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Department of Radio-Diagnosis

Academics Extension and Research
Best Practices


Context: Dr. D Y Patil Medical College, Research Center and Hospital, Pune is an advanced tertiary care hospital with super-specialty departments with need for cutting edge technology especially in the field of diagnostics, so as to improve patient management and for widening the scope of the hospital itself.


3-Tesla MAGNETOM VIDA MRI WITH BIOMATRIX TECHNOLOGY is one of the finest technologies available in the field of MRI and offers the unmatched diagnostic advantages for the treating physicians facilitating patient well being.

It also unveils am opportunity for wide spectrum of prospective and retrospective research projects keeping with the progress of the department of Radiodiagnosis and the hospital.


• By using intuitive and AI based technologies, operators are able to schedule one more patient per hour.

BioMatrix respiratory and cardiac Sensors – Anticipate motion for high-quality results.

BioMatrix Tuners with CoilShim technology and SliceAdjust technology helps to avoid repeat scans due to significantly improved fat saturation and better DWI quality in the head/neck and spine region.

Better in bore experience to help decrease the claustrophobia.

Many dissertations and international research projects are going on using advanced software.

Ø Cardiac MRI

Ø Neuroimaging (DTI/MRS/fMRI) with navigation protocol

Ø Liver Elastography

Ø Research projects, Collaborations with Siemens

Ø Allotment of 3T MRI based dissertation topics

Ø Cardiac CT – Complex Congenital Heart Diseases, Coronary CT

Evidence of Success:

Patients benefited – 26280

Research Projects –

  1. DPU Funded – 2 Projects


Name of the project

Principal Investigator

Funds received

Current Status


Evaluation of multi-parametric MRI in differentiating benign and malignant lesions of the breast

Dr. Pratiksha Yadav




Role of cardiac MRI in post ischemic and non ischemic cardiomyopathy

Dr. Tushar Kalekar



  1. Dissertation – 60

Sr. no





1 Dr. Rohan N Shah Dr. R.S. Kuber Diffusion-Tensor Imaging and Tractography Application in Pre-Operative Planning of Intra-Axial Brain Lesions 2022
2 Dr. Amanya Shukla Dr. R.S. Kuber Evaluation of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 2022
3 Dr. Amir Shahzad Dr. S.M. Khaladkar MRI Evaluation of Extra-Axial, Intra-Calvarial non Traumatic Brain Lesions 2022
4 Dr. Akhil Varma Dr. S.M. Khaladkar Utility of ASL, DWI and MR Spectroscopy in Evaluation of Brain Pathologies 2022
5 Dr. Brahmjeet Singh Dr. S.M. Khaladkar Evaluation of CSF Flowmetry in Normal and Generalized Cerebral Atrophy 2022
6 Dr. Pushkar Kumar Dr. V.P. Rangankar Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis of Intracranial Meningiomas with Histopathological Correlation 2022
7 Dr. Alekhya Reddy Dr. V.P. Rangankar Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Spine in Non-Traumatic Back Pain in Adolescent and Young Adults 2022
8 Dr. Bhavya Dang Dr. T.M. Kalekar Role of MR Elastography in Assessment of Liver Fibrosis 2022
9 Dr. Ankit Gupta Dr. T.M. Kalekar Role of 3T Cardiac MRI in the Assessment of Cardiac Masses 2022
10 Dr. Uday Ganeshwala Dr. P.V. Patil Incidental Extra-Spinal Findings on MRI Spine 2022
11 Dr. Misha Shettigar Dr. Y.P. Patil Role of Multiparametric MRI Imaging in Evaluation of Prostatic Pathologies 2022
12 Dr. Bharat Jotwani Dr. R.U. Dhadve Role of T2* Imaging in Quantification and Detection of Cardiac and Hepatic Iron Concentration in Thalassemia patients 2022
13 Dr. Umair Syed Dr. S.M. Khaladkar Study of role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in cerebral small vessel disease 2023
14 Dr. Prakash Singh vasan Dr. R.S. Kuber Vascular Imaging of stroke using CT and MRI 2023
15 Dr. Richa Roy Dr. P.K. Lamghare Role of MR fistulogram in assessment of anorectal fistulas 2023
16 Dr. Sujata Sehrawat Dr. V.P. Rangankar Role of MRI in evaluation of elbow trauma 2023
17 Dr. Mihir Wadhawan Dr. T.M. Kalekar Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in evaluation of lumbar plexus using high resolution sequences along diffusion weighted imaging 2023
18 Dr. Jyothsna Yeluru Dr. T.M. Kalekar Role of MRI in Alzeimer’s disease with arterial spin labelling (ASL) 2023
19 Dr. Shubham Mehta Dr. P.V. Patil Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) evaluation of Non-Traumatic Posterior Cranial fossa pathologies in pediatric age group 2023

3. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

• Expenses for keeping up-to-date with latest software updates and maintenance of the machine

• Counseling patients for special sequences in view of ongoing research projects

  1. Use of latest applications and software on 3T Magnetom Vida MRI for diagnosis and research
    • MRI breast contrast and advanced techniques with MRS
    • Cartilage mapping,T2* imaging for spine
    • • Liver Elastography and Liver Lab
    • • Neuronavigation technique
    • • Cardiac MRI
    • • Non contrast perfusion
    • • Arterial Spin Labeling
    • • Whole body diffusion in cancer patients.
    • • Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Functional MRI
    • • Free breathing technique for uncooperative patients
    • • High resolution TMJ MRI
  2. Digital Mammography and Tomosynthesis for diagnostic ,screening and research purpose
  3. Interventional Radiology
    • Therapeutic embolisation of tumours
    • Laser therapy for varicose veins
  4. Low dose radiation protocol in latest 128 slice CT (Philips), Digital Mammography (Siemens) and Full room Digital Radiography System (Siemens)
  5. Coronary Angiography, Cardiac CT and Bone densitometry
  6. Advanced ultrasound techniques
    • Elastography
    • USG contrast media
    • High resolution ultrasound
    • Ultrasound of Mandibular nerve and Masseter muscle
  7. Communication of urgent reports to concerned referring doctor through electronic media
  8. All departments, wards and ICU have PACS connectivity
  9. Various research projects are going in collaboration with Siemens Healthineer.
  10. Various research projects in department with DPU funding. Extramural funding and self funding
  11. Many research paper presentations in various international and national conferences- RSNA, ECR, CAR, KCR, IRIA, BISICON, AMS, MSS