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Department of Radio-Diagnosis

Academics Extension and Research
List of Publications
  1. Dr Pranav Ajmera, Dr Pratiksha Yadav, Dr Udayan Dosi, Dr Shreeya Goyal Analysing the Insights and Assessing the Impact of a Digital Mammography and Tomosynthesis Based 2-year Long Prospective Breast Screening Programme Organised in Western India Asian pacific journal of cancer prevention Jan-22
  2. Pranav Ajmera, Amit Kharat, Satvik Dhirawani, Viraj Kulkarni, P. Lamghare. Evaluating the Association between Comobidities and COVID-19 severity Scoring on Chest CT Examinations between the Two Waves of COVID-19: An Imaging Study Using Artificial Intelligence. Cureus. January 2022, 14(1)
  3. Dr Deepak Koganti, Dr P Lamghare, Dr Vinay SS, Dr Rachit Khandelwal, Dr Dileep reddy, Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of Rotator Cuff Tears Cureus Jan-22
  4. Darshana Dilip, S.M. Khaladkar, Vijetha C, Sai Sabari Vinay Kumar Parripati, REAL-TIME strain elastography: Applications in musculoskeletal system, Journal of Clinical Orthopedics and Trauma, February 2022, Vol-26
  5. Uz Zaman S, Rangankar V, Muralinath K, et al. (March 01, 2022) Temporal Bone Cholesteatoma: Typical Findings and Evaluation of Diagnostic Utility on High Resolution Computed Tomography. Cureus 14(3): e22730. DOI 10.7759/cureus.22730
  6. Dr Viraj Shah, Dr Tushar Kalekar, Dr P Lamghare, Dr A Gupta Role of Late Gadolinium Enhancement in the Assessment of Myocardial Viability. Cureus Mar-22
  7. Dr Sanjay Khaladkar, Dr Pranav Ajmera, Dr Snehal Rathi Utility of 3D-T2 space MRI sequence in diagnosing a rare cause of lower backache: horseshoe cord and meningocoele manqué in a case of composite split cord malformation BMJ Case Reports Mar-22
  8. S.M. Khaladkar, Darshana Dilip, Rahul Arkar, Vijetha C, P. Lamghare, A case of carotid web: Cause of stroke in healthy and young patients, SA Journal of Radiology, January 2022, 26(1)
  9. Vikas Jadhav, Varsha Rangankar, Anmol Singh, Purnachandra Lamghare, Merry Francis Kallely, Inflammatory Subcutaneous Pseudotumour due to Migrating Foreign Body through Concealed Colonic Perforation: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2022 Apr, Vol-16(4): TD03-TD05
  10. Dr. Pranav Ajmera, Dr. Sanjay Khaladkar Validation of a Deep Learning Model to aid in COVID-19 Detection from Digital Chest Radiographs medRxiv (PRE-PRINT) Jun-22
  11. Dr. Tushar Kalekar, Dr. Viraj Shah, Dr. Sameeh Uz Zaman, Dr. Saad Muhammad Jaweed Shaikh, Dr. Rachit Khandelwal, The role of cardiac T2* magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of myocardial iron concentration in patients with beta-thalassemia major Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, June 2022.
