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Department of Orthopaedics

Academics Extension and Research
List of Publications
  1. Patel S*, Deshmukh A, Yadav P, Phalak M, Gurnani S, Yadav S. Assessment of functional and radiological outcome of comminuted intra-articular distal radius fracture treated with locking compression plate. Cureus January 2022;14(1):e21398.
  2. Bhamare D. S., Sirsala S*, Jivrajani P, Nair A, Taori S. Preoperative MRI assessment of hamstring tendons to predict the Quadruple hamstring graft diameter in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Cureus January 2022;14(1):e21753
  3. Birajdar A, Jivrajani P*, Kandari A, Sirsala S, Gaurav A. A case of acute Rockwood type 5 acromioclavicular joint disruption treated by mersilene tape and trans acromioclavicular K-wire fixation. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research January 2022;7(1):391-396
  4. Patil V, Jani C*, Desouza C. Assessment of clinical and radiological outcome of Type 5 and Type 6 Proximal Tibia Fractures. Journal of Clinical Research January 2022;6(1):2-6
  5. Yadav S*, Singhal S, Patel S, Jaiswal S, Mishra R. A Rare case of giant-cell tumor of hand in a Younge male. Cureus January 2022;14(1):e21408
  6. Jivrajani P* , Bhamare D. S., Pisal T, Birajdar A, Sirsala S, Gaurav A. Wound healing with medicated sponge dressing: An Unconventional approach. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research February 2022;7(1):190-193
  7. Yadav P*, Phalak M, Patel S, Choudhari T, Nair A, Gurnani S. Functional Outcome of Closed Reduction and Extension Casting in Forearm Fractures in Children. Cureus February 2022;14(2):e22389
  8. Gurnai S* , Pisal T, Phalak M, Choudhari T, Patel S, Yadav P. Mizanur SK. Assessment of Surgical Outcome in Three- and Four-Part Proximal Humerus Fracture Treated With Proximal Humerus Internal Locking System (PHILOS) Plate Versus Neer’s Prosthesis in Elderly Patients. Cureus February 2022;14(2):e21857
  9. Yadav P*, Shroff A , Selvin B, Chaudhari T , Gurnani S , Patel S . Treatment of a neglected adult knee dislocation by open reduction and internal fixation with k-wire and external fixator. February - 2022, International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research; 7(1): 66 – 70.
  10. Deo S, Narula P *, Nair V, Solunke S. To compare the clinical and radiological outcome of unstable intertrochanteric fracture patients treated with dynamic hip screw vs proximal femoral nail A2. International Journal of medical sciences and innovative research Feb-2022,7(1):202-207
  11. Nair V, Narula P *, Deo S, Solunke S. Comparative study of extraarticular spine spine of scapula fractures treated with or in with compression plating vs or if with compression plating supplemented with TBW. International Journal of Medical Sciences and Innovative Research Feb-2022,7(1):213-218
  12. Clevio C*, Jani C, Patil V. Non-Isthmic Spondylolysis Imaging Features: A Case Report .Journal of Orthopaedics Case report February 2022 ;12(2):42-44
  13. Patil V, Khandalkar Y*, Raiththa H, Kulkarni K. To Study the Osteoporosis in pre and post menopausal women. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies February 2022;5(2):69-74
  14. Siddharth, Phalak M, Shevate I, Salunkhe R* , Khandge A, Deshmukh A, Patel S, Patil G. Comparative study of postoperative outcomes of clavicle midshaft fracture treated by nailing vs plating. Cureus March 2022;14(3):e22862
  15. Desouza C*, Khandalkar Y, Langaliya M,Shah S. Efficacy of modified vaccum assisted dressing in wound healing of open injuries. Journal of Orthopaedics and Surgical Sports Medicine March 2022;5(2):01-07
  16. Khandalkar Y, Patil V*, Kulkarni K, Raithatha H. Studyof Biochemical markers in arthritis patients. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies March 2022;5(3):75-79
  17. Vadlamudi A*., Kale A., Sharma., Patil V., Pai M., Comparison of Inside-Out and Outside-In
  18. Methods of Femoral Tunnel Preparation in Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction Using 3D-CT: Cureus, March 2022; 14(3):e23367.DOI: 10.7759/Cureus.23367

  19. Arvind Gopalrao Kulkarni, Ashwin kumar V Khandge, Thonangi Yeshwanth. Single Incision Tubular Decompression to Treat Multi[1]level Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Retrospective Review April 2022 Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique (JMISST) Feb 2022 eISSN: 2508-2043.
