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Department of Community Medicine

Academics Extension and Research

List of Publications

  1. Banerjee A. Emancipation of our medical researchers: Long overdue. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:1-
  2. Pramila Menon, Vineeta Pande, Sudhir Jadhav, Sharad Agarkhedkar. Online Clinical Learning Boon or Bane? Undergraduate Students’ Perspective. Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Disorders 6 (2022): 018-024.
  3. Tarun Sharma, Hetal Rathod (Waghela), Amitav Banerjee. Study of overweight and obesity in school children and impact of obesity on their quality of life. MedPulse International Journal of Community Medicine. February 2022; 20(2): 11-16.
  4. Chaklader B, Srivastava K, Rathod H, Jadhav SL, Bhawalkar JS, Thakur K, Verma P. SARS CoV-2 Re infection after natural infection compared with previously sero-negative: Descriptive longitudinal study. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:247-51
  5. Kumbhalwar A, Hegde S, Kakodkar P, Mehta V, Gupte H, Jadhav S. Effectiveness of BehavioralCounseling in Smokeless Tobacco Cessation Among Adult Users Reporting to a Dental Hospital in Pune: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Cureus. 2022 Apr 11;14(4):e24041. doi: 10.7759/cureus.24041. PMID: 35547431; PMCID: PMC9090216.
  6. Thakur KN, Khedkar DT, Palal D, Subhash J, Jadhav SL, Rathod H, Jadav V, Sohkhlet G, Verma P, Borah N, Nallapu S, Gangurde S, Mahajan A. Introduction of spatial technology for surveillance of vectors of mosquito-borne diseases as an innovative training tool for undergraduate medical students: Qualitative assessment. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth
  7. Banerjee A. COVID-19: Did the dog bark?. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:143-5
  8. Banerjee A. Covid-19 mass vaccination – How much impact at population level?. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:293-8
  9. BUCH A, NAIK M, CHANDANWALE S, RATHOD H, PAUL B, GORE C. Comparative Analysis of Ki-67 in Different Scoring Patterns and its Association with other Prognostic Markers of Breast Carcinoma. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research
  10. Banerjee A. Paradigm shifts in public health: Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:453-4
  11. Banerjee A. The Covid-19 Marathon. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15, Suppl S1:1-2
  12. Mulkalwar, S., Elavia, Z. A., Chaklader, B., Patil, T., Patel, A., Jadhav, S. L. and Tilak, A. V. (2022) “A Study to Determine an Association between ABO Blood Groups and Coronavirus Disease 2019”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(3A), pp. 23-28. doi: 10.9734/jpri/2022/v34i3A35383.
  13. Naik K, Magdum R, Ahuja A, Kaul S, S J, Mishra A, Patil M, Dhore DN, Alapati A. Ocular Surface Diseases in Patients With Diabetes. Cureus. 2022 Mar 22;14(3):e23401. doi: 10.7759/cureus.23401. PMID: 35495002; PMCID: PMC9045461.
  14. Lote S, Gupta SB, Poulose D, Deora MS, Mahajan A, Gogineni JM, Saxena S, Chaklader B. Role of the Skin Prick Test in Urticaria Patients. Cureus. 2022 Feb 1;14(2):e21818. doi: 10.7759/cureus.21818. PMID: 35261837; PMCID: PMC8894145.
