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Ophthalmology Department
Department of Ophthalmology
Academics Extension and Research
List of Publications
Tonmoy Chottopadhyay1 , Hardeep Kaur1 , Amit J. Shinde1 , Parikshit M. Gogate2,3,
Why are we not doing retinoscopy in the school eye screening? Is distant visual acuity a sensitive tool for making referrals?
Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology | Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medknow.2021. 20(20) 1-5.
Maheshgauri R, Bakare P N, Bhavsar D, Magdum R. Triad of rubric assessment, constructive feedback and video recorded surgeries key assessment for competent ophthalmic surgeon. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2022. 7(4)703-706.
Manade V, Dhavalikar S, Kotecha M, Paranjpe R. Comparative study of retinal ganglion cell complex thickness with retinal nerve fibre layer and visual field changes in cases of suspicious disc or glaucoma suspect. International Journal of Health Sciences. 2022;6(S1)2007-2012.
Naik K, Magdum R, Ahuja A, Ocular Surface Diseases in Patients with Diabetes. Cureus Journal Medical of Science 2022;14(3) Cureus.23401.
Patil M, Lune A, Paranjape R, Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Donor Corneal Tissue by Slit Lamp and Specular Microscopy. Cureus Journal Medical of Science 2022;14(5) e24700
Gogate PM, Phadke SP, Das T, Sane S, Moosa S, Dhangar A,, Vision centre helps reduce blindness and vision impairment.Proof of concept in a four‑year longitudinal study in an urban area in India. Indian J Ophthalmol. 01-05-2022-70(5) 1742-1748.
Nilay Rajendra Dhore, Shashi Prabha Prasad, Amod Ahuja, Kunj Shailesh Naik, Mayur Anil Patil. Non Infectious Descemetocele Treated with a Surgical Drape Patch: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. May 2022 16(5) ND01-ND03.
Megha R Kotecha*, Radhika R Paranjpe, Varsha V Manade, Sarang S Gotecha. clinical study of correlation between pterygium and dry eye. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2021;7(4):736-740.
Kulkarni S, Gilbert C, Giri N, Hankare P, Dole K, Deshpande M, Visual impairment and blindness among children from schools for the blind in Maharashtra state, India: Changing trends over the last decade, Indian J Ophthalmol 27-Jan-2022;70(2)597-603
Gotecha S, Chugh A, Punia P, Kotecha M, Kashyap D. A rare case of primary pituitary tubercular abscess mimicking a pituitary adenoma. Neurology India. October 2021;69(5) 1414-1416.
Apeksha Raghunath, O. K. Radhakrishnan, Aakriti Sharma. A Study of Difficulties and Complications Encountered in Patients with Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome Undergoing Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS). East African Scholars J Med Surg,October 2022;4(6)140-146.
Nilay Dhore, Shashi Prabha Prasad, Karishma Tendulkar, AmodAhuja, Mayur Patil, Kunj Naik. Pattern of Bacterial Isolates in Patients with Nasolacrimal Passage Obstruction and their Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Pune, India. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.July 2022;16(7)NC12-NC16.
Prachi N. Bakare
Parikshit Gogate
Renu Magdum
Supriya Phadke
Rupali Maheshgauri
. Estimation of the Prevalence of Uncorrected Refractive Error and Other Ocular Morbid Conditions in School Children of Industrial Area in a Non-metro City in India. Cureus Journal Medical of Science. August 2022 14(8) e27972. doi:10.7759/cureus.27972.
Patil MA, Alapati A, Paranjape R, Kilari S, Bora S, Garlapati AG, Palimar MP, Singh VD, Naik KS, Chaudhary NS. A case of ocular chemical injury. Int J Med Rev Case Rep. (2022), [cited August 26, 2022]; 6(11): 84-88.
Tonmoy Chottopadhyay1 , Hardeep Kaur1 , Amit J. Shinde1 , Parikshit M. Gogate2,3 ‘
Why are we not doing retinoscopy in the school eye screening? Is distant visual acuity a sensitive tool for making referrals?
‘Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology ‘2022
Rupali Maheshgauri, Prachi Nilraj Bakare*, Deepaswi Bhavsar, Renu Magdum ‘Triad of rubric assessment, constructive feedback and video recorded surgeries key assessment for competent ophthalmic surgeon. ‘ Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology ‘2022
Iqbal B, Dey I, Mushtaq I. Erdheim-Chester Disease: Histopathological Perspective of a Rare Condition ‘Clinical cancer Investigation Journal ‘2022
Gotecha S, Kotecha M, Punia P, Chugh A, Shetty V. ‘Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifes-tations of Intracranial Space Occupying Lesions in Adults. Beyoglu Eye Journal “ 2022
Patel N, Mushtaq I, Lad YP, Iqbal B, Singh M, Gore CR. Clinicopathological spectrum of ophthalmic lesions in a tertiary care hospital: A study of 100 cases. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care October 2022;14(3)188-192.