  12. Sanjay M. Khaladkar, Darshana Dilip, Vijetha Chanabasanavar, Nagireddy Bethireddy, Purnachandra Lamghare. Facial Swelling as a Presenting Sign of Cholangiocarcinoma, EMJ Radiology, 2022
  13. Dr. Pranav Ajmera, Dr. Sahil Kathuria, VM Kulkarni, Parag Patil Deep learning bases automatic detection of pulmonary nodules from chest radiographs medRxiv (PRE-PRINT) Jun-22
  14. Dr. Sanjay Khaladkar, Dr. Vijetha Chanabasanavar, Dr. Satvik Dhirawani, Viashnavi Thakker, Dr. Darshana Dilip, Vinay Kumar Parripati Susceptibility weighted imaging- an effective auxilliary sequence that enhances insight into the imaging of stroke, CUREUS, May-22
  15. Dr. Sanjay Khaladkar A rare case of Marchiafava Bigami disease Medical Journal of DY Patil Feb-22
  16. Saad Shaikh, Sneha Sirigireddy, Vishal Walasangikar, Viraj Shah, Rahul Navani. Dorsal Cord Herniation with Diastematomyelia - A Rare Case. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2022 Feb, Vol-16(2): TD01-TD02
  17. Rachit Khandelwal, Amit Kharat, Rajesh Botchu, Deepak Koganti, Viraj P. Shah. High resolution T2* mapping in assessment of knee articular cartilage on 3T MRI. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma 27 (2022) 101823
  18. Nerella Krishna Teja, Dileep Reddy Ayapneni, Surekha S., Study of signification of phase mask image in acute stroke patients. Malang Neurology Journal, January 2022, 8(1)
  19. Dr. Vishal Patil, Dr. Ayapneni Dileep Reddy, Dr. Amit Kale Incidental indentification of vertebral fragility fractures by chest CT in covid-19 infected individuals Cureus 2021
  20. Dr. Akshay Waghmode, Dr. Nikhith Soman A case of sterile osteomyelitis: chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) Cureus Jun-22
  21. Mudit Kumar, Varsha Rangankar, Aastha Agarwal, A Rare case of Frontal Lobe Cavernous Malformation Mimicking Meningioma, Cureus, July 2022, 14(7)
  22. Tushar Kalekar, Radhika Jaipuria, Rahul Navani, MRI Findings in Case of Post - COVID-19 Vaccination Rhabdomyolysis: A Rare Postvaccination Adverse Effect, Indian Journal of Radiology Imaging, July 2022, 32(2)
  23. Pratiksha Yadav, Yevvari Sameera, Vanshita Gupta, Varsha Rangankar, Tushar Kamble, Nipple Papilloma with Dysplasia: A Case Report, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, August 2022, 16(8)
  24. Shailesh Rohatgi, Varsha Rangankar, Prajwal Rao, Satish Nirhale, Pravin Naphade, Moyamoya Syndrome Associated with Grave's Disease: A Case Report, Medical Journal of DY Patil Vidyapeeth, 2022, 15
  25. Varsha Rangankar, Pranav Ajmera, Spontaneous Regression of subdural Haematoma Due to Redistribution in a Young Child: A Case Report, Hong Kong Journal of Radiology, 2022, 25
  26. Tushar Kalekar, Mudit Kumar, Khushboo Agrawal, A case report of large left iliac wing chondromarcoma with diaphyseal aclasis, International Journal of Medical Review and Case Report, 2022, 6(13)
  27. R.M. Band, A.L. Ghangale, S.V. Lakhute, S.D. Gaiwale, A.B. Sapate, V.M. Kulkarni, A Retrospective Observentional Study of Appearance and Fusion of Ossification Centres in Lower Limb Radiographs of Patients Reported in the Tertiary Health Care Centre, Journal Indian Academic Forensic Medicine, 2022, 44(1)
  28. Tushar Kalekar,Reetika Kapoor, Nikhith Soman, Tejvir Singh, Karthik Mohanan, Toxic myocarditis presenting as an acute coronary syndrome, Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 2022, 53(239)