  15. Mahajan A, Patvekar M, Lote S, Deora MS, Poulose D, Gogineni JM, Panikar K, Chaklader B. A Clinico-Epidemiological Study of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Its Relation to Quality of Life: A Cross-Sectional Study From India. Cureus. 2022 Feb 19;14(2):e22376. doi: 10.7759/cureus.22376. PMID: 35371718
  16. Shah BM, Ganvir D, Sharma YK, Mirza SB, Misra RN, Kothari P, Darall S, Bhawalkar JS, Gupta A. Utility of a real-time fluorescence imaging device in guiding antibiotic treatment in superficial skin infections. Indian J Dermatol VenereolLeprol. 2022 May-Jun;88(4):509-514. doi
  17. Gogate, Parikshit M1,2,3,*; Phadke, Supriya P*,1; Das, Taraprasad4; Sane, Shrivallabh5; Moosa, Soumya6; Dhangar, Ashok1; Inamdar, Minhaj1; Khandekar, Rajiv7; Magdum, Renu2; Bhawalkar, Jitendra S8; Bhoosnurmath, Kashinath6. Vision centre helps reduce blindness and vision impairment. Proof of concept in a four-year longitudinal study in an urban area in India. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology: May 2022 - Volume 70 - Issue 5 - p 1742-1748 doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_2314_21
  18. Srivastava K, Borgaonkar C, Johnson S, Mahajan A. Diabetes Awareness & Its Challenges-A Hammering Issue. Indian Journal of Community Health. 2022 Sep 17;34(3).
Sr. No. Name of the Author Title of the Paper / Topic Name of the Journal Details of the publication
        Volume Issue Year
1 Dr Amitav Banerjee How to ensure rigorous research in an era of rapid technological advances?   10 4  2022
2 Dr Swati Ghonge A Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Cold Compression Therapy Versus Infrared Radiation 5therapy on Healing of Pisiotomy Surgical Wound European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 9 8 2022
3 Dr Swati Ghonge Comparison Of The Traditional Suturing Technique Versus Continuous Non-Locking For Repair Of Episiotomy Using Polyglactin 910. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 9 8 2022
4 Dr Ajaykumar Sahu Medical student’s attitude towards serving rural areas: A cross sectional study in Maharashtra, India. Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences 12 2 2022
JournalofPharmaceuticalNegativeResults 13 9 2022
6 Dr J S Bhawalkar Assessment Of The Risk Factor To Mortality In Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients, Pune JournalofPharmaceuticalNegativeResults 13 9 2022
7 Dr Kajal Srivastava Diabetes Awareness & Its Challenges- A Hammering Issue Indian Journal of Community Health 34 3 2022
8 Dr Chaitali Borgaonkar Occupational stress among teachers working in the Schools of western India European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 9 4 2022
9 DrHetal Rathod Positive outcomes of communication skill training to medical resident doctors Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 15 5 2022
10 Dr JS Bhawalkar Dramatic Reduction in COVID-19 Testing
Is it an Epidemiologically Sensible Approach that can Benefit Tuberculosis Control?
Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 15 2 2022
11 Dr JS Bhawalkar Presence of SARS-CoV-2 in Human Tears Detected by Quantitative Real Time PCR (qRT-PCR) Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 15 1 2022
12 DrAmitav Banerjee COVID-19 pandemic: Need for timeout to revive the science Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 15 2 2022
13 DrAmitav Banerjee Paradigm shifts in public health: Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 15 4 2022
14 DrAmitav Banerjee Eminence-based medicine vs. evidence-based medicine: All that glitters is not gold Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 15 5 2022