  20. Kandari A.K.S, Bhamare D.S., Salunkhe R., Sukrethan S.V.* , Shevate I., Deshmukh A., Pisal T., Kulkarni K., Janapamala K. Femur head necrosis as a post-acute sequelae of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2 infection). April 2022 Genij Ortopedii, 2022, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 228-233.
  21. Nair V, Jacob J*,Solunke S, Pareek R, Vadlamudi A, Patil S. Comparative study of chronic osteomyelitis treated with debridement with antibiotic beads with bone cement and debridement with antibiotic loaded calcium sulphate. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR) April 2022;7(2):336-345
  22. Nair V, Solunke S, Kumar A, Abhyankar R . Uniplanar vs Biplanar distal locking in Intramedullary nailing of Tibial Shaft Fractures. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR) April 2022;7(2):331-335
  23. Khandge A, Patil G*, Salunkhe R, Sukrethan S , Siddharth. An Unusal case of post-traumatic bilateral Anterior Shoulder dislocation. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research April 2022;16(4): RD01-RD03
  24. Khandge A, Walia S*,Salunkhe R, Deshmukh A, Shevate I, Vellanki S.S., Kulkarni K. Free Fall of an Elevator causing Bilateral distal Tibia Fibula Fracture – A Rare case Presentation. International Journal of Early childhood special Education (INT-JECSE). April 2022;14(1):2304-2307
  25. Patil V, Reddy A. D., Kale A, Vadlamudi A, Kishore JVS, Jani C. Incidental identification of Vertebral fragility fractures by chest CT in Covid-19-Infected Individuals. Cureus May 2022 14(5):e24867.Doi 10.7759/cureus.24867
  26. Walia S., Pisal T., Kandari A., Jivrajani P. Minimally Invasive Surgery to Remove a Broken and Retained Epidural Catheter Fragment. Cureus. May 2022: 14(5): e25255.
  27. Walia S.*. Pisal T, Kandari A, Jivrajani P. Anterior C1 C2 reduction and anterior fixation for irreducible C1 C2 fixation. Global Spine Journal June 2022;12(3S):205S-355S
  28. Walia S.*. Pisal T, Kandari A, Jivrajani P, Vellanki S. S. Giant Schwannoma presenting as renal Mass. Global Spine Journal June 2022;12(3S):205S-355S
  29. Sirasala S., Pisal T, Kandari A., Jivrajani P. Osteochondroma arising from C6 vertebral body with myelopathy treated with en bloc excision and anterior cervical fusion: a rare case report. Global Spine Journal. June 2022 ;12(3) 205S–355S
  30. Pisal T., Kandari A., Khandge A., Deshmukh A., Jivrajani P, Shevate I., Sukrethan S., Sirasala S*. Is multimodal approach the preferable strategy for vertebral hemangioma management: our experience with case series of 9 patients’ .Global Spine Journal June 2022 12(3) 205S–355S
  31. Aggarwal A*., Nair A., Palekar T., Bhamare D. S. Effect of Suboccipital Release Technique in Forward Head Posture: A Comparative Study. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth: June 2022, 15(4): 534-537.
  32. Kishore J V*, Kale A R, Patil V . Intraoperative Parameters of Comminuted Proximal Humerus Fractures: A Comparison Between Deltoid-Split and Deltopectoral Approaches. Cureus 30 June, 2022; 14(6): e26443. DOI 10.7759/cureus.26443.
