Research Outcomes

Research Summary

List of ICMR – STS Research projects sanctioned

Sr. No. Name of the Project Investigators Name of the Guide Year of Award Duration of the Project Funding Agency Total Amount of Funds Received
1 knowledge and understanding of Japanese Encephalitis among healthprofessionals in a tertiary care hospital of Pune: A Cross sectional study Dipndra singh Dr.Jyoti Landge, 10,000
2 Study on the Beneficial and harmful effect of social media on the youth Twinkal Gupta Dr. Atul Desale 10,000

Proposal approved

Sr. No. Title Name of student Name of research guide
1 Does empathy decline in medical students during the course of their professional training? A cross sectional study. Mayobhav Vasistha Dr. Amitav Banerjee
2 comparitive study of the impact of lifestyle factors on the health of students from different professional backgrounds. Vishakha Jayram Dr. Kajal Srivastava
3 Study title: A comprehensive approach to study various facets of tobacco consumption and factors resulting in failure of its cessation. Shreyansh S Buty Dr. Chaitali Borgaonkar
4 Cross-sectional study of serum vitamin B12 & vitamin D3 levels amongst corporate employees Mr. Virinchi Venkata Chirravuri Dr. Swati Ghonge

Government Funded

Sr.No. Title Investigator Rs.
1 PCMC SARS-CoV2 seroprevalence study Dr Amitav Banerjee Dr Bhargav Gaikwad 4500000/-

Ongoing Projects

Sr. No. Title Investigators
1 Barriers to modern family planning methods – Rapid appraisal and qualitative study in Pune district Dr Jyoti Landge, Dr. Swati Ghonge, Dr. Hetal Rathod, Dr. A. Banerjee
2 The reasons for seeking MTP services and its effect on mental well being of women in Dr. D.Y.Patil Hospital Dr. Parul Sharma Dr. Kajal Shrivastava Dr. Jyoti Landge Dr. J.S.Bhawalkar
3 To Study impact of training undergraduate students on counseling skills in antenatal care using simulated patients Dr. H. Rathod Dr. S. L. Jadhav Dr.J.S. Bhawalkar
4 A study to assess the awareness of Multi drug resistant tuberculosis among general practioners of urban field practice area of Dr.D.Y.Patil Medical college, Pune Dr.Kajal Srivastava Dr. Hetal Rathod Dr.J.S. Bhawalkar
5 Decision making power among women in urban Pune Dr. Hetal Rathod Dr. Amrita Rao Dr. Jayant Kalkute Dr. S. L. Jadhav Dr.J.S. Bhawalkar

Completed Major Research Projects by Faculty Members funded by Dr. D. Y. PatilVidyapeeth, Pune(1st August 2022 to 31st July 2023)

  1. Cross sectional study of serum vitamin B-12 & vitamin D3 levels among corporate employees- Dr. swati ghonge
  2. Prevalace of Vitamin D & B12 deficiency among Urban & Rural Populations in & around Pune.- Dr Swati ghonge
  1. Ongoing Major Research Projects by Faculty Members funded by Dr. D. Y. PatilVidyapeeth, Pune(1st August 2022 to 31st July 2023)

1 Dr.Kajal Srivastava-Effect Of Lifestyle Factors on Prediabteic Adult slum population-A cluster randomized study

2 Dr Hetal Rathod -“Barriers to modern family planning methods – Rapisal appraisal and qualitative study”"

3 Dr Kanchan Ingle-A longitudinal study to determine the immunogenicity of the Covid-19 vaccine

4 Dr Shweta Chauhan-Transforming Menstrual Hygiene in Government School: Assessing Facilities, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices among Adolescent Girls and Developing a Model for Best Practices