15 DrAmitav Banerjee Primary prevention A vanishing art? Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 10 6 2022
16 DrAmitav Banerjee Covid-19 Marathon Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 15 1 2022
17 DrKajalSrivastava Impact of imparting emotional intelligence skills training program to enhance emotional intelligence and work stress among staff nurses of tertiary care hospital of North Gujarat Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 16 3 2022
18 Dr Swati Ghonge Vitamin D Deficiencies;The Fading Sunshine in Lockdown Eclipse Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 15 6 2022
  1. Gangurde S, Jadhav S, Waghela H, Srivastava K. Undernutrition among under-five childreninwesternMaharashtra.MedJDrDYPatilVidyapeeth[Internet]. 2022;0(0):0. Available from:
  2. Sharma, P.; Srivastava, Kajal1; Landge, J.2; Vyas, S.3. Impact of Imparting Emotional IntelligenceSkillsTrainingProgramtoEnhanceEmotionalIntelligenceand WorkStress among Staff Nurses of Tertiary care Hospital of North Gujarat. Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth16(3):p348-352,May–Jun2023.|DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_337_21
  3. Chaklader, Biswajit; Banerjee, Amitav; Rathod, Hetal; Srivastava, Kajal; Lakhute, Sadhana; Borgaonkar, Chaitali. Measles-Rubella Vaccination Campaign: Pandemic as SpeedBreaker. MedicalJournalofDr. D.Y.PatilVidyapeeth16(4):p581-585,Jul–Aug 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_868_21
  4. BelurM,Srivastava K,SunilAB,RathodH.TheResurgenceofMeasles -ATragic Residue of Covid Epoch. Natl J Community Med 2023;14(6):407-409. DOI: 55489/njcm.140620232883
  5. RathodH,RathiS, TiwariS, et al. (June10, 2023)StudyofMenstrualPatterns, Abnormalities, and Irregularities in Students. Cureus 15(6): e40206. doi:10.7759/cureus.40206
  6. Borgaonkar,ChaitaliA.;Gokhale,ChinmayN.1;Solanki,MridulaJ.2;Shanbhag,Sunita S.2.AComparative AnalysisamongThree World HealthOrganizationGrowthCharts. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 16(4):p 570-573, Jul–Aug 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_519_21
  7. Ingle, AC.Sahu,SGhonge,SS.Patil.ACrossSectionalStudyonDomestic Accidents in Urban Slum Community of Eastern Mumbai, Maharashtra. Bull. Env.Pharmacol. Life Sci., Vol 12 [4] March 2023: 20-26
  8. PalalD,GhongeS, JadavV,RathodH.ChatGPT:ADouble-EdgedSword?Health Services Insights. 2023;16. doi:10.1177/11786329231174338
  9. VijayGS, GhongeS, VajjalaSM, PalalD. PrevalenceofVitaminDDeficiencyinType2 DiabetesMellitusPatients:ACross-SectionalStudy. Cureus. 2023May12;15(5):e38952. doi: 10.7759/cureus.38952. PMID: 37313077; PMCID: PMC10258395.
  10. ChirravuriV, GhongeS, PalalD(February05, 2023) Cross-SectionalStudyofSerum Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 Levels Amongst Corporate Employees. Cureus 15(2): e34642. doi:10.7759/cureus.34642
  11. ChauhanS,VajjalaSM,GhongeS.Polio Vaccines:ACrucialStepTowardsEradication andSustainingImmunity.HealthServInsights.2023Jul6;16:11786329231186013.doi: 10.1177/11786329231186013. PMID: 37435547; PMCID: PMC10331174.
  12. BansalP, Sharma K, U ARK, Ghonge S. ClinicalfeaturesofVitamin D deficiency in childrenand their correlationwithVitamin D levels: Across-sectionalstudyinSRVS medicalcollege, Shivpuri. NatlJPhysiolPharmPharmacol. (2023),[citedJanuary31, 2024]; 13(6): 1253-1256. doi:10.5455/njppp.2023.13.04192202323042023
  13. Patil, KanchanD.Ingle, AjayC. Sahu. HIV/AIDSAndChildren’sHealthIn Central India. Adv. Biores. Vol 14 [1] March 2023; 112-116