  33. Gaurav A*, Shroff A, Desouza C. Medial Malleolus fracture fixation by screw fixation and tension band wiring methods. The Journal of orthopaedics Trauma Surgery and Related Research Oct – 22;17(9):1-5
  34. Mushtaque A. Mastim , Chirag Borana , Vrajesh Shah , Rajesh Dhadiwal , Ravi Malhotra , Brijesh Kidiyoor , Amit Kale , Mugdha Gupta , Manishkumar D. Shah , Ranjeet Gutte , Anuka Sharma , Vijay Sharma , Ashima Bhatia. An Open-Labeled Randomized Prospective Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Intra-articular Injection of OSSINEXT™, an Autologous Growth Factor Concentrate (AGFC) Compared to Hyaluronic Acid (HA) in Knee Osteoarthritis:Cureus;14(11);Nov. 2022:e31058
  35. Mayur H Ingale, Yashraj Patil, Vinod Shinde, and Rahul Salunkhe* “Study of Clinical Presentation of Chronic Supportive Otitis Media” Research journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Nov – Dec. 2022; 13(6): 91-94, DOI:10.33887/rjpbcs/2022.13.6.14
  36. Rahaman SK, Selvin B, Patel S, Phalak M*. Treatment of distal phalanx fracture using figure-of-eight suturing of the nail. December 2022; 14(12):e32438. DOI:10.7759/cureus.32438
  37. Vellanki S, Solunke S, Abhyankar R*, Nair V. A Rare case of destruction of the first Metatarsophalangeal joint in a patient with gout. December 2022;14(12):e32285
  38. Ray S , Vellanki Sravan, Abhyankar Rushikesh, *, Solunke S. A rare case of bilateral tumoral calcinosis with intertrochanteric fracture treated by CRIF with proximal femoral nail. Cureus Dec- 2022; 14(12): e32575. doi:10.7759/cureus.32575
  39. Ray S , Nair V*. Minimally invasive coracoclavicular ligament Reconstruction using semitendinosus autograft in a case of Cho’s Type IIC lateral end clavicle fracture with torn conoid and trapezoid ligaments. Cureus Dec- 2022; 14(12):e32761.
  40. Harsh R, Patil V, Pai M, Shah S*. A Rare Clinical Entity: Unicameral Bone Cyst of Humerus. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine: Dec- 22; 09(07): 6356-6359 ISSN -2515-8260.
  41. Shah S , Kale A, Sravan V, Harsh R*, A Case of Pilon Fractures Operated with Various Modalities. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine: Dec- 22; 09(07): 6427-6433 ISSN 2515-8260.
  42. Jacob Joe, Ray S*, Deo S, Intra-articular Calcaneal Fracture Treated by Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis via Sinus Tarsi Approach: A Case Report. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results; Dec- 22; 13(07)4249–4253.
  43. Salunkhe R, Abhyankar A, Deshmukh A, Shevate I, Vellanki S*, A Rare Case of Preiser Disease Affecting a Young Female; Cureus : Dec. 22; 14(12): e32955.
  44. Birajdar A, Mizanur SK, Anurag A., Selvin B, Taori S*, Role Of Epidural Anaesthesia In Improving Post Operative Rehabilitation After Primary Definitive Fixation Of Periarticular Knee Fractures Followed By Orthopaedic Trauma; European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine: Sept - 22; 09(07):7311-7317 ISSN 2515-8260.
  45. Birajdar A, Anand A*, Pisal T, Kandari A, Barosani A, Taori S. Superior Hip Dislocation with Rectus Bony Avulsion(Straight with reflected head): A Rare Case Report ; European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine: Dec- 22; 9(7): 7306-7310 ISSN 2515-8260
  46. Bibin Selvin, Taori S, Rahaman SK, Phalak M*, Bhaduriya A. Result of mini open Intramedullary nailing lateral position for acute femur shaft fracture: reduction without fracture table through. A small Incision - European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. Dec - 22; 9(7): 6452-6459 ISSN 2515-8260.
