narang

MD Pediatrics

“Clinical , pathological and radiological study of post covid positive patients in

Dr. Sampada Tambolkar


Dr.Akash Menon

MD Pediatrics

“Clinical profile of children (1 month to 2 years) with Hypotonia a tertiary care center”

Dr. Shiji Chalipat


Dr.Allan Mathew

MD Pediatrics

“Clinical Profile of Children with inherited Neuromuscular Disorder in a Tertiary Care Referral center”

Dr. Shiji Chalipat


Dr. M. Pranavi


“Admission pattern , treatment outcomes and associated factors for children admitted to pediatrics intensive care unit”.

Dr. Shradha Salunkhe


Dr. Shivshankar Awase


“To study Clinical Profile and Determine outcome in NON TRAUMATIC COMA IN CHILDREN aged between I months and 18 years”

Dr. Manoj Patil


Dr. Renuka A. Majjigudda


“ Study of Empower of parents by using mother child protection card and home-based young child care jobaid for holistic child development”

Dr. Pramila Menon


Dr. Suresha


“The clinic-radiological profile of ring enhancing lesions among children below 18 years of age in a tertiary care hospital.”

Dr. Rasika Bharaswedkar


Dr. Ganta Chandrashekhar Reddy


“To study the effectiveness of the premature infant oral mother intervention (PIOMI) on feeding performance, duration of hospital stay in preterm neonates”

Dr. Balkrishna Garud



P. G. Student




Year : 2023 to 2026


Dr. Saroj Soumya

“Study of prevalence, risk factors and outcome of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in newborns and infants from neonatal intensive care unit

Dr. Shailaja Mane



Dr. Vendant Tandon

“Study of clinical pattern of tuberculosis in children after covid-19 pandemic in a tertiary Healthcare”

Dr. Shailaja Mane



Dr.Nidhi Upasdhyaya

“To determine the risk of increased screen based media usage in adolescents and its effects on their sleep pattern, BMI and mental health”.

Dr. Vineeta Pande



Dr. Bharat Reddy

“To study the serum zinc levels in children with lower respiratory tract infections”.

Dr. Vineeta Pande



Dr. Mansi Meda

“Study of pattern of various infections in children with nephrotic syndrome.”

Dr. Renuka Jadhav



Dr. Shruti Anant Gaonkar

“Estimation of vitamin D levels in infants and it’s correlation with feeding patterns”

Dr. Renuka Jadhav



Dr. Aditi Rajput

“To study the predictors of epilepsy in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in term neonates in a tertiary care hospital.”

Dr. Sudhir Malwade



Dr. Nikita Reddy

“ To study effect of LED phototherapy on serum calcium, magnesium serum electrolytes levels in neonates with unconjugated hyperbilirunemia.”

Dr. Sudhir Malwade



Dr. Y.L.Harshita

“Spectrum of Antenatally detected cardiovascular anomalies it’s maternal correlation and Neononatal outcome.”

Dr. Sanjay Chavan



Dr. Rasika Bharaswadkar

“To study the Role of Serum Vitamin D Levels in Severity of Dengue Fever”.

Dr. Sampada Tambolkar



Dr. Mahinoor Khan

‘To study the Role of presepsin as a biomarker in pediatric sepsis”

Dr. Sampada Tambolkar



Dr. Manssesh Kunchepv

“Neurological manifestations of dengue infections in children”.

Dr. Shiji Chalipat



Dr. Avinash Daru

“Clinical profile of children with Hydrocephalus in a Tertiary Care Referral centre”.

Dr. Shiji Chalipat



Dr. Mahati Reddy

“Training of Angamwadi workers for Developmental Screening of children 0-6 years of age”.

Dr. Shradha Salunkhe



Dr. Garima Godya

“ A prospective study of Respiratory support (Invasive and Non-invasive) in a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) in a Teaching Hospital”.

Dr. Manoj Patil



Dr. Hindu Satti

“ Study of clinical profile and etiology of syndrome children in tertiary care centre”.

Dr. Pramila Menon



Dr. Anwita Ramdas Shinde

“Clinical profile and outcome of children with status epilepticus”

Dr. Rasika Bharaswadkar



Dr. Shubham Verma

“Clinical profile of ventilator associated pneumonia and it’s correlation between risk factor, morbidity and mortality in children

Dr. Balkrshana Garud

Sr No P. G. Student Topic Guide
Year : 2023 to 2026
1 Dr. Saroj Soumya “Study of prevalence, risk factors and outcome of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in newborns and infants from neonatal intensive care unit Dr. Shailaja Mane
2 Dr. Vendant Tandon “Study of clinical pattern of tuberculosis in children after covid-19 pandemic in a tertiary Healthcare” Dr. Shailaja Mane
3 Dr.Nidhi Upasdhyaya “To determine the risk of increased screen based media usage in adolescents and its effects on their sleep pattern, BMI and mental health”. Dr. Vineeta Pande
4 Dr. Bharat Reddy “To study the serum zinc levels in children with lower respiratory tract infections”. Dr. Vineeta Pande
5 Dr. Mansi Meda “Study of pattern of various infections in children with nephrotic syndrome.” Dr. Renuka Jadhav
6 Dr. Shruti Anant Gaonkar “Estimation of vitamin D levels in infants and it’s correlation with feeding patterns” Dr. Renuka Jadhav
7 Dr. Aditi Rajput “To study the predictors of epilepsy in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in term neonates in a tertiary care hospital.” Dr. Sudhir Malwade
8 Dr. Nikita Reddy “ To study effect of LED phototherapy on serum calcium, magnesium serum electrolytes levels in neonates with unconjugated hyperbilirunemia.” Dr. Sudhir Malwade
9 Dr. Y.L.Harshita “Spectrum of Antenatally detected cardiovascular anomalies it’s maternal correlation and Neononatal outcome.” Dr. Sanjay Chavan
10 Dr. Rasika Bharaswadkar “To study the Role of Serum Vitamin D Levels in Severity of Dengue Fever”. Dr. Sampada Tambolkar
11 Dr. Mahinoor Khan ‘To study the Role of presepsin as a biomarker in pediatric sepsis” Dr. Sampada Tambolkar
12 Dr. Manssesh Kunchepv “Neurological manifestations of dengue infections in children”. Dr. Shiji Chalipat
13 Dr. Avinash Daru “Clinical profile of children with Hydrocephalus in a Tertiary Care Referral centre”. Dr. Shiji Chalipat
14 Dr. Mahati Reddy “Training of Angamwadi workers for Developmental Screening of children 0-6 years of age”. Dr. Shradha Salunkhe
15 Dr. Garima Godya “ A prospective study of Respiratory support (Invasive and Non-invasive) in a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) in a Teaching Hospital”. Dr. Manoj Patil
16 Dr. Hindu Satti “ Study of clinical profile and etiology of syndrome children in tertiary care centre”. Dr. Pramila Menon
17 Dr. Anwita Ramdas Shinde “Clinical profile and outcome of children with status epilepticus” Dr. Rasika Bharaswadkar
18 Dr. Shubham Verma “Clinical profile of ventilator associated pneumonia and it’s correlation between risk factor, morbidity and mortality in children Dr. Balkrshana Garud