  29. Tushar Kalekar, Viraj Shah, Khushboo Agrawal, Sameeh UZ-Zaman, The role of magnetic Resonance Imaging Defecography in the Evaluation of Patients with chronic, Journal of Radiology Nursing, Dec. 2022, 41(4)
  30. Varsha Rangankar, Divyajat Kumar, Rajesh Kuber, Tushar Kalekar, Imaging of the Neurological Manifestations of dengue: A case series, SA Journal of Radiology, Nov. 2022, 26(1)
  31. Sanjay M. Khaladkar, Tejvir Singh, Karthik Mohanan, Rajesh Kuber, Satvik Dhirawani, A case of leiomyosarcoma of the Ovarian vein with obstructive uropathy and hepatic metastasis, SA Journal of Radiology, Oct. 2022, 16(1)
  1. Vikas Jadhav, Chirag Patel, Rupa M. Kopparthi, Rajesh Kuber, Ultrasound-Guided Pigtail Catheter Drainage: An Effective Alternative to Exploratory Laparotomy, Cureus, Jan 2023, 15(1), 1-10
  2. Varsha Rangankar, Krishnarjun M., Parag Patil, Sameeh Zaman, Obstructed Left Prarduodenal Hernia with Spontaneous Reduction Demonstrated on Computed Tomography: A Case Report, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Jan 2023, 17(1), TD01-TD03
  3. Varsha Bhatt, Pranav Jawade, Vikas Jadhav, A Rare Case of Unilateral Xanthogranulomatous Ureteritis Mimicking an Interior Vena Cava Tumor, Cureus, Jan 2023, 15(1), 1 to 8
  4. Nivedita Khaire, Sonali Deshmukh, Eshan Agarwal, Nilesh Mahale, Sanjay Khaldkar, Sanjay Desai, Ashwini Kulkarni. Pneumomediastinum: A marker of severity in Covid-19 disease. Heliyon, Jan 2023, 9, E12981
  5. Tushar Kalekar, Suhas M., Latha P., Aparna Prabhu, Purnachandra Lamghare, Neuroimaging Spectrum of Intracranial Lipomas, Cureus, Feb 2023, 15(2), 1 to 6
  6. Tushar Kalekar, Khushboo Agrawal, Arunima Gupta, Vijetha Chanabasanavar, The role of functional magnetic resonance imagng in clinically diagnosed cases of migraine, Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, Feb 2023, 14(2), 192 to 196
  7. Pranav Ajmera, Amit Kharat, Sanjay Khaladkar, V.M. Kulkarni, Validation of a Deep Learning Model for Detecting Chest Pathologies from Digital Chest Radiographs, Diagnostic, Feb 2023, 13(557)
  8. Sanjay Khaladkar, Divyajat Kumar, Reetika Kapoor Isolated unilateral absence of pulmonary artery- an unusual cause of hemoptyisis: a case report, The Egyptian Journal of Bronchology, Feb 2023, 147(10)
  9. Tushar Kalekar, Arunima Gupta, Mudit Kumar, Role of 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Assessment of Infiltrative Cardiomyopathies, Cureus, March 2023, 15(3)
  10. Dr. Aastha Agarwal, Dr. Varsha Rangankar, Dr. Reetika Kapoor, Role of 3T Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Evaluation of Brachial Plexus,European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM), 2023, 10(1), 3214-3229
  11. Dr. Ankita Dwiedi, Dr. Umesh More, Dr. Sanjay Deo, Dr. J V S Kishore, Dr. Rupa Madhavi Kopparthi, Pro-Inflammatory Biomarkers and Cytokines in the Various Stages of Osteroarthritis, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2023, 14(3), 466-472
  12. Dr. Sai Sabari Vinay Kumar Parripati, Dr. Sanjay Khaladkar, Dr. Satvik Dhirawani, Dr. Deepak Koganti, Dr. Krishna Teja, Dr. Vijetha C., Utility of non-contrast MR venogarphy in detection of normal anatomy, anatomical variations and potential diagnostic pitfall in diagnosis of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023, 10(1), 2169-2189