  47. Taori S, Bhamare D. S., Selvin B*, Mizanur Rahaman SK, Kandari A, Sirasala S. Preoperative Ultrasound Imaging For Assessment Of Hamstring Tendons To Predict, The Quadruple Hamstring Graft Diameter In Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Result Dec – 22: 13(9):7493-7501
  48. Nair V, Pareek R*, Sharma J, Jani C, Bhatnagar A. Comparison Of Tibial Nailing By Suprapatellar Approach With A Normal Bend Nail Vs Infrapatellar Approach With A High Tibial Bend Nail: International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports; Oct. 2022; 6(22):18-22.
  49. Mizanur Rahman SK. Phalak M, Jacob J*, Chaudhari T, Birajdar A, Selvin B, Taori S, Gurnani S, Patel S. Functional outcome of early osteoarthritis of the knee joint treated with PRP .Journal of pharmaceutical negative results. Dec - 2022; 13(9):9432-9438.
  50. Vellanki S1, Solunke S1, Abhyankar R*, Nair V. A Rare case of destruction of the first Metatarsophalangeal joint in a patient with gout. Cureus Dec-22;14(12): e32575
  51. Solunke S, Patole V, Shevate I, Nair V*, Mitra R. Musculoskeletal disorders in migrant construction workers: A cross sectional study. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Result Dec 2022; 13(Spl 7):8092-8103
  52. Kulkarni K, Deshmukh A, Salunkhe R, Vellanki S, Shevate I*, Case based approach to comminuted and displaced 4 part proximal Humerus fracture managed by Hemiarthroplasty using a fracture steam: European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Sept - 22;09(7): 9186-9196
  53. Rahaman S K , Chaudhari T*, Selvin B, Taori S. , Bhaduriya A. Ankle Arthodesis for tuberculosis of ankle Joint - EJMCM Sept - 2022;9(7):6420-6426.
  54. Deo S,Kappalguddi S, Patel S,Bhaduriya S*,Selvin B. A Prospective Study comparing Arthroscopic and open fixation in PCL Avulsion Injury. EJMCM Dec- 2022;9(7):94-106.
  55. Shevate I, Patil G*, Salunkhe R, Deshmukh A, Khandge A, Yadav S, Sukrethan S. Dynamic Plate versus locking compression plate Fixation in adult Forearm fractures: A prospective Interventional Study . Journal of clinical and Diagnostic research, August 2022;16(8):Rc21-Rc25 
  1. Anand A, Pisal T, Kandari A, Taori S, Barosani A*, Functional Outcome of Surgical Management for Clavicle Fractures by Osteosynthesis using Plate and Screws. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine: Jan - 2023; 11(01):729-742 ISSN 2515-8260.
  2. Barosani A, Anand A*, Kandari A, Taori S, Devarmani S. A rare case of Tuberculosis of the wrist Joint: case report. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine January 2023;10(1):759-765 ISSN 2515-8260
  3. Selvin B, Birajdar A, Phalak M*, Chaudhari T. Functional outcome of surgical management of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation by coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction with mersilene tape: a prospective analysis: European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine: Jan-2023; 10(01):824-833 ISSN 2515-8260.
  4. Abhyankar R, Patil V, Solunke S, Nair V*. A Staged Surgical Treatment Outcome of Type 3Open Tibial Fractures Case Series: European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine: Jan- 2023; 10 (01): 1387-1393 ISSN 2515-8260.