  14. Thakur, Kavita N; Khedkar, Devidas T; Palal, Deepu; Subhash, Johnson; Jadhav, Sudhir L; Rathod, Hetal; Jadav, Vallari; Sohkhlet, Gracia; Verma, Prerna; Borah, Nirankush; Nallapu,Sandeep;Gangurde,Shweta;Mahajan, Anil.IntroductionofSpatialTechnology for Surveillance of Vectors of Mosquito-Borne Diseases as an Innovative Training Tool for Undergraduate Medical Students: Qualitative Assessment. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y.PatilVidyapeeth16(3):p423-430,May–Jun2023.|DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_975_21
  15. Borah N, Bhawalkar J S, Rathod H, et al. (March 04, 2023) Challenges to Cardiac RehabilitationPostCoronaryArteryBypassGrafting:AQualitativeStudyinPune. Cureus 15(3): e35755. doi:10.7759/cureus.35755
  16. Thakur, Kavita; Gangurde, Shweta; Rathod, Hetal; Verma, Prerna. Culturally Coherent Nutrition to Promote Lactating Mothers’ Health. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth16(2):p302-303,Mar–Apr2023.|DOI:10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_17_22
  17. Palal D, Jadhav SL, Gangurde S, Thakur K, Rathod H, S J, Verma P, Nallapu S, Revikumar A, Nair GR. People's Perspective on Out-of-Pocket Expenditure for Healthcare:AQualitativeStudyFromPune,India.Cureus.2023Feb6;15(2):e34670. doi: 10.7759/cureus.34670. PMID: 36909087; PMCID: PMC9993438
  18. Sohkhlet G,ThakurK,DavidSI,VermaP,JadavV,SJ,PalalD,BorahN,BanerjeeA, Nallapu S. Stress in Caregivers of Stroke Patients During Rehabilitation: An Observational Study. Cureus. 2023 Apr 10;15(4):e37410. doi: 10.7759/cureus.37410. PMID: 37181963; PMCID: PMC10172376.
  19. Band,RahulM.;Patel,JemiH.1;Ghangale,AjayL.2;Lakhute,SadhanaV.3,. Awareness Regarding Substances of Abuse and Related Laws among Medical Students in Pune Region. Medical JournalofDr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth 16(2):p 208-212, Mar–Apr 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_84_22
  20. Banerjee,Amitav.ChatbotChallengesforEditors,Reviewers,andAuthors.Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 16(3):p 307-308, May–Jun 2023. | DOI: 4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_327_23
  21. Banerjee, Amitav. Modern Medicine, Modern Wars, and the Sword of Damocles. MedicalJournalofDr. D.Y.PatilVidyapeeth16(2):p141-142, Mar–Apr 2023.|DOI: 4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_115_23
  22. Banerjee, Amitav. Trust the science – Can we?. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth16(1):p1-3,Jan–Feb2023.|DOI:10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_1020_22
  23. Banerjee,Amitav.MedicalProfessionandResearch:StrangeBedfellows.Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 16(4):p 481-482, Jul–Aug 2023. | DOI: 4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_480_23
  24. Mukhida,Sahjid Palal,DeepuVyawahare,Chanda Mali,VikramDas,Nikunja Kumar. (2022). Is reuse of surgical and N95 masks dangerous? An opinion. Journal of Patient Safety and Infection Control. 10. 57. 10.4103/jpsic.jpsic_34_22.
  25. Johnson, S., Srivastava, K., Palal, D., Verma, P. (2023). Stroke awareness and prevention- Theneed ofthehour. MedicalJournalofDr. D.Y.PatilVidyapeeth, 16, 175 -176.
  26. Thakur, Kavita N.; Borah, Nirankush; Gangurde, Shweta; Rathod, Hetal. Mutation in RNAViruses:AChallengetoEffectiveVaccineDevelopment. MedicalJournalof Dr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth16(Suppl1):pS170-S171, September2023. |DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_315_22
  27. Srivastava,K.,Ghoge,S.,Sahu,A.,Rathod,H.K.(2023).CommunityAlcoholic -A Ticking Bomb. Indian Journal of Community Health.
  28. Ghonge, Swati Patil, Shital Srivastava, Kajal Borgaonkar, Chaitali. (2023). “Medicalteacher”–Acooljob?–Aninsight intofacultystressandchangingscenarios of medical colleges. Industrial Psychiatry Journal. 32. S283-S284. 4103/ipj.ipj_244_23.