  13. Dr. Satvik Dhirawani, Dr. Sanjay Khaladkar, Dr. Sai Sabari Vinay Kumar Parripati, Dr. Tejvir Singh, Dr. Eshan Durgi, Dr. Neeha Jhala, High resolutions Computed Tomography Manifestations in COVID-19 suspected and Diagnosed patients, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023, 10(1), 2899-2915
  14. Shreeya Goyal, Varsha Rangankar, Sanika Deshmukh, Aparna Prabhu, Johnson S., MRI Evaluation of Soft Tissue Tumours and Tumor-Like Lesions of Extremities, Cureus, April 2023, 15(4)
  15. Tushar Kalekar, Purnachandra Lamghare, Suhas M., Aparna Prabhu, Rare Occurrence of Double Outlet Right Ventricle and Cardiomayopathy on Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac MRI: A Case Report, Cureus, April 2023, 15(4)
  16. Varsha Bhatt, Sanjay Khaladkar, Manaswini Edara, Thyroid Storm in Lupus: A Rare cause of Unreleting Pyrexia, Mediterranean Journal of Rheumatology, 2023, 34(1), 101-104
  17. Sanjay Khaladkar, Divyajat Kumar, Reetika Kapoor, An uncommon cause of scrotal swelling in a young male, Clinical Case – Test Yourself, 2023, 8(1), 54-59
  18. Tushar Kalekar, Darshana Dilip, A Dolas, Tracheo-oesophageal fistula in case of organophosphate poisoning, African Journal Crit care Med, 2023, 29(1)
  19. Sanjay Khaladkar, Sai Sabari Vinay Kumar Parripati, Deepak Koganti, Satvik Dhirawani, Urvashi Agrawal, Renal Cell Carcinoma Arising from Isthmus of Horsehoe K, Journal of Kidney Cancer and VHL, May 2023, 10(2), 1 to 7
  20. Dr. K.K. Harshyenee, Dr. Dileep Reddy Ayapaneni, Dr. V.M. Kulkarni, Dr. Ajay Dahiya, MAGNETIC RESONANCE CHOLANGIO PANCREATOGRAPHY EVALUATION OF BILIARY TRACT AND HEPATIC ARTERY VARIATIONS, European Journal of Molecular &Clinical Medicine, May 2023, 10(2)
  21. Dr. Sanjay M Khaladkar, Dr. Sai Sabari Vinay Kumar Parripati, Dr. Shreeya Goyal, Dr. Darshana Dilip, Dr. Ajay Dhaiya, Thrombosis of Extrasplanchnic and Splanchnic Venous System in Acute Pancreatitis- A Case with Rare Combination of Vascular Complication, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, May 2023, 17(5), TD04-TD06
  22. Tushar Kalekar , Aparna S. Prabhu , Suhas M, Cervical Spine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Hirayama Disease, Cureus, May 2023, 15(6), 1-9
  23. Vikram Vikhe, Kavish Chopda, Junail Ahmed, Sanjay Khaladkar, A Rare Case of Marchiafava Bignami Disease, Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, May 2023, 16(11), 1-4
  24. Tushar Kalekar, Rahul Navani, Reply to Letter to the Editor: Spectrum of Rhabdomyolysis and Myoglobinuria, Indian Journal of Radiological Imaging, May 2023, 33(340)
  25. Dr. Reetika Kapoor, Dr. Varsha Rangankar, Dr. Divyajat Kumar, Dr. Shashank Raina, Dr. Akhil Revikumar, Dr. Karthik Mohanan, Apparent diffusion coefficient and T2* mapping on 3T MRI in normal and degenerative lumbar intervertebral discs, Polish Journal of Radiology, June 2023, 88, e275-e285
  26. Dr. Tushar Kalekar, Dr. Sai Pavan Kumar, A rare case of inherited disorder with atypical imaging findings – A case report, Case Reports in Clinical Radiology, June 2023, 1 to 5
  27. Dr. Tushar Kalekar, Dr. Mudit K Kumar, Dr. Ajay Dahiya, Dr. Viraj Pankaj Shah, Dr. K. K. Harshyenee, Pulmonary cement embolism: a complication following vertebroplasty – A case report with brief review of literature, The Egyptian Journal of Bronchology, June 2023, 17(28), 1 to 7