  5. Ray S, Mizanur Rahaman SK*, Solunke S. Functional outcome of essexlopresti classification of calcaneal fractures treated with minimally invasive percutaneous osteoynthesis (MIPO) fixation. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine: Jan- 2023;10(1):1927-1954 ISSN 2515-8260
  6. Barosani A, Anand A*, Bhamare D. S. ,Taori S., Medapati S. Functional outcome of intra articular proximal tibial fractures associated with ligament injury treated with locking compression plating. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine January 2023;10(1):2121-2128 ISSN 2515-8260
  7. Taori S, Bhamare D. S, Kandari A, Bhadauriya A*, Anand A, Agarwal R, Functional and Radiological evaluation of the management of distal tibia fracture with three different surgical intervention. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine: Jan- 2023; 10 (01): 2162-2168 ISSN 2515-8260
  8. Jacob J, Nair V*, Solunke S, Selvin B, Vadlamudi A. Comparative evaluation of the functional results of unstable intertrochanteric fractures treated with osteosynthesis augmented with beta tricalcium phosphate verses treatment with osteosynthesis. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. January 2023;10(1):2317-2330 ISSN 2515-8260
  9. Shroff A, Bhadauriya A, Gurnani S., Selvin B. A Comparative study of functional outcome of lateral pinning versus cross pinning in the management of supracondylar fractures of Humerus in paediatric age group. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine January 2023;10(1):2881-2885 ISSN 2515-8260
  10. Raithatha H, Patil V, Pai M, Shah S*. Clinical & radiological outcome of dual plating for proximal Humerus fractures. Cureus – Jan-2023; 15(1(:e33570.
  11. Pai M, Kale A, Raithatha H*, Shah S. Non-Union of Isolated Medial Condyle of Femur hoffa Fracture: Case Report: Cureus; Jan. 2023; 15(1): e34187.
  12. Pai M, Kale A, Raithatha H*, Shah S. Study of Clinical Results and Functional Outcome of Patients With Distal Femur Fracture Treated With Dual Plating: Cureus; Jan. 2023; 15(1): e34182. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.e34182.
  13. Phalak M, Rahaman SK M, Choudhari A*, Choudhari T, Selvin B, Rahman F, Reddy R. A Study on retrograde femur and its geometric mismatch in Indian population. European Journal of Molecular & clinical Medicine (EJMCM) Jan 2023;10(1):3859-3868
  14. Shevate I, Salunkhe R, Kulkarni K*, Kishore Janapamala, Deshmukh A. A case of Modified Mc Laughlin procedure in neglected posterior Shoulder Fracture dislocation. Cureus January – 2023;15(1):e34356.
  15. Dwivedi A, More U, Deo S, Kishore J V S, Kopparthi R. M. Pro-Inflammatory biomarkers and cytokines in the various stages of osteoarthritis. Journal of Pharmaceutical negative results 2023;14(3):466-472 DOI:10.47750/pnr.2023.14.03.057.
  16. Nair V., Solunke S, Patil V, Jawa S*, Abhyankar R. A Case of Chronic Rupture of Achilles end on Managed Using a Combination of Multiple Surgical Techniques; Cureus: April 2023: 15(4): e37171. DOI 10.7759/cureus.37171
  17. Kumar S, Birajdar A, Phalak M, Walia S, Gupta A*. Teriparatide for treatment of patients with Bisphosphonate associated atypical fracture of the femur. European chemical Bulletin May 2023 ;12(S2):1830-1834
  18. 18. Yanting Liu, 1 Vit Kotheeranurak, 2 Javier Quillo-Olvera, 3 Van Isseldyk Facundo, 4 Sagar Sharma, 5 Siravich Suvithayasiri, 6 Khanathip Jitpakdee, 7 Guang-Xun Lin, 8 Akaworn Mahatthanatrakul, 9 Hussam Jabri, 10 Ashwinkumar Vasant Khandge, 11 Rajendra B. Aher, 12 Meng-Huang Wu, 13 Angela Wing Hang Ho, 14 Nang Man Raymond Wong, 15 Lau Sun Wing, 16 Kutbuddin Akbary, 17 Kandarpkumar K. Patel, 18 Boonserm Pakdeenit, 19 Kuo Tai Chen, 20 Yadhu K. Lokanath, 21 Milin S. Jaiswal, 22 Tsz King Suen, 23 Ghazwan A. Hasan, 24 Luigi Andrew Sabal, 1 and Jin-Sung Kim 1  1 A 30-Year Worldwide Research Productivity of Scientific Publication in Full-Endoscopic Decompression Spine Surgery: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis. Neurospine. 2023 Mar; 20(1): 374–389
  19. Gujar R*, Warhatkar H, Kale A. Study of Image-Based Finite Element model for predicting the biomechanical properties of femur bone: A Review. Journal Eng.India Ser.C (June 2023)104(3):661-670.
