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Department of Orthopaedics

Academics Extension and Research

Conferences / CMEs / Workshops / Seminars Organized

Hands-on Saw Bone Model Workshop on Distal End Radius Fixation

 The Department of Orthopaedics in association with the renowned hand surgeons of Pune, namely Dr. Chetan Nerpagar and Dr. Anup Bansode, of the famed Pune hand society, organized a Saw bone workshop on techniques for distal end radius fixation. to enhance the surgical skills with valuable tricks and insights provided by them to fix various types of distal end radius fractures. The workshop was conducted successfully in the D.Y. Patil Skills lab on 17th Dec. 2022, this was enthusiastically attended by 36 delegates and various faculties.

The aim was to teach and educate the budding surgeons on basics of distal end radius anatomy and fragment specific fixation of Distal end radius with the use of different types of plates available in the market.

Dr. Rahul Salunkhe, the Head of Department of Orthopedics was organizing secretary. The delegation feedbacks resounded of excellence in both practical Hands-on and academic aspects.

This was followed by facilitation of the chief guests and lunch.



The department of Orthopaedics on 27th May 2023 had organised a Cadaveric Dissection workshop, which included approaches to the Ortho Humerus Shaft and plating for Post Graduate Orthopaedics Residents of Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri Pune - 411018.

It was an enriching session for students & they got an insight in this side of Orthopaedics. It helped clarify concept of students in Humerus shaft approaches. This was enthusiastically attended by 11 Residents, dept of Ortho.

We thank the dean and the administration for allowing and encouraging us to conduct such fruitful sessions for the department of Orthopaedics




We are delighted to share that we in conjunction with PCOA conducted IOA INFECTION PATHASHALA CME on Sunday 11th June 2023 at our esteemed institute at the college auditorium.

The theme of this CME was Approach to infection in Orthopaedics, aimed at delivering a very important topic in a lucid yet effective way by prestigious faculties. This was beneficial to all the attending Orthopaedic Surgeons and especially to our Residents in their day to day medical practice and wards. The CME applied for MMC points as well. This CME was day long academic treat for clinicians and was attended by 200 delegates.

We thank the dean and the administration for allowing and encouraging us to conduct such fruitful sessions for the department of Orthopaedics



1. Pre Conference Workshop Posac 2022 : ON 3rd JUNE 2022. Department of Orthopaedics & Skill Lab conducted this Pre Conference Hands On Workshop at 6th floor of Hitech building on 3rd June 2022 from 9am to 4pm. One was HTO High Tibial Osteotomy & Other was on all inside ACL Reconstruction & Meniscus repair. It was attended by 45 candidates collectively with faculty.

It was great experience for people doing hands on workshop on model & Shoulder Pug. Both workshop started with enthusiasm & completed successfully. Dr. D. S. Bhamare (Professor) was convener, Dr. Rahul Salunkhe (Professor) & Dr. Yogesh Khandalkar (Senior Resident) was co-convener. Faculties for Orthopaedics Department involved were Dr. Sanjay Deo (Professor & HOD), Dr. Amit Kale (Professor), Dr. Vishal Patil (Asso. Prof.), Dr. Vinod Nair (Asso. Prof.).

2. Ethiskill - Suturing Knotting and Tendon Repair Workshop : The Department of Orthopaedics and DPU Skills Lab. Organized a Hands-on Workshop to enhance the Suturing, knotting and Tendon Repair Surgical Skills.The workshop of Ethiskill – Suturing, knotting and Tendon Repair workshop was conducted successfully in Histology Lab, Department of Anatomy in Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pune in association with Ethicon on 13th August 2022. The Workshop gave opportunity to the delegates to learn Hands-on Suturing, knotting and Tendon repair on a porcine specimen and suturing pad. This was enthusiastically attended by 40 delegates, All Residents and Faculties Department of Orthopaedic.

3. Cadaveric Workshop & Live Surgery :Hands-on Cadaveric Tendon Repair Workshop.The Department of Orthopaedics and Department Of Anatomy in association with the Pimpri Chinchwad Orthopaedic Association (PCOA), Organized a Hands-on Cadaveric Tendon Repair Workshop to enhance the Tendon Repair Surgical Skills. The workshop was conducted successfully in association with PCOA on 20th August, 2022 at the dissection hall in Anatomy Department. This was enthusiastically attended by 30 delegates and various Faculties. The aim was to teach and educate the budding surgeons on basics of Tendon and Its Repair. The Occasion was graced and Inaugurated by Secretary of MOA (Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association), Dr. Narayan Karne, Dean of Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pune, Dr. J. S. Bhawalkar and Head of Anatomy Department, Dr. Manvikar and Stalwarts of Hand Surgery like Dr. Abhijeet Wahegaonkar, Dr. S. Prasanth and Dr. Chetan Nerpagar. Dr. Rahul Salunkhe Head of Department of Orthopaedic was organizing secretary. The delegation feedbacks resounded of excellence in both practical Hands-on and academic aspects.Topic: - “Symposium on Sports Medicine & Sports Sciences”.

It was attended by students & Staff from Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, AFMC & Dr. D. Y. Patil Physiotherapy College & Various Other Departments. “Common Wealth Games Gold Medialist & Shiv Chatrapati Shivaji Awardee Mr. Utkarsh Kale was Felicited at the hands of Dr .Yashraj Patil Sir, Treasurer, Dr. D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth Society, and Pimpri”.