  28. Varsha Rangankar, Aastha Agarwal, Shreeya Goyal, Krishnarjun M., Posterior Quandrantic Dysplasia: An Uncommon Cause of Childhood Seizures with brief Review of Literature, Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, June 2023, 0(0)
  29. Sanjay M. Khaladkar , Suhas M , Rajshree Dhadve , Udayan Dosi, An Unusual Case of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Presenting as Proptosis, Cureus, July 2023, 15(7)
  30. Tushar Kalekar, Varsha Rangankar, Pooja Karanjule, Radhika Jaipuria, Sahil Kathuria, Neeraj Patil, Girish NK, Radiological evaluation of sinonasal, intraorbital and intracranial extension of mucoymycosis in post covid patients, Malang Neurology Journal, July 2023, 9(2), 76-81
  31. Varsha Rangankar, Anmol Singh, Sanjay Khaladkar, Pictorial review of the post-operative cranium, SA Journal of Radiology, July 2023, 27(1), 1 to 8
  32. Prajwal Rao, Varsha Rangankar, Shalesh Rohatgi, Prashant Dubey, AdvaitGitay, Anmol Singh, S.L Jadhav, Satish Nirhale & Pravin Naphade, Predictors of disease severity in COVID-19associated mucormycosis: impact of HbA1C levels, time lag to mucormycosis onset, and radiologic patterns of paranasal sinuses and spaces involvement, Society for Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, July 2023, 1 to 15
  33. Dr. S.M. Khaladkar, Adhesions following repair of myomectomy scar rupture during LSCS-rare of post-Lscs small bowel obstruction, Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinical Medicine, August 2023
  34. Sanjay Khaladkar, Vanshita Gupta, Rahul Navani, Shreeya Goyal Orbital Apex Syndrome and Pituitary Metastasis in Lung Carcinoma: A Case Report, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Aug 2023, 17(8), TD01-TD04
  35. Tushar Kalekar, Latha P. Reddy, Deepak Koganti, Nikhith Soman, Pericardial agencies – the wandering heart, September 2023, 75(79)
  36. M. Krishnarjun, Varsha Rangankar, Sameeh Zaman Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging Evaluation In Children with Developmental Delay, Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Oct 2023, 16(2), S200-S208
  37. Sanjay Khaladkar, Satvik Dhirawani, Aastha Agarwal, Vijetha C., Tejvir Singh, A case of type II fucosidosis- diagnosed with neuroradiological and dysmorphological findings, Current Journal of Neurology, Oct 2023, 22(4)
  38. Tushar Kalekar, Aparna Prabhu, Darshana Dilip, A rare case of aorta-right atrial tunnel demonstrated on coronary computed tomography angiography, African Journal Thoracic Critical Care Medicine, 2023, 29(1)
  39. Dr. Chirag Rajnikant Patel, Dr. Varsha Rangankar, Dr. Sanjay Khaladkar, MR Cases Perfusion Imaging as a Problem-Solving Tool for Differentiating High-grade Glioma and Tumefactive Demyelination: A Report of Two, International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery Nov 2023, 12(6), RC01-RC03
  40. Dr. Sanjay M. Khaladkar, Dr. Deepak Koganti, Dr. Vikas Jadhav, Dr. Rachit Khandelwal, Dr. Purnachandra Lamghare , Fetus in fetu - the included twin/ entrapped twin: a case report, Paediatrica Indonesiana, Nov 2023, 63 (5), 418-424
  41. Dr. Varsha P. Rangankar, Dr. Aastha Agarwal, Dr. Shreeya Goyal, Dr. Muralinath Krishnarjun, Posterior Quadrantic Dysplasia: An Uncommon Cause of Childhood Seizures with Brief Review of Literature, Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Nov-Dec 2023, 16 (6), 1002-1005