Dr Varsha Singh, Dr Abhay Lune, Dr. Parikshit Gogate, Dr Sudebi Roy, Dr Shivangi Bora, Dr Madhav Pai, Dr. Shailaja Anand ‘A Comparative study of prevalence of binocular single vision in horizon-tal strabismus’ ‘European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine’ ISSN 2515-8260’ 2023
Sudebi Roy Dr. Varsha Singh, Dr. Radhika Paranjpe , Dr. (Col) O.k. Radhakrishnan , *Dr. Varsha Manade ‘A real-world study of covid-19 associated rhino-orbital cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) ‘European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 ‘2023
Kilari Sindhu, Dr. Iqra Mushtaq , Dr. Abhay Lune , Dr. Aditya Ganesh , Dr. Aparna A , Dr. Shivamsh Reddy ‘“A Comparative Study Between the Intraocular Pressure Measured Using Non-Contact Tonometer and Goldmann Applanation Tonometry In Normal Individuals” Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ‘2023
Dr Kilari Sindhu, Dr Abhay Lune, Dr O.K. Radhakrishnan, Dr Aditya Ganesh, Dr Aparna Dr Neha Chaudhary, Dr Sudebi Roy ‘Evaluation of tear film status in patients using anti-glaucoma medication. ‘European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 ‘2023
Dr Kilari Sindhu, Dr Abhay Lune, Dr O.K. Radhakrishnan, Dr Aditya Ganesh, Dr Aparna Dr Neha Chaudhary, Dr Sudebi Roy ‘A Case Of Globe Rupture And Management Using Dermis Fat Graft ‘Journal of Pharmaceu-tical Negative Results DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13. S09.568 ‘2023
Madhav Pai, Dr. Renu Magdum, Dr. Nandita Rajan, Dr. (Col) O. K. Radhakrishnan ‘ ‘ A Case of Complete VKH Syndrome’ Journal of Pharmaceu-tical Negative Results
DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S09.1097 ‘2023
Dr Yurica Moirangthem, Dr Shailaja Anand,Dr. Neha Chaudhary, Dr Shashi Prab-ha Prasad ‘Correlation of retinal nerve fiber layer analysis by optical coherence tomography with visual fields by static automated perimetry in patients with primary open angle glaucoma ‘European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine ISSN 2515-8260 ‘ 2023
Neha Chaudhary, Dr Yurica Moirangthem, Dr Shailaja Anand, Dr Shashi Prabha Prasad ‘Study of changes in retinal nerve fiber layer Thickness by oct and its correlation with Visual functions in cases of optic neuritis’ ‘European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine ISSN 2515-8260’ 2023
Dr Neha Chaudhary, Dr Shailaja Anand, Dr Yurica Moirangthem Dr Shashi Prabha Prasad’ Ocular trauma cases in children coming to Tertiary care center due to in house injury During lockdown period ‘European journal of molecular & clinical medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 ‘2023
A. Aparna, Dr. Renu Magdum, Dr. Sindhu Kilari, Dr.Aditya Ganesh, Dr. Shivangi Bora, Dr. Saranya Burma ‘A study of etiology and clinical features of 6th Cranial nerve palsy ‘European journal of molecular & clinical medicine ISSN 2515-8260’ 2023
Aparna A, Dr. Kilari Sindhu, Dr. Renu Magdum, Dr. Garlapati Aditya Ganesh ‘ A case of Eale’s disease ‘European journal of molecular & clinical medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 ‘ 2023
Madhav Pai, Dr. Shivangi Bora*, Dr. (Col) O.K. Radhakrishnan, Dr.Aditya Ganesh, Dr. Varsha Singh’ A study of the prevalence of diabet-ic retinopathy in patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus’ Journal of Pharmaceau-tical Negative Results DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S09.1126 ‘ 2023
Iqra Mushtaq, Banyameen Iqbal, Neha Agarwal , Shashi Prabha Prasad , “ Charusheela Gore Rhino‑Orbital Mucormycosis: A Case Series and Review of Literature “ Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune “ 2023.