  29. Lakhute,Sadhana Rathod,HetalRay,SumanLijhara,TanviAgarwal,Kshitij Srivastava, Kajal. (2023). Tobacco and alcohol use among adolescents in Northern India. Industrial Psychiatry Journal. 32. S64-S67. 10.4103/ipj.ipj_200_23.
  30. Borgaonkar, Chaitali; Lakhute, Sadhana;Vajjala, SaiM.;Shivale, ShubhamJ.;Nagar, Akash; Nallapu, Sandeep. Mobile usage among degree college students in industrial townshipofwesternMaharashtra -“Adescriptivestudy”. IndustrialPsychiatryJournal 32(Suppl 1):p S157-S160, November 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/ipj.ipj_229_23
  31. Band,R.,Ghangale,A.L.,Lakhute,S.V.,Gaiwale,S.D.,Sapate,A.B.,Kulkarni,V.M. (2022). A retrospective observational study of appearance and fusion of ossification centres in lower limb radiographs of patients reported in the tertiary health care centre.JournalofIndianAcademyofForensicMedicine.
  32. Banerjee, Amitav. Psychological disorders due to the pandemic-driven industrial recession:Culturalcontext iscrucial. IndustrialPsychiatryJournal32(Suppl 1):pS6-S8, November 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/ipj.ipj_205_23
  33. Palal, Deepu; Verma, Prerna; Jadav, Vallari; Sohkhlet, Gracia; Rathod, Hetal; Desale, Atul1;Jadhav,SudhirL;Johnson,Subash;Nallapu,Sandeep;Borah,Nirankush.GISfor Real-TimeMapping inField Surveys. MedicalJournalofDr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth():, June 02, 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_103_23
  34. Rathod,Hetal;Johnson., S;Palal, Deepu;Verma, Prerna. Solid Gold vs Liquid Gold: Whichto Prefer?. MedicalJournalofDr. D.Y. PatilVidyapeeth16(Suppl1):p S1-S2, September 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_856_22
  35. Buch, Archana*; Khan, Uzair1,*; Rathod, Hetal2; Jain, Khushi; Dwivedi, Aryan1; Rajesh,Arasi3.Tumorbudding inbreast carcinoma:Asystematicreviewand meta- analysis. JournalofCancerResearchandTherapeutics19(7):p1697-1713,Oct–Dec 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/jcrt.jcrt_188_22
  36. CBucha, basedcytologyindetectionofhumanpapilloma virus and disgnosing oral premalignantlesions Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Medicine and Pathology 2023
  37. PalalD,et al.Samplesizecalculationusingfreesoftwares-Part1:Prevalancestudies. Journal of Indian medical association 2023 ,121-11, 48
  38. Nallapu,SandeepBorah,NirankushGangurde,ShwetaGhonge,Swati.(2023).A case series of substance abuse among urban slum population during the COVID 19 pandemic. Industrial Psychiatry Journal. 32. S262-S264. 10.4103/ipj.ipj_241_23.
  39. Pratap, Abhijit; More, Umesh ; Dhat, Vaishali; Phalak, Pradnya; Borgaonkar, Chaitali.(2023).Letterregarding“ElastaseandCOVID-19relationship,andpotential natural resource as elastase inhibitors: A comprehensive review”. Journal of Applied Biology ; Biotechnology. 10.7324/JABB.2023.164913.
  40. Pratap, A.,Dhat,V.V.,Phalak, P.;Borgaonkar,C. (2023). Qualitycontrolinmedical laboratory: Are we doing enough? Indian Journal of Public Health, 67, 684 - 685.
  41. Amoghashree; Sajjan, Saraswati ; Gouda, Netra. (2023). Assessment of HPV AwarenessandVaccinationUptakeAmongMedicalStudentsinDavangere. 12. 2741-
  42. SahuPC,AliInamdarIFA,Purohit L,SahuAC.Nutritionalstatusofreproductiveage group women: A community-based study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2023 Jun;12(6):1113-1117. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1571_22. Epub 2023 Jun 30. PMID: 37636191; PMCID: PMC10451601.