  20. Solunke S, Shevate I, Chaudhari T*, Comparative Study Of Efficacy of Corticosteroid Versus Analogues Platelet Rich Plasma Injection in the Management of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis in Maharashtra Population: International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy; June 2023: 5(2) : 1731-1735, ISSN (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556 DOI: 10.47009/jamp.2023.5.3.346
  21. Sharma B, Sharma P*. Fibrolipoma of Flexor Digitorum Profundus Tendon of Ring Finger Causing Triggering and Intermittent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Journal of Orthopaedics Case Reports: June 2023:13(6); 84-88.
  22. Ingale M , M C Tayde*, Patil Y , Salunkhe R, Data integrity violations in the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory measures; International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance (IJPQA): June 2023; 14(02):416-420; ISSN: 0975 – 9506.
  23. Solunke S, Shah M, Kuity K, Taneja A*. A Hospital Based Assessment of the Functional Outcome of Arthroscopic Suture Pull Out Fixation of Displaced Tibia, Spine Avulation Fracture: An Observational Study. European Chemical Bulletin: July -2023;12(S3),6596-6602
  24. Agarwal V, Kale A*, Khandge A., Influence of meniscal repair vs meniscectomy on ACL reconstruction in terms of knee stability and Radiological Imaging; Cureus : Aug. 2023; 5(8): e43396.
  25. Nair V, Shinde O*, Solunke S, Jawa S, Comparison of ORIF and Percutaneous Fixation of Scaphoid Fractures in Maharashtra Population; International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2023; 15(8); 340-344.
  26. Nair V, Jawa S*, Solunke S, Shinde O, Comparative Study Between Plating and Titanium Elastic Nailing System in Mid-Clavicular Fractures; International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2023; 15(8); 475-481.
  27. Chopra S, Walia S*, Pisal T, Salunkhe R, Gupta A, A Gaint Schwannoma camouflages as a Renal mass – A Case Report; European Chemical Bulletin:2023; 12(8); 3420-3427.
  28. Chaudhari T, Birajdar A, Gupta A*, Meghna D. A rare case of Vascular Leiomyoma masquerading as an Epidermoid cyst. European Chemical Bulletin July 2023;12(S3):7502-7505
  29. Shevate I, Walia S, Salunkhe R*, Deshmukh A, An unusual Caries Sicca Treated with Staged Operated Technique – A Case Report: European chemical bulletin; Aug. 2023: 12(S2), 2771-2775.
  30. Bhakare D, Salunkhe R, Chaudhari A, Kamble Raj, Kuity K* Tuberculosis of olecranon presenting as pathological fractutre operated by olecranon anatomical plate fixation – A rare case report : European Chemical Bulletin; Sept. 2023 12(12), 93-99.
  31. Basu S, Roge P, Palekar T, Nair V, Palekar P, Kaushik P. Effectiveness of Mulligan’s movement with mobilization in the rehabilitation of sacro Iliac Joint Dysfunction. Journal for re attach therapy and developmental diversities. August 2023;6(10s):871-879.
  32. S, Kale A*. A rare case of chronic lunate dislocation along with avascular necrosis of the lunate with median nerve compression treated with lunate excision with carpal tunnel release: Cureus; Sept 2023 , 15(9): e45957. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.45957.
  33. Mayur Ingale , Tayade M C, Yashraj Patil, Rahul Salunkhe*, Pharmaceutical waste disposal current practices and regulations: Review; International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance (IJPQA):Sept 2023;14(3):821-824. ISSN: 0975 – 9506.
  34. Patil V, Aggarwal R. Gupta A, Kumar S.*, Nair V, Intraoperative identification and Mosaic plasty in a case of Femur Subchondral Osteoid Osteoma: Cureus: 15(10) ; Oct. 2023: e47393 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.47393. (Pubmed,Web of science)
  35. Kale A, Patil V, Singh P*, Raithatha H, Shah M, Aggarwal R .Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of Tibia With Anterolateral Bowing Treated With Ilizarov Ring Fixator: A Case Report: Cureus: 15(10) ; Oct. 2023; e47615. DOI 10.7759/cureus.47615.