Iqra Mushtaq, Banyameen Iqbal, Ayush Gupta “Mucormycosis: An Addendum to India’s COVID‑19 Woes “Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune , 2023.
Dr Deepali Desai, Dr Radhika Paranjpe, “Is India Quietly Becoming a favourable Hub for Cinical Trials” National Journal of Community Medicine “ 2023
Sarang Gotecha, Prashant Punia, Chhabra Shobhit, Ashish Chugh, Megha Kotecha, “ A rare case of subependymal giant cell astrocytoma presenting with spontaneous intratumoral hemorrhage” Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics, 2023.
Dr Shreya Gandhi , Dr. Radhika Paranjape, ““ A case of sarcoidosis post covid 19 vaccination. “Cureus , 2023.
Iqra Mushtaq, Renu Magdum “Simulation-Based Training for Cataract Surgeries
” , Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil University, 2023
Ashish Mishra, Renu Magdum, Vishakh Padmakumar, Chirag Singh, Karishma Tendulkar, Tanmoy Vaidya, “
Clinical Profile, Causes, and Outcome of Optic Neuritis
, Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil University, 2023.
Varsha V Manade, Megha R Kotecha, Surbhi A Chodvadiya, Jhimli Ta, Radhika R Paranjpe “Comparative study of recording intraocular pressure in adults by three different tonometers Goldmann applanation tonometer, noncontact tonometer, and tonopen “ , 2023.
Arpit, Dr. Renu Magdum Dr. Shailaja Dr. Shikha Rai “A comparative analysis of the association among perfusion pressure, glaucoma and systemic hypertension in Indian adults “Journal of Chemical Health Risks “ 2024
Renu Magdum, Tushar Agrawal, Deepaswi Bhavsar, Nilesh Giri, Ozukhil Radhakrishnan “Rare Case of Tubercular Serpiginous-Like Choroiditis” Cureus “ 2024
Iqra Mushtaq, Khushboo Goyal, Deepaswi Bhavsar, Renu Magdum “A Rare Case of Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum Identified by Ocular Angioid Streaks” “Cureus Journal of Medical Science” 2024
Dr Kalpita Goli, Dr Renu Magdum,Dr shreya, Dr Jhimli “ Morning glory syndrome with serous macular detachment “Cureus 2024
Dr Jhimli Ta, Dr Varsha Manade, Dr Megha Kotecha, Dr Surbhi Chodvadiya ““Incidents of Occupational Ocular Injuries in Industrial Settings: Highlighting the Critical Significance of Protective Eye Gear” Indian Journal of Public health “ 2024
Dr Renu Magdum, Dr Priyanka“Parinaud syndrome in a patient with microangiopathic lesions in bilateral gangliocapsular region and left thalamus “Cureus “ 2024
Deepaswi Bhavsar, Dr. Shreya Gandhi, Dr. Renu Magdum “A Case of Horner’s Syndrome aiding the diagnosis of ICAD- a life-saving twist of fate “Cureus Journal” 2024
Iqra Mushtaq, Dr. Tushar Agrawal, Dr. Deepaswi Bhavsar “A study of demographic profile, screening and management of ROP patients visiting ROP clinic” Cureus “ 2024
Tushar Agrawal, Dr. O.K. Radhakrishnan “(letter to editor)- Comment on: Incidence and factors for pseudoaccommodation after monofocal lens “ american journal of cataract and refractive surgery “ 2024
Dr Jhimli Ta, Dr Varsha Manade, Dr Megha Kotecha, Dr Surbhi Chodvadiya, Dr Jessica Sangwan “Conjunctival Intraepithelial Neoplasia in a Seropositive Asian Indian Male Mimicking as a Pigmentary Lesion” “Cureus journal” 2024
Supriya, Dr. Abhay Lune , Dr. Megha Kotecha “'Management of corneal melt and perforation associated with rheumatoid arthritis by corneal patch graft” Journal of clinical and diagnostic research” 2024
Abhay Lune, Dr. Renu Magdum, Dr. Supriya Pokle, Dr. Megha Kotecha, Dr. Vishakha Vatkar “Optic nerve schwannoma -A report of rare case from India and literature review” “Cureus” 2024
O.K. Radhakrishnan, Dr. Tushar Agrawal “Comment on: Incidence and factors for pseudoaccommodation after monofocal lens implantation: the Monofocal Extended Range of Vision study.” “American Journal of Cataract and Refractive surgery” 2024
Dr Renu Magdum, Dr Kalpita, Dr. Aparna “Pitutary adenoma masquerading as Diabetic third nerve palay” “ Cureus” 2024.
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