  43. Gulabani, Parth; Buch, Archana; Nair, Gayatri Rathod, Hetal Nanda, Sanya Haseen, Salwa. (2023).Studyofalterationofhematologicalandbiochemical parameters among adult patients with dengue infection at a tertiary care hospital in Western Maharashtra. International Journal of Academic Medicine. 9. 216-223. 4103/ijam.ijam_53_23.
  44. Banerjee, Amitav. Determinantsofsuddendeaths amongadults inIndia:Theproblemof overmatching in case-control studies. Indian Journal of Medical Research 158(56):p 505, Nov–Dec 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/ijmr.ijmr_2243_23
  45. PoonamPS,SaraswatiVSajjan,Child contact management inTuberculosisunderNTEP in Kalaburagi district of North Karnataka. Indian Journal of Public Health
  46. Shetiya SH, Jadhav SL, Kheur S, Kapoor S, Gupta R. Compliance to the Tobacco-Free Educational Institution(ToFEI) guidelines at Madhyamik Vidhyalayas of Pimpri- Chinchwad,Pune,Maharashtra-Acrosssectionalstudy.IndianJTuberc[Internet].2023; Available from:
  47. Rao P, Rangankar V,RohatgiS, DubeyP, GitayA,SinghA, et al. Predictorsofdisease severity in COVID-19 associated mucormycosis: impact of HbA1C levels, time lag to mucormycosis onset, and radiologic patterns of paranasal sinuses and spaces involvement. Infect Dis (Lond) [Internet]. 2023;55(11):755–66. Available from:
  48. Nallapu, SImpact ofCOVID-19pandemiconmentalhealthofgeneralpopulation:A Comparison study between Rural Urban Population. IndustrialPsychiatryJournal Nov-23 32-1
  49. Caffeine–anenigma.Healthline[Internet].2023;14(2):95–8.Availablefrom:
  50. Jadav V, Rathod H, Jadhav S, Mahajan A, Palal D, Borah N, et al. Development and validationoftreatment adherencescale fortype2diabetesmellitus.JDiabetol[Internet]. 2023;14(2):78–83. Available from:
  1. Srivastava K et al Comapartive study of the impact of lifestyle factors on the health among students from different professional background Journal of Indian medical association
  2. Palal D et al Behind the white coat: decoding doctor suicides and stratergies Indian journal of social psychiatry
  3. Verma P et al Serpents and Thermometers: Connecting the Dots Between Climate Change and the Growing Menace of Snake Bites Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
  4. Verma P et al Bridging the gap: promoting accessibility and awareness of government schemes Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
  5. Banerjee A et al The ghost in machine: are friction and facts merging? Industrial Pyschiatry Journal
  6. Banerjee A et al "Editors, Reviewers, Ragpickers, and Garbage-Handlers: Similar Challenges!" Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth
  7. Banerjee A et al Vaccine hesistancy cannot be considered as vaccum Industrial pyschiatry journal
  8. Lakhute S et al stress among Working Woman: a silent serpant National journal of community medicine
  9. Ingle k et al Clinico-radiological Evaluation of Postmenopausal Women for Osteoporosis in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Maharashtra Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum
  10. Johnson s et al Future of NEET-PG boon or bane Journal of Indian medical association
  11. Rathod H et al Consumption of junk food among school going children Journal of Family medicine and primary care
  12. Ajaykumar et al Scrub Typhus Strikes: Menacing Maternal and Fetal Health Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care (JFMPC)
  13. Srivastava K et al NAFLD in diabetes:screening and preventivev startergy Journal of Family medicine and primary care
  14. Bhawalkar J Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on healthcare workers in a Tertiary Healthcare Center in India: a cross-sectional study Nature Journal (Scientific report)
  15. Rathod H et al Role of liquid based cytology in detection of human papilloma virus and daignosing oral premalignant and malignant lesions Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, medicine and pathology.