  36. Chaudhari T, Kumar S, Phalak M, Birajdar A*, Gupta A, Restoring Wrist Harmony: A Case Report of Ulnar Osteotomy for Correcting the Radius Malunion: Cureus; Nov. 2023; 15(11): e48771. DOI 10.7759/cureus.48771.
  37. Deshmukh A, Mitra R*, Shevate I, Salunkhe R. A Rare Case of Giant Cell Tumour of ACL Tendon Sheath and its Arthroscopic in Toto Excision: Cureus: Dec. 2023; 15(12), e50365. DOI: - 7759/cureus.50365.
  1. Chaudhari T, Gupta A*. Acromioclavicular Ganglion Cyst: A Rare Case: Cureus: Feb. 2024; 16(02), e54089. DOI:- 10.7759/cureus.54089.
  2. Solunke S, Gundecha P*, Gupta A, Salunkhe R, Nair A., Glomus Tumour Presenting on The Ventromedial Aspect of Little Finger Causing Bony Erosion: A Rare Case Report From India; Cureus: Feb - 2024;16(2)e54173. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.
  3. Kale A, Kumar S*., A New Horizon in Hip Health: Using an Innovative Variable Loop Curette for Core Decompression and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate in the Management of Pre-collapse Avascular Necrosis of the Hip; Cureus: Feb - 2024; 16(2) e54763. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.54763
  4. Kale A, Salunkhe R, Rahman F*, Shevate I, Sharma P. Treatment of Failed Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotation Asia (PFNA2) in a Severely Osteoporotic Patient with a Revision Stem; Cureus 16(2): e55152. DOI 10.7759/cureus.55152
  5. Kale A, Salunkhe R, Rahman F*, Shevate I, Sharma P. Treatment of Failed Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotation Asia (PFNA2) in a Severely Osteoporotic Patient with a Revision Stem; Cureus Feb-2024 16(2): e55152. (Pubmed) DOI 10.7759/cureus.55152.
  6. Chaudhari T, Solunke S, Nair A, Gundecha P*. Total Knee Arthroplasty in a Patient with Bilateral Fused Hip due to Seronegative Arthritis: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2024 Mar, Vol-18(3): RD04-RD06. DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2024/69265.19212
  7. Patil J., Patil M., Solunke S*, Comparative Study between Plating and Titanium Elastic Nailing System for Mid-Clavicular Fractures in Maharashtra Population; International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research March 2024; 16(3); 645-651.( e-ISSN: 0975-1556, p-ISSN: 2820-2643).
  8. Patil J., Patil M., Solunke S*, Comparative Study Between Proximal Femoral Nail (PFN) and Internal Proximal Femoral Nail Anti Rotation (PFNA) In Unstable Tronchantric Fractures In Maharashtra Population: International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy; March 2024; 6 (2); 173-176.( ISSN (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556). DOI: 10.47009/jamp.2024.6.2.36
  9. Kale A, Taneja A* Pediatric Radial Neck Fracture: A Case Report Along With Surgical Tips on the Metaizeau Technique. Cureus March 2024 16(3): e56247. doi:10.7759/cureus.56247
  10. Pokle S., Devramani S*., Solunke S, Gundecha P. Mini Fragment Locking Compression Plate Fixation of a Rare Case of Displaced Medial End Clavicle Fracture. Cureus. 16(4): e57743. April 2024, (Pubmed) DOI 10.7759/cureus.57743.
  11. Pisal T, Gurnani S, Kuity K*. Atlanto-occipital Assimilation with Basilar Invagination and Atlanto-occipital Dislocation Treated by Occipitocervical Fixation: A Rare Case Report. Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports 2024 April: 14(4): Page 53-57. DOI:
  12. Solunke S, Agrawal R*, Deshmukh A, Nair A, Barosani A. Bilateral humerus midshaft fracture associated with birth Trauma : A case Report. Cureus May 2024 16(5):e59767. DOI 10.7759/cureus